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Geoff Ramsey, Microsoft Illuminate Advertising Week


Yesterday Advertising Week kicked off and as part of the week, the Internet Advertising Bureau held its MIXX Conference at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Times Square. It was attended by about 1,000 people and the sessions covered the usual stuff. The exhibit hall bustled for a bit but it's a smallish conference compared to some of the others in the industry.


This smallness has its advantages though. You can actually find people you are looking for and can talk to them without being trampled by a herd of show bag-wielding conference Nazis whose sole goal is to make sure they shove their business card into the hands of anyone who will take it.


eMarketer's Geoff Ramsey gave another of his stellar, figure-filled sessions which was well attended and left the other two sessions, for the most part, empty and full of cob webs. Geoff always has the facts and figures. Always fills your head with more information than you can take causing you the rush the stage after the session and beg him to forward you the PowerPoint version of the presentation.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-22-09    
Topic: Industry Events

Little Debbie Does Dallas (No Really. It's Part of the Promotion)


OK so now we know why those silly little Smart cars exist. They're really not good for much and look like they'll blow over in the wind but cupcake maker Little Debbie has a use for them. The brand is launching a new cupcake and, along with a Facebook page, a 125,000 carton cupcake giveaway, a mobile tour, a Twitter feed, a YouTube channel, a Flickr photostream, event marketing, TV spots and blogger bribes..,uh...blogger outreach, will giveaway two Smart cars.

Se the spots here.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-22-09    
Topic: Events, Guerilla, Mobile/Wireless, Promotions, Social

Kleenex Lectures Us on Brand Identity With Grammar Fail


Love the comments we get from readers.

Somebody claiming to be Kevin wrote:

Did you see the banner/display ad on the AdAge newsletter this AM? from Kleenex, "Help us keep our brand identity COMMA ours." And a click-thru to some dopey microsite.

misplaced comma

Are they friggin kidding?


by Steve Hall    Sep-21-09    
Topic: Bad, Online

Crest Grabs Seacrest. Results Less Than Believable


Is it just us or was it a really, really poor choice for Crest to hook up with Ryan Seacrest to pimp its new Crest Extra-White plus Scope Outlast? In two new commercials, Secreast uses the product and ends up attracting throngs of hotties like an Axe commercial. The dude just doesn't strike us as a lady's man. Don't know what it is but this isn't working for us.

Oh wait. Crest. Seacrest. Yea, that was too easy to pass up.

by Steve Hall    Sep-21-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Commercials

Dude Takes Viagra Before Commercial Shoot


We're not really in love with this second outing for the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy and Unplanned Parenthood in which a Viagra commercial shoot is spoofed. It's just not that funny. Maybe it's because it's Advertising Week and we're expecting greatness. Oh wait. Advertising greatness? The two words don't even belong in the same sentence. Sorry about that.

Well anyway. Here it is.

by Steve Hall    Sep-21-09    
Topic: Cause, Strange, Video

Creativity Shared, Legends Made, Taglines Trashed


- Maybe creating advertising isn't the only thing you create. If you've got creativity you want to share with the world, check out The Rogue's Gallery.

- Want to become an ad legend but don't want to wait around 40 years for it to happen? Check out Instant Ad Legend. Oh wait, it's just a portfolio for a couple of college students. Still check it out though. It's,,,well...it's OK.

- Love to wallow in the hideousness of bad creative? Bad over to the Bad Taglines Twitter stream. (Oops. It seems to have disappeared. Oh well.)

- The Cheesecake Factory has partnered with Feeding America for The 'Drive Out Hunger' Tour. Throughout the month of September, in support of Hunger Action Month, they'll be touring 30 cities in 30 days holding an event each day to collect cans of soup benefiting the local food bank

by Steve Hall    Sep-21-09    
Topic: Online, Promotions

Creatives Get Sacked. Memorialize the Experience on Video


Not that a lot of us don't already know but if you've somehow managed to escape periods of jobless during your career in advertising, you really ought to exercise your empathy gene by watching The Sack. It's a video series which follows the travails of two out of work creatives from Melbourne. The series takes a look at what the pair went through from the point of sacking to (they fully intend) re-employment.

It's cheeky. It's fun. Give it a watch. And maybe even hire these guys.

by Steve Hall    Sep-21-09    
Topic: Agencies, Video

Big Brother Billboard Offers Oil Recommendations


To encourage drivers to make sure they have the proper oil in their cars, Castrol has launched billboards in the UK which deliver personalized messages to passing cars.

Using cameras, which will be positioned by the side of the road, driver's registration information will be read matching them to the make and model of car via the DVLA database. A message to the driver with the correct oil recommendation for their car's engine will then be flashed on digital billboards further down the road.

Big Brother creepiness aside, it's never a bad thing to remind car owners what type of oil they should be using. Of course, the right type of oil doesn't have to be Castrol bu that's nitpicking, right? This is advertising. Everything's biased in this world.

Here's a video explaining how the whole thing will work.

by Steve Hall    Sep-21-09    
Topic: Outdoor

Doggy Style, The Little Toad and The Rider. Yea, It's A Condom Campaign


OK then. What's Advertising Week without the Pièce de résistance of advertising? Nothing. So it's our duty on this fine sunny (at least in New York) Monday to present yet another sex-laced advertising campaign. This one's from Barcelona-based Suigeneris for La Condoneria. Yea, it's a condom store and the campaign's called Rub-It. Yea, you read that right. Rub it. Which kinda makes sense for a condom campaign, right? After all, that's what you do after you put one on.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-21-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Racy

Newsflash! Advertising's Walk of Fame Winners to be Announced!


So it's Advertising Week this week and what's the most important thing about the week? Icons and slogans, of course. Today at 6PM in Times Square, this year's Walk of Fame Inductees will be announced. In the past, the Geico Caveman, Juan Valdez, the Pillsbury Dough Boy, the Geico Gecko and Tony the Tiger have been Walk of Fame Winners.

In terms of past slogan winners, M&M's' "Melts in Your Hands, Not in Your Mouth", Verizons' "Can You Hear Me Now", FedEx's "When it Absolutely Positively Has to be There Overnight" and Wendy's "Where's the Beef" have been named.

So if you care about the really important stuff in advertising like this stuff, stay glued to Times Square for the news today. And if, like the rest of us, you could care less who wins this folly, just take a walk around Manhattan. There's bound to be a self-centric, ego-fueled ad industry party somewhere on the island.

by Steve Hall    Sep-21-09    
Topic: Industry Events

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