Here's a new GoDaddy spot that will neither change your life nor get you off. In it, two preppyland hotties on a golf course find an enchanted genie lamp. One wishes for the world's longest drive, har har, and I'm sure you can imagine what happens next.
Bob Parsons stars as the somewhat seedy genie; the more vocal chick is model Anna Rawson, a new GoDaddy girl and LPGA player.
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"V-Day" kicks off a new online video effort by Tampax that follows the story of Zack Johnson, a guy who woke up one morning to find he has a gaping vagina where his second head should be.
Don't know how it'll all pan out, but it promises to be occasionally funny in a banal teen angst kind of way. Follow the progression at, a site reminiscent of a teenage boy's notebook, complete with videos, a blog, Polaroid-styled images and a Twitter feed.
The tweets are kind of funny and appear to be getting progressively more emo. Apparently he's already had a period and now feels every guy should experience one.
Hear, hear. Although to be frank, marvelous breakthroughs in birth control make it so even real women don't have to endure random visits from Aunt Flo anymore.
Work by Leo Burnett/Chicago.
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- Recapping Dos Equis' Most Interesting Man in the World.
- JWT could use Nestle copywriter.
- Lady Parts. Auto services.
- VW tweetnalysis.
- Disney, Asus partner on kiddie Netpal comps. (Via @FredCavazza.)
- UNIQLO calendar.
The cool thing about Stella Artois is that it maintains a semblance of flair without ever forgetting it's still just a beer.
"Pirate Paper Boat" takes place somewhere French Riviera-like. A woman fails in her attempts to flag down a waiter for a Stella Artois Legere; an entirely-too-suave dude, separated from her by the breadth of a fountain, witnesses her distress and sends her his Stella in a paper boat.
It'd be a charming little piece if the ad stopped there. But it doesn't. They call it "Pirate Paper Boat" for a reason!*
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You've heard these all before, right? "I can't think of one time when the account person made one positive difference in the work or on the account," "So, how does it feel to be an order taker?", "The only time I need an account person is when the lunch bill comes," "Can we please just give him what he wants?", "The client will never approve that idea," "The client wants the logo bigger" and the current classic, "We need something that'll go viral."
Yes. Destructive Comments. Courtesy of Cranial Garage which even went to the trouble of putting together a fight song video pitting creative against account management and to ask the industry to contribute to its list of Destructive Comments.
Have at it. We know you've got some good ones.
Hmm. This is a tough one. Is it the book itself? Is it the work within? Is it the fact I helped create it? Is it the fact there's a lot of great work out there that never gets appreciated and Killed Ideas provides that?
Hmm... Tough choices. I'm going to go with... No wait. OK. Yea. I got it. It's the...oops, thought I had it there for a minute.
This is way too difficult. The solution? The entire book! Yes, the entire book is awesome. The entire book is my favorite part of the entire book.
Want a book for yourself? Go to Killed Ideas. There's a daily drawing to win one.
OK so Iranian women, in place of the muzzled media, are getting all social using Facebook and Twitter to tell the world about the country's election chaos. By most accounts, they're doing a pretty good job.
What's not doing a good job is favorite whipping boy, contextual advertising, a form of advertising which never fails to amuse, shock, surprise or baffle. The latest contextual corrigendum come amidst a news report about Tehran Tweeters. All while Iranian women diligently make use of social media to circumvent the news blackout, Iranian Personals pimps its bevy of "Iranian Soul Mates" to those who care more about flirting and dating than taking an interest in world events.
Some bra marketers, such as Wonderbra, love to tout the fact they help a woman look bigger than she really is. Others, such as Ultimo, are more practical and love to tout their product's ability to control what they've already got. Even in the most extreme circumstances like, oh, on several roller coasters at Allton Towers Resort.
Host Holly thanks us for joining her and a bevy of lingerie-clad ladies who illustrate how Ultimo is all about allowing women to enjoy "thrills without spills."
Ladies, do not attempt while wearing a Wonderbra. You will get hurt.
Heh, this is highLARity. For Sustrans, which campaigns for sustainable transport in the UK by promoting a bike-or-walk commute, Rubber Republic launched Elejumper.
The object of the advergame is to build enough steam for the elephant to slide onto a ramp with sufficient momentum to get himself to work. Probably the best part about it is you can hit space bar mid-flight to flap his ears, and if you flap them while he's on the ground he kind of just lays there, thumping pathetically. Oh how we LOLed.
The game's objective is to promote Sustrans' Change Your World 2009 challenge, where, for the week beginning June 29th, people are invited to swap their cars out for more earth-friendly transport. If all car users do it for just one day, traffic is expected to go down 20% that week.
Pledge your support at the Change Your World site or at the end of the game.
To drum up some biz-nass in its home state Kansas, the Russell Agency cobbled together this low-budget spot called "Bob's Mops." In it, a desperate business owner dons a saucy gorilla suit and dances on the street for would-be mop clients, ultimately scaring most innocent bystanders away.
We like gorillas that dance; more importantly, we like agencies that are trying to reach out to their communities, particularly small businesses, which need all the creative help they can get. Ya just don't see enough of that.
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