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NAB Reminds Us Not to Toss Squish-Toys at the Help


It's always a little difficult to gauge the quality of advertising from other countries, but "Don't Disturb the Ones Working" -- an ad for the Norwegian Association of the Blind -- really threw us for one.

In it, a handful of perplexed service workers are interrupted mid-job by clueless passersby, which either pay them infantile compliments ("Aww, what a cutie!") or try getting them to do tricks. For example, one game-faced dad pulls out a round squidgy ball and tries making a bus driver play catch.

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by Angela Natividad    Jan- 4-09    
Topic: Cause, Commercials, Television

Women, Men And Their Walk-In Preferences


Nothing makes a woman scream more than a well-stocked walk in closet. All those shoes in perfect alignment. All those jewels perfectly displayed. All those clothes perfectly hung.

And if that premise is played out in a Heineken commercial, the guys would be just as excited. Except it would have nothing to do with shoes, jewelry or clothes.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 4-09    
Topic: Good

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