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Morgan Gets His Freak On.


Just wondering if Visa knew how inspired the casting choice for voiceover was when they selected Mr. Inner Freak himself. (After the jump.) Of course, this plot twist wouldn't be complete without a little contextual madness. Clicking the article brings up this Responsibility Project takeover. Ouch.

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by Bill Green    Sep- 3-09    
Topic: Commercials, Creative Commentary

We All Bank With A Yellow Sousaphone...


...a yellow sousaphone. Everybody! FirstBank of Lakewood, Colorado seems to be doing okay in times like these because they're spending a lot of money on free. Outdoor executions from TDA in Boulder include interstate billboards, urban locations and backlit airport dioramas. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE. Online, rich media versions are also planned. Check out all the versions after the jump.

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by Bill Green    Sep- 3-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Magazine, Outdoor

It's a Microsite. It's a Facebook App. It's Both!


Help Andy Murray hit the ball at Radical Messenger. After you sign it first and send it to a friend of course. I think we need a name for the hybrid Facebook-microsite application thing the kids love so much. The Microbook? The Fap? Send your suggestions to the agency who came up with it, Aimaq & Stolle out of Berlin, Germany.

by Bill Green    Sep- 3-09    
Topic: Celebrity, Desktop, Tools

Get The Lotion and The Deur, It's Domino's


Agency Indie out of the Netherlands did a series of outdoor placements using a door as central meeting place for Domino's deliveries. Mmmm. Sand and pepperoni. GET SOME. Cool idea though to bring the campaign's idea of delivery to life this way. (Yes, they have Domino's in the Netherlands. You kidding? THEY GOT THAT SHIT IN OMAN.) Via Xipax.

by Bill Green    Sep- 3-09    
Topic: Guerilla

Man That Phil Jackson Dude is Tall


Hey, when's the last time you hummed you some Cat Stevens? Now you can thanks to T-Mobile's myTouch 3G with full Google Googleness. (Song: If you want to sing out sing out.) Taking a break from Cougar Zeta-Jones, the battle between wireless carriers and browsers ramps up. (Spot below). T-Mobile has basically crafted a pretty smooth spot rivaling all things Apple. While one commenter on YouTube says "I would do Phil Jackson in a heartbeat," I'll just leave it at, um, I like the spot. Throw in a little Whoopie Goldberg and some Jesse James? Celebrity hat trick FTW!

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by Bill Green    Sep- 3-09    
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials

Scamnesty For All


At the risk of using up Steve's bandwidth, let's talk scam, the "other" four-letter word blowing up big this week. So there's a TV spot to go with the real fake WWF ad (After the jump.) Read the reactions here, here, here, here and here. Even Brazil lobbed one back.

Rather than rehash the same points (too much), consider a few other things at work.

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by Bill Green    Sep- 3-09    
Topic: Creative Commentary

Justin Timberlake Wants Your Ideas.


Cue hungry agencies licking their lips over another opportunity to have interns enter a contest. Justin's 901 Tequila announces more loser-generated mayhem. Yawn. You know the drill: Create. Enter. Wait. More details here and sample clip of what not to do below.

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by Bill Green    Sep- 2-09    
Topic: Consumer Created

But Will It Be Available in All 50 States?


It won't, just ice cream trucks in Vermont. Ben & Jerry's have renamed one of their flavors to recognize Vermont's gay marriage resolution. (Other states recognizing same sex marriages under the law: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Maine (beginning mid-September 2009), New Hampshire (final legislation pending), New York and Washington, DC recognize same sex marriages from other states, California recognizes those married between June-November 2008, Hawaii offers limited benefits and Oregon offers benefits similar to marriage.) The flavor getting the sex change was originally Chubby Hubby. Cue floodgates as other brands follow suit?

by Bill Green    Sep- 2-09    
Topic: Packaging

Who's Up For Some Crowdsourcing?

Good or bad?

GET YOU SOME! Nice little quiet topic to bring up, innit. More than a few ad blogs have covered this (as I also did with the AdPulp gang on a recent episode of the Beancast). Only reason I'm beating a dead horse, besides looking for traffic, is that two new services sent us releases about what they do, which would be... crowdsourcing! Tongal (video below), and GeniusRocket.

Whether it's good to open up your marketing to the masses or whether designers are prostituting themselves, we can go back and forth all day. The arguement for it though oversimplifies several things, specifically, it fools people into thinking they'll have total control over all aspects of their work, and that's simply not going to happen. (Quite the opposite actually.) But another thing comes to mind.

FF >> 20 years at a crowdsourced student logo for the next Nike while its bitter creator wonders why they ever gave it away in a $200 contest. Look on the bright side: It'll make a great post for an ad blog.

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by Bill Green    Sep- 2-09    
Topic: Creative Commentary

ad:tech Chicago Attendees Politely Converse at CIMA Enclave Party


Last night CIMA and Tatto Media sponsored a party at the Enclave nightclub in Chicago after the first day of ad:tech. The place filled up quickly. The party, which is perhaps a Chicago thing, never ended up like San Francisco or New York ad:tech parties where loud music and drunken dancing prevail. Rather, during most of the party, everyone just stood around and conversed. How amazingly refined!

That, of course didn't preclude some of us from consuming one too many martinis causing this particular article to be written, shall we say, a bit later than intended. But it's all good. The party was fun. It was great to catch up with Chicago friends and traveling conference buddies.

And the photographic evidence is here.

by Steve Hall    Sep- 2-09    
Topic: Industry Events

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