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Canon Rebel Snaps Destiny.


"Photography is a journey. How will you remember the trip?"

Posing the question for its Rebel XSi, Canon aired a nostalgic spot where a mother records her son's frame-by-frame transition from boy to pro football player.

A perfect choice of music turned the memories of strangers into something more intimate. We were moved -- and plenty more engaged than with those Dolce spots.

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by Angela Natividad    Dec-17-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television

EA, Nintendo Take Flack For Xbox 360 Footage in Tiger Woods Wii Ad


When is a Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 Wii commercial not a Wii commercial? When it features the golfer swinging the Wii controller in front of a background from the Xbox 360 version of the game. At least that's what viewers in England thought after watching the ad.

While the ad did contain the disclaimer, "Available on all formats," people still felt misled and logged complaints with The Advertising Standards Authority which ruled the ad misleading and in breach of advertising standards. In a statement, the ASA wrote, "The ad must not be broadcast again in its current form."

EA admitted the ad did contain xBox 360 footage but said the disclaimer was intended to avoid confusion.

by Steve Hall    Dec-17-08    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Commercials, Policy

Eyevertising: Further Proof There is No Final Frontier in Advertising


The next time you find yourself in bed with that person of your dreams and you lean in for the kiss, don't be surprised if, when your lover closes their eyes for the impending kiss, you see an ad gracing their eyelids.

Oh yes. Eyevertising is here. British beauty brand FeelUnique is offering to pay 10 pence per wink up to a total of 100 pounds. Exactly how all of this will be measured is unclear but that's irrelevant. Like all of its cousins, it's all about the PR and has little at all with the actual exchange of money.

A trip down blank-vertising memory lane brings headvertising, dogvertising, forehead advertising, assverting, bravertising, blogvertising, bloodvertising, adverblogging, invertising, advergaming, chipvertising, thongvertising, replacevertising, busvertising, police car advertising, adverwear, and urinal advertising.

by Steve Hall    Dec-17-08    
Topic: Human, Strange

If You Love Dogs And Fish, You'll Love the New VW SpaceFox


What do you get when you cross a dog with a fish? A Brazilian Volkswagen commercial, of course. Courtesy of Almap BBDO, we are treated to the love between man and dog(fish). Apparently, if you can imagine such a creature, you are worthy of owning a VW SpaceFox

by Steve Hall    Dec-17-08    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

Levi's Beast Tops Taxis, Humans Righted, Swag Watched, Data Ported


- The Levi's Beast is now hanging out atop New York Taxi cabs. OK, so the beast is imaginary but the jeans are unbuttoned.

- If you could step into a human rights violation. this is what it might look like. The video celebrates the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

- Ad Age is doing its Annual Swag Watch again. Up today, lot's of candy.

- Alisa Leonard-Hansen thinks data Portability will have a big impact on design practices in the next five years.

- Oddcast loves Adrants! And they've sent us a nice dog-themed holiday card.

by Steve Hall    Dec-17-08    
Topic: Cause, Commercials, Outdoor

Mac is Thankful for PC. He's Just That Kinda Guy.


Last year Apple charmed us with an unexpected Mac vs. PC holiday ad, produced in the style of season's classics like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

The animated Mac and PC characters return in "Tree Trimming" and "I Can Do Anything," two spots guaranteed to make your pupils dilate to at least twice their natural size.

With low-key cheer (and not-so-nice intentions), each reminds us how feeble (but adorably!) petty PC is, and how Mac just can't help being awesome, chill and warm-hearted.

Even the bunnies know it.

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by Angela Natividad    Dec-16-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television

Heinz's Tomato Plants Need a Little Pep Talk


Based on the premise that plants grow faster and more lavishly when spoken to, Heinz launched Talk to the Plant.

Help make the world's best ketchup by typing encouraging words to a growing tomato sprout, then choosing an automated voice to relay your message.

It's an appealing idea, but beware: the voices are about as soothing as the singing bot tenors in Yahoo's latest emoticon campaign. If I were a wee green, I'd drop leaf and crawl back into the blissfully silent soil.

By Swedish agency Daddy. Via Catch Up Lady, who has lots of other fun factoids about the campaign.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-16-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online

Shaun White and Target Join Forces for Snowboarding Game


"First time playin'? First time...?" and "Oh, avalanches, yeah!" are the only two lines Shaun White has in this objectively weak ad for Target's Limited Edition Shaun White Snowboarding game.

If Ozzy Osbourne is ad land's favourite over-the-hill bad boy, Shaun White is its slacker of choice. Prior to this spot, the snowboarding pro starred in a couple of pointless HP ads that, like classic teen movies, are intended solely to make middle-aged men miss college.

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by Angela Natividad    Dec-16-08    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Commercials, Promotions, Television

BK Smells, 1984 Turns 25, Ad Age Makes Us Wait


- Burger King has bottled the Whopper and is selling it as a fragrance. Seriously.

- Writing in Advertising Age, Marissa Miley has advice for college graduates considering a career in advertising. Out advice? Don't.

- Oh God. Really? Bob Garfield is out with his 11th annual Bobby Awards which recognize the best acting in commercials. Now if only the Ad Age site worked today, we'd link to it.

- And while we're on Ad Age, NBC plans to "reintroduce" shows such as Heroes and Medium. In other words, let's see if that mass media reach thing still works.

- Adscam reminds us today is the 25th anniversary of Apple's 1984 Super Bowl ad. It's today, and not next year because 25 years ago today, the ad ran once at 1AM on Twin Falls Idaho station KMVT so it could qualify for the awards shows in 1984.

by Steve Hall    Dec-16-08    
Topic: Brands, Strange

Irish Liqueur Drops Cream onto Parted Pink Lips


Despite appearances, "Listen to Your Lips" is an ad for Bailey's, not a trailer for My First Naked Kneel-Fest.

By JWT and Psyop, which wanted to create a "sensual but not overtly sexual" interpretation of the "Bailey's taste experience."

Maybe the "not overtly" part was lost in the editing room. Seeing drops of cream splash onto rows of shiny, slack DSLs don't exactly bring Moo Moos to mind. (Nice touch with the closing lick!)

Can somebody please page Alex Leo? She needs to update Section Five in her list of five sexist trends the ad world just can't shake.

Ad is SFW, even if your cheek-flushing suggests otherwise.

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by Angela Natividad    Dec-16-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Online, Racy

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