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CLIOs Hit Vegas, Baby!


Is it the imagination or is every industry conference moving to Vegas? Hey, no complaints. Vegas is fun. Really fun. Yes, for its 50th outing, the CLIOs will be held in Las Vegas over the course of three days and will be broken into five distinct events.

The five distinct award shows are:

  • Moving Image Awards - recognizing Television/Cinema/Digital & Television/Cinema/Digital Technique mediums.
  • Emerging Media Awards - recognizing Content & Contact, Innovative Media, Interactive, and Integrated mediums.
  • Print & Radio Awards - recognizing Print, Radio, Direct Mail, Poster and Billboard mediums.
  • Design Awards - recognizing Design mediums.
  • Lifetime Achievement Awards - recognizing the outstanding and ongoing contribution of an individual who leads the industry forward.
Miami Beach is fun but seriously. It pales in comparison to Vegas. See you there.

Get your entries in. The Call for Entry deadline in January 23, 2009.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 2-08    
Topic: Industry Events

No, No. He Doesn't HAVE Crabs, He's HALF Crab.


This random spot by Heat/SF for Electronic Arts depicts a tragic sk8erboi who can't play Skate It because he has crab claws for hands.

"All my friends play it. They say it's rad. It's just my dad married a ... crab."

Collective awwwww. Sucks to not be able to live the dream. But hey, he'll get over Skate It, and you know what they say about men who like fish.

By Green Dot.

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by Angela Natividad    Dec- 2-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Games, Strange, Television

Ozzy Osbourne Faces Off with WoW's Prince of Darkness


The ad cash just keeps pouring in for Ozzy Osbourne. Fresh off that Samsung spot for Leo Burnett, he's enlisted with Mojo for a World of Warcraft promotion.

The more blitzed he is, the better. And it probably only helps when he makes batshit-insane statements like, "Well, maybe you're the one who's been riding a fucking CRAZY TRAIN!" while teetering. (In case you didn't catch that with your ears, captions -- now a staple for Ozzy cameos -- have been included.)

At spot's end, WoW's "What's your game?" slogan is modified with yet another bleeped-out F-bomb.

Just another piece of high art by production company Green Dot Films. The latter called it the most-viewed spot on YouTube this weekend. We don't know about that, but ratings have been generous.

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Bart Says Everything Steve Jobs Probably Only Says, Off the Record, to NYT Reporters.


Last Sunday The Simpsons took the piss out of Apple: the brand experience, the cult of the white earbuds and even Steve Jobs' sermons on the mount.

To incentivize the watch for hardcore ad-heads, wait 'til the end, when a dude with a mallet recreates Apple's "1984."

Magical. Experience Mapple -- "It's so sterile!" -- below the drop (courtesy of Hulu).

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by Angela Natividad    Dec- 2-08    
Topic: Brands, Good, Spoofs, Television, Trends and Culture

There's More Than One way to Skin a PSA


No sooner are we lauding the importance of honest, graphically intense PSAs, we get this from Strawberry Frog, "ChangingThePresent.org seeks to make the world a better place one gift at a time by connecting givers with 350 non-profit organizations offering 1,600 gifts and to a universe of 500,000 registered philanthropic organizations. The two :30 spots spoof traditional holiday commercials by poking fun of gifts like bow-topped cars by replacing it with a sheep adorned by a big red ribbon (supports the Heifer Project International), and a beautiful jewelry box containing a polio vaccine (UNICEF)."

Without belittling the very important objective this campiagn seeks to accomplish, it just feels like the wind has been removed from the sails. Or maybe it's just the sudden emotional shift from empathetic compassion to tongue in cheek humor. Both are good. Both can work. Let's just hope the two campaigns don't appear back top back which, of course, they won't becasue one is UK based and the other American. Just sayin'.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 2-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Good, Opinion

MINI's 'Creative Use of Space' Extends to Promote MINI E


Extending the Creative Use of Space campaign for MINI, which just won an Epica Silver Award, Berlin and Frankfurt-based Kreative Konzeption is out with a new promotion fo the MINI E, an electric powered version of the famed MINI. Housed on the campaign's Mini Space site, a design competition - the third for the campaign - called Electrified seeks to extend the original campaigns goal of encouraging creative use of space.

From site design to MINI rooftop design, entrants can submit their designs and view those of others on the Mini Space site. Four hundred designs have been submitted to date and a winner will be chosen February 4, 2009 by MINI Design Director Gert Hildebrandt along with the community.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 2-08    
Topic: Events, Good, Online, Social

Ceiva Says Sit On Santa's Lap


It's December which means it's time to pull out all the holiday marketing gimmickary. Combining the ever favorite "send to a friend" feature with "upload your photo," Gold n Fish Marketing Group has created Sit On Santa's Lap, a site on which, yes, you can upload your photo which will automagically appear inside a Ceiva Digital Photo Frame. You can then. yes, send the video with your picture in it to a friend. And, yes, there's a chance to win $500.

So find your favorite Twitter or Facebook profile picture - you know, the one that makes you look much better than you actually do - and upload it. Show all your friends how amazing you look.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 2-08    
Topic: Online, Promotions

Newspaper Ad Revenue Plummets, Interns Rock, Kmart Gets Buzz


- The Newspaper Association of America reports newspaper ad revenue fell 18.1 percent or almost $2 billion in the third quarter of 2008. Online newspaper ad revenue fell as well.

- AdGabber member Buddy Wachenheimer envisions what condom packaging would look like if it were sponsored.

- If your an agency struggling with workload after having laid off half your staff, check out YouIntern. It's always nice to, as YouIntern proudly states in its tagline, gain "freedom from coffee and coffee" so you can work on the more important stuff like sitting in a traffic meeting. Oh wait. Sorry about that. Bad example.

- IZEA is out with a blog campaign for Kmart which is getting a lot of Twitter buzz.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 2-08    
Topic: Agencies, Newspaper, Social

Ugly Reality of Child Abuse Rears Its Head in PSA


It seems public service advertising is the only kind which contains any sort of meaningful drama or that's allowed to depict reality without being glossed over by meaningless creative pontification. All other forms of advertising pale in comparison. Mostly because PSAs depict real life. And real life is a far cry from the kind of fairy tale life painted inside the cozy confines of an ad campaign.

British children's charity Barnardo's is out with a powerful commercial in which a girl is repeatedly subjected to the after effects of child abuse. As the commercial progresses, the girl's troubled life is repeated with increasing intensity until it culminates with the rapid fire reality of child abuse, a cycle that, if unchecked, is doomed to repeat tself over and over again until dramatic steps are taken to prevent it.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 2-08    
Topic: Best, Cause, Commercials, Creative Commentary, Opinion

Sean John Extends Puke-Inducing Campaign to Video


In what simply has to be a joke, Sean Combs/John/Whatever released a video (which he painfully calls "a blog" ... it's a POST, people. A POST on a BLOG) for the movie I Am King. And the best part? He wants to be the next James Bond. Seriously. Or not.

The entire campaign -- which promotes his new fragrance -- is so far fetched, it's not easy to discern the difference between joke and cringe-worthy creative intent.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 2-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Creative Commentary, Video, Worst

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