On behalf of the UK Home Office, John Luke Roberts wanders city streets in broad daylight, trying to get people to do things they only do drunk and in the safety of darkness: piss in the street, spew vom over friends, dive into vehicles with strange men and abuse strange girls with traffic cones.
For the most part he fails, but that doesn't stop him from doing it all himself.
Roberts' shenanigans look nothing short of insane, but only because we don't have the Lush Googles on. After the guy belts out a war cry and shoves a trash bin through a store window, we're graced with a simple enough tagline: "If you wouldn't do it sober...", tying it to last year's effort, similarly (though less ambiguously) titled "You Wouldn't Do It Sober."
Harrowing shit, seeded by Team Rubber.
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OK so while you can see it coming early on, it takes what seems to be an eternity for this commercial to reach it's not so unfunny conclusion. There's nuns. There's a penis. There's some glue. And there's some girlish giggling. See if you can see it coming.
Based on the premise that people are more likely to watch a play if they know somebody in it, agency Happy Soldiers added a new scene to Spirithouse Theatre Company's play, "Vigil."
Spirithouse is a fairly new indy theatre company in Australia. "Prelude to Vigil," the new scene, takes five minutes and requires a fresh and local casting call every week. Spirithouse says this was a first for an independent play group.
Kind of a neat approach to (not?) advertising: personalizing an entire performance, and stimulating engagement, which in turn serves to generate word of mouth and record attendance. Apparently the play sold out in every instance.
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Apparently, email is still alive and well and for those marketers who embed video within their emails, click through rates as high as 50% or more. Writing on Elastic Path's Get Elastic blog, Linda Bustos takes a look at a few retailers who have experimented with video in emails. She also examines the deliverability issue which can be quite challenging though there are strategies as well as new certification guidelines and increased email provider acceptance which can make these issues less of a hurdle.
John Shuttleworth appears in this BMB-created ad for Yorkshire Tea, just pompous enough to nicely serve up the ad's two themes: tea and Yorkshire, whose inhabitants are "a joyless lot," says Sell Sell.
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According to...yawn...worldwide data from comScore...zzz..., ACME ad network is now the...snooze...third largest in the world. Recently released technology provided by ACME...OMG...clearly differentiates ACME from their competitors. As the...yawn...first self-serve behavioral ad network that will...(wake me when this is over)...automatically optimize flash creative so lazy designers don't have to, ACME will...wait, what did that press release just say?
Did it say "automatically optimize flash creative" so lazy designers don't have to? Yes it did! Who is this press release from? Oh. Tatto Media. [Sorry, they all blur together after a while]
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- Twitter to launch Verified Accounts.
- Fox brings Third World matrimonial magic to the States. (Via.)
- On Gino Fisanotti, Nike's new GM dude for the UK and Ireland. (Via.)
- Toyota's 3G Prius site. By EVB.
- Dunkin' to sell Alabaman's sour cream/Heath bar doughnut.
- More paid Twitter stream swill.
- Wikipedia crosses into printdom.
Microsoft's Bing has a page takeover unit on the New York Times today. It's a custom-sized wide banner that expands downward (pushing content with it) and plays about ten seconds of video content before it closes. And it appears, the ad will only auto expand the first time you visit the site. As page taker over units go, not a bad one.