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Survey Says: Super Bowl Ads Still Sell


Despite the uncertain economy, three out of four Americans are still more likely to research or buy a product after seeing it advertised during the Super Bowl, according to a study of 1,000 Americans fielded by Venables Bell & Partners.

Of respondents polled, 40% were optimistic about the future of the economy in 2010; 24% pessimistic; and 36% unsure. However, the majority of consumers state that advertising in the Super Bowl is responsible vs. irresponsible, and 64% would be disappointed if advertising during the game disappeared.

When asked what they were most likely to discuss the Monday after, Americans are just as likely to discuss ads, as they are plays. In fact, 66% still remember their favorite brand advertiser from last year's Super Bowl while only 39% remember who won the game.

Advertising more memorable than the game? Love that!

by Steve Hall    Jan-14-10    
Topic: Research, Super Bowl 2010

Armani Taps The Unbelievable Hotness of Megan Fox


Those eyes! That waist! Those hips! Those lips! The Come Hither-ness! Yes, we're talking about Transformers hottie Megan Fox. The actress, replacing Victoria Beckham, is the new underwear model for Emporio Armani's Spring/Summer collection. Admire her beauty here.

Fox will also appear in the designer's Armani Jeans campaign.

by Steve Hall    Jan-13-10    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity

Faces Clopped, D&AD Calls, ADC Calls, Gen Y Speaks


- If for no other reason than to stave off boredom, check out Monoclops and turn yourself into a morphlicious monoclop.

- The deadline for entering the D&AD Awards in Wednesday, January 2010. If you're inclined, you can view the call for entry ads here.

- For the second time in the history of the broadcast, Super Bowl ad pricing has dropped. Last year, spots went for $ 3 million. This year, they are going for $2.5 - $2.8 million.

- Mullen-supported The Next Great Generation is a GenY-focused blog which covers crowdsourcing, explores the GenY demo and aims to educate brands and marketers about the segment's thinking and lifestyle.

- The Art Director's Club is looking for entries for its 89th Annual Awards. get them in by January 22.

- How were Legos...uh LEGO bricks...invented? by some strange looking dude with a mustache after he realized people can't fly. And it's all about community. And there's a video. And there's a Twitter profile to follow. And there's an iPhone app!

- Hmm. Branding people with AIDS? Or just making them aware of it?

- When making a billboard buy for alcoholism, it's best not to place the board near a board that promotes an alcoholic beverage.

by Steve Hall    Jan-13-10    
Topic: Games, Industry Events, Strange, Super Bowl 2010, Weblogs

Oh Look! RayBan Revisits Tattoo-vertising!


Way back in 2004, a company called TatAd paid people wear a tattoo and become walking billboards for products. It was a fad and it came and went. Well, it's back courtesy of our friends over at RayBan who are no into the whole it's-not-advertising advertising thing.

There's a video of a guy getting pair of glasses tattooed onto his face. And there's pictures. Apparently, it's real. Given the amount of ink already on the guy's body, it's safe to say he'd be perfectly comfortable adding eyeglass ink to his face.

Cutwater does it again.

by Steve Hall    Jan-13-10    
Topic: Human

Wait, What? Who Did I Meet Last Night?


Ever wake up in the morning and have no idea where you were the night before? Or worse, find a phone number in your pocket and wonder whether it belongs to the hot girl or guy you met or the number of your bookie to whom you owe money?

Arlington-based 3 Bar and Grill, with help from Bill Santry Design, hopes to alleviate those concerns with it's napkins. They are helpfully branded with the name of the location and a space to fill in the name and number of that hot girl/guy...or that annoying bookie.

by Steve Hall    Jan-13-10    
Topic: Specialty

BBC' Knowledge Hopes to Avert Idiocracy


With the tone of a 42Below commercial and the logic of If You Give A Mouse A Cookie, this new commercial from the BBC which promotes its Knowledge program is a panoply of random facts such as the fact pencils can dram a line 56 kilometers long, a full moon is nine times brighter than a half moon and a snail can sleep for three years. Who knew?

The campaign comes from the appropriately named Three Drunk Monkeys

by Steve Hall    Jan-13-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials

Got Empty Cup Holders? Dentyne Wants to Fill Them With Gum


Realizing the proliferation of cup holders in cars and the apparent fact they're not all occupied with a beverage, Dentyne decided to package their gum in a container that would fit in a cup holder. To promote this packaging, Dentyne wants people to Twitpic their empty cup holders with the hashtag #emptycupholderto get a free bottle of gum. Bottle of gum. That just doesn't sound quite right.

Wants some free gum? Hurry up. The promotion ends at noon today.

We can't tell you who was behind this work. Well, we could but they asked us not to. We're going to honor that request but, wow, for some reason, we feel like going out and buying some wine right now.

by Steve Hall    Jan-13-10    
Topic: Social

Coke Machine Delivers Happiness to College Students


Now this is fun. This is happiness. This is Coke's Happiness Machine. definition6 placed a Coke machine in the middle of a college campus. But this wasn't your standard Coke Machine. No. Aside from delivering a Coke - or three, or ten - the machine, with help form an actual human inside, dispensed pizza, balloons and a 20 foot long sub.

Now that's happiness.

by Steve Hall    Jan-13-10    
Topic: Guerilla

Who Says You Can't put A Car in A Shopping Cart?


Just how easy is it to buy an Alfa Romeo? So easy you can just place it in a shopping cart and be on your way. And that's exactly what Duval Guillaume did in Belgium's shopping centers for the Alfa Romeo MiTo.

by Steve Hall    Jan-13-10    
Topic: Guerilla

Guys: Clean Your Dirty Balls With Axe Detailer


This double entendre-filled Axe "commercial" illustrates how guys can keep their "balls" clean. There's really nothing else to say about this one other than, damn, those are some seriously dirty balls.

by Steve Hall    Jan-12-10    
Topic: Commercials

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