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More Mad Men Mockery Misfires


Wanna watch the world's worst Mad Men promo/spoof? Well, here it is courtesy of Landline TV. We have no idea what they're trying to accomplish with this :60 riff on the AMC series but one thing's clear. It's bad. Really bad.

Can we just leave Mad Men alone and stop obsessing over it. Perhaps enjoy it rather than continuously mock it as if we, the ad industry, are the only people who enjoy the show?

by Steve Hall    Sep- 8-09    
Topic: Cable, Opinion, Worst

Yawn. Groceries Sold With Stop Motion


OK. What's up with the whole stop motion thing? Sure, it can net cool results but why go to all that trouble when you can just film a commercial regularly and save a lot of money in the process? After all, everyone in advertising is lazy right? And clients are always bitching about how much everything costs.

Oh wait, they're creative too. Sadly, they're derivative as well. Which...is why we get the same thing over and over and over again.

by Steve Hall    Sep- 8-09    
Topic: Commercials, Creative Commentary, Opinion

One Club to Ban Award Show Scammers.


A happy ending to an ad nauseam kinda week? Ad Age reports that the One Club has decided to ban any agency that submits scam art from its One Show competition for five years. In doing so, the intent is to cut down on work produced exclusively for award shows. Face it, having just one single award show do this is not enough. Other shows need to join with them here, and One Club leadership has apparently reached out to the other major shows. Regardless of comments that say this is too little, too late, it's a big step considering what's been done to this point. Credit to the One Club for addressing the problem.

Is it the same thing as enforcing existing rules only with harsher penalties the way pro sports do when it comes to steroids? Maybe. But change comes with small moves, right? Whether this seems like it was in response to one blogger's calls for such a ban I can only guess, but it's a big start in the right direction.

by Bill Green    Sep- 7-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Creative Commentary

AdRants Goes Dirty. Who Knew.


Actually, Dirt 2. My week now over, I leave a little present for Steve. Courtesy of Fuel and the logo creator they did for Dirt 2 and Codemasters. I believe the kids call this awesome.

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by Bill Green    Sep- 7-09    
Topic: Campaigns

ad:tech Chicago: Weighing Hearts and Brands on Ancient Scales


ad:tech Chicago's "Love for Sale -- How Great Creative Seduces Its Target" session was broken into two discernably useful parts: statistics on online dating, and seduction as a metaphor for marketing.

We'll begin at the beginning.

The Online Dating Crowd

Accompanied by Liz Ross of Digitas US, Fusion Idea Lab's Matt Brennock regaled us with both statistics and close-to-home anecdotes -- the kind that's fueled many a romantic comedy.

I heard one guy say the pair had great chemistry, and he commended them for "[opening] the kimono" the way they did. Given the topic matter, and Brennock's zeal for reminding us (first once, then twice, then...) that men really do just wanna get laid, the geisha metaphor was oddly appropriate.

Some stats:

  • The average online dater is 42 years old.

  • Match.com remains tops, with 3.4 million uniques/month, but people increasingly drift away from these big-box dating sites and into more niche fare: j-date, veggiedate, Christian singles. (AdAge blogger Kelly Eidson seized this opportunity to send me a link to STD Match, a dating site targeted to people living with sexually transmitted diseases. There are also -- as if you didn't know -- ethnicity-specific sites.)

    If the world wasn't our oyster before, the marvelous advances of the internet, coupled with mankind's enterprising creative spirit, have ensured it certainly is now. There's a match worth blogging.

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