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Box Jocks, Dumb Ads, California Calls, Critter Crosses, Chrome Confused


- Box Jocks lets kids can design, download, print and build their own papercraft figure while learning about sports safety. It's sponsored by Levine Children's Hospital and Kohl's and was created by BooneOakley in Charlotte, NC.

- CNN Money has a list of the Dumbest Moments of the Decade. It includes Jay Leno's move to primetime, the Chris Farley DirecTV ad and the shake the baby iPhone app.

- Want to be in a California Tourism ad? Here's your chance.

- Want to play a game in which you help a cute little critter cross the river? Then check out Dodge to the Lodge from TAMBA Internet.

- Mullen's North Carolina office has been awarded the Men's Wearhouse and K&G Fashion Superstore accounts and the agency has promoted Group Creative Director Jason Black to Executive Creative Director.

- Can't Google explain anything simply? Apparently not.

- Provision thinks it has the answer to ad blindness.

by Steve Hall    Dec-15-09    
Topic: Games, Video

If You View Bullying Online, You Are A Bully Yourself


London's Department for Children, Schools & Families, with help from Profero, has released a series of videos portraying cyber-bullying. The various clips show kids being taunted and teased. They then end with the taunted and teased teen taking control of the camera and explaining how when the viewer laughs at the taunt they are just as much a part of it as the people doing the actual taunting.

See the campaign here.

Protect your children from cyber bullying before it starts.

by Steve Hall    Dec-15-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Video

Poll to Determine Decade's Best Online Marketing Campaign


GoViral has launched an online poll to determine the "most game-changing" online marketing campaign of the decade. Through December 19, you can check out the short list of 40 entrants from the Cadbury Gorilla to the Obama campaign to John West's Bear to Agent Provocatuer's Feat to BMW Films to Burger King's Subservient Chicken Lynx Tickle to Dove Evolution to Epybird's Diet Coke/Mentos thing to Diesel's Heides and vote for your favorite.

Check it all out here.

by Steve Hall    Dec-15-09    
Topic: Online

Today Panera Bread Solves the World's Disagreements


Isn't there enough fighting and disagreement in this world? Enough wars? Enough celebrity battles? Enough high school clique battles? Enough brand wars? Enough feuds? Yes, there certainly are.

Panera wants it all to stop and, this holiday season, has invited everyone to make up and break bread. At one of their stores, of course. Created by Mullen, Panera ran this full page ad in USAToday this morning.

Among many of the feuds out there, the ad asks The Secret Service and The Party Crashers, The Mac Guy and the PC Guy, Rosie O'Donnell and Tom Selleck, Yoko and the remaining Beetles, Prius drivers and Hummer drivers, Kanye West and anyopne with a TV, Jessica Simpson and Perez Hilton, the FiOS Guy and that other cable guy, Housewives in Orange County ans Housewives in NYC, Dick Cheney and Hunters and Magic Johnson and Isiah Thomas to put aside their disagreements and head to Panera.

by Steve Hall    Dec-15-09    
Topic: Brands, Newspaper

Naughty or Nice? Let Your Twitter Stream Determine


Want to know if you're naughty or nice this holiday season? Visit Collective London's Twitter stream analyzer which detects whether or not you'll be on his list or not. You can also tweet you niceness or nastiness. Predictable, I'm naughty.

by Steve Hall    Dec-14-09    
Topic: Social

Like Unicorns? There's an App For That


There's over one million iPhone apps now. One million. Or something like that. Perhaps ten percent actually do something. The other ninety? Well, here's an example of what people are wasting their time creating and downloading. The street promotion for this app is actually more fun than the app itself.

Minneapolis agency mono created this pointless timewaster. Oh wait. People are into this unicorn crap. So we guess it's all good.

by Steve Hall    Dec-14-09    
Topic: Mobile/Wireless, Video

If You Lay on This Beach You could Get Cancer


So you're laying on the beach enjoying yourself and suddenly you hear this. Do you really want to be reminded that all you're doing is increasing your chances of getting skin cancer? Well that's the goal of this creation from Sydney-based Three Drunk Monkeys which worked with singer/songwriter Ben Lee to create a five second message to be played at area beaches. Twenty different messages were created. Here's one.

by Steve Hall    Dec-14-09    
Topic: Outdoor

EA Mocks, Worst Marketing, Worst Ads, Lost Dogs

- Here's a 22 minute "mockumentary" from Mechanism that promotes the Electronic Arts World War II game, The Saboteur.

- Here's the first of many. One man's list of the Top Ten Worst Marketing Moves of 2009.

- Lost your dog? There's an app for that.

- And in other lists...here's BNET's Ten Worst Ads of 2009.

by Steve Hall    Dec-14-09    
Topic: Video

London Agency Gives Us Point., Click, Sing Holiday Cheer


So the singing head thing has been done before by agencies but this one is kind of fun. After listening to the agency sing a Christmas carol, you get to choose your own selection and use your keyboard to make the singing heads do their business.

This little holiday time waster comes to us from Archibald Ingall Stretton in London. Have fun.

by Steve Hall    Dec-14-09    
Topic: Agencies

Do You Know What Bears Do in There?


Don't you love how much bottled water and beer companies love to tout how great they are because they come from crystal clear springs that cascade down from snow-capped mountaintops? Don't you love how they never mention what the wildlife does in that crystal clear water?

Well Breckenridge Brewery of Colorado cares and they make a point of reminding us what bears do in the wild. The work comes from Cultivator Advertising & Design and will break in January on the Cotton Bowl and/or the Orange Bowl as well as Fox sports programming.

by Steve Hall    Dec-14-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials

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