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What Is Southern Comfort? It's New Orleans' Savior


If you ever wanted to know everything there is to know about New Orleans - well, an overly stereotypical version of the place - you need look no further than these new commercials from Southern Comfort created by Arnold Worldwide.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-28-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns

Bored Doggy + Internet Access = Online Porn


You've always got to wonder about these ads. You know the ones. The entire ad is one large graphic. And the only other thing on the page is a tiny logo and, perhaps, a tagline. And it's in English but from non-English speaking country. Nine times out of ten, they are spec or spoof ads. And sometimes they can cause you to be sued for thousands by brands without a sense of humor.

This ad for a daytime dog care company asks us to wonder just what our four legged friends really do all day long when they're home alone. According to this ad, they are no different that us humans when we get a little bored and need a bit of distraction from the stress of our daily routines.

We've asked the creators of this ad, Jung von Matt in Stockholm, Sweden, to categorize this ad for us (they've confirmed it to be the deal deal) but we really don't care. We like it whether it's real or not.

by Steve Hall    Oct-28-09    
Topic: Racy, Strange

ad:tech Sponsors Pack Parties Into One Busy Night


Everyone loves a great party. Everyone loves the chance to mix and mingle with their fellow industry mates. And that's what conference parties provide. So, serious or unserious, we consider it our job to make you aware of all the partylicious goodness that's scheduled for each conference. So, here we go.

As previously mentioned, Moss Networks, along with Advertise.com, Adknowledge and GenieKnows, will host its VIP MIX + Mingle at the Hudson Terrace Wednesday, November 4 from 10PM to close. Also on Wednesday, The Oldtimers Foundation will host an event at the Thom Bar from 7PM to 9PM. Also on Wednesday (yes, this is always the problem), Elaphant Traffic will host a VIP (is anyone not a VIP?) Launch Party at 1 Oak from 7PM to 11PM.

Also on Wednesday (get used to this), Mozes, Billboard and ad:tech will co-host the official Opening Party at the Roosevelt Hotel from 7PM to...we have no idea. Also on Wednesday (yawn...), Eyeblaster will host its 8th Annual Eyeblaster Awards party at Providence from 8PM until midnight. And, and, and also on Wednesday (WTF???), the Mother of all Parties, Money Makers III will take place at Pacha from 9PM until, well, breakfast the next morning.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-27-09    
Topic: Industry Events

That's My Billboard! No, It's Mine! No, Mine! Waa! Waa!


Pity the poor wild posting. It's under attack by New York-based Public Art Campaign. Specifically, the group is targeting NPA, a company which maintains a collection of specific wild posting locations.

Public Art Campaign representatives Sunday were seen around Manhattan with buckets of white paint covering NPA wild posting boards. According to Gothamist, less that an hour after the boards were whitewashed and non-commercial art applied, NPA had reclaimed the boards are reposted them with commercial messaging.

It's like two kids fighting over a toy (Mine! Mine! Mine!) until it breaks. Which then leads to a dueling temper tantrum of epic proportion.

According to the New York Times, five people were arrested in association with the standoff.

by Steve Hall    Oct-27-09    
Topic: Cause, Outdoor, Strange

The Boston Celtics Re-Everything in New Campaign


Rebuilt. Resurrect. Relentless. Recharged. Regroup. Rectify. Reboot. Rewrite. Revolt. Recapture. Revitalized. Restart. Reunite. Reemerge. Refresh. Renew. Repossess. Revenge. Respect. Rearrange. Reactivate. Remedy. Reawaken. Reconcile. Reborn. Redemption. Reaffirm. Reinvent. Rejuvinated. Replenish. Rejoice. Rekindle. Recommit. Reclaim. Revamp. Renewal. Reloaded.

We know we missed a few. See if you can catch them.

by Steve Hall    Oct-27-09    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Honestly. All Teenagers Aren't Dropouts, Criminals, Wild Animals


"This video has attracted...a few views. Its by the RNLI and Proximity London and its just a mess. I can't work out what the hell they are promoting. The video talks about how great Apple are, hoodies and the youth.

Which would make sense if the RNLI was a children's charity, its not its a Lifeboat Charity in the UK.

It just doesn't make any sense and seems to be a case of award hunting rather than doing the charity any good.

Sending in as ANON as my friend works at Proximity and says that everyone is in a major panic over this."

OK, OK. We'll promote your video. Next time just ask.

by Steve Hall    Oct-27-09    
Topic: Strange

Yawn. Hot Chick Strips in Back Seat For Samsung


If you're going to shoot a "viral" of a hot chick like Yfke Sturm stripping in a limo to pimp your Samsung Allure 5 phone, the least you could do is film it so we could actually see what was going on. Especially when she's got assets like these.

Oh wait. We get it. You shot it to purposefully make us drool for more. It's viral strategy 4,745. Sorry. We should know this stuff by now. Our bad.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-27-09    
Topic: Viral

Twitter Gets Dirty, Tweets Recycled, Boobs Jiggle


- Check out Tweeagle, "a real-time collection of the dirtiest words and wordsmiths on twitter."

- OMG! MINI has "entered a new era of the brand's social media marketing" with...a MINI Facebook page! OMFG! Can you believe it?

- The Meijer Headless Horseman is making his way through Chicago, Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Columbus.

- Into jiggling boobs? Uh, man boobs that is. Then you'll love this Identity Guard commercial.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-26-09    
Topic: Commercials, Outdoor, Social

'Be That Woman' Helps Single Mothers Get on Their Feet


We didn't think a cute little video about the challenges a single mother faces would affect us all that much but then, as we watched, we realized there are a lot of struggling women out there with mouths to feed who need help and don't have it all that easy.

This video from BeThatWoman.org takes us through the day of a woman who's trying to make a go of it for her and her baby. And it's tough going. She can't afford medicine. She can't afford to pay her utility bills. She can't afford daycare or the bus. She can't get a job at a snotty cafe.

And then. Salvation. She finds a women's center which can help her get back on her feet. It's the Washington Area Women's Foundation and the video was created by RP3. We like the simplicity of the work and the simplicity of the message.

by Steve Hall    Oct-26-09    
Topic: Cause

Drink Fanta...And Become A Mime?


Admit it. You've done it. At least once. You've walked into a glass door thinking it was open. Yea, you know you have. Fess up. But the real question is, how did you save yourself from the embarrassment of having made such an idiotic move?

Well if you drink Fanta and you're an uber cool cartoon hipster, you become a mime and mime your way out of the debacle. Really. It's that easy. Just watch.

Ogilvy & Mather created. Psyop produced.

by Steve Hall    Oct-26-09    
Topic: Commercials

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