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Hip-Hop for Bad Presents and Cranberry Juice.


To compel holiday shoppers to try Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash, Creature organized the Re-Gift Rap Battles, which will hit shopping malls in most major cities coast to coast.

Imagine White Elephant, except with a persuasion element: participants grab a wrapped gift -- a nose hair trimmer, ceramic cat, backscratcher -- then rap about it to another contestant. At each event, eight contestants will be sifted through four rounds, after which a winner and the worst holiday gift will be named.

Somewhat more exciting than pulling a sampler afternoon at Costco. Think Jin the Bay Area wonder will come out and play?

by Angela Natividad    Nov-13-08    
Topic: Brands, Events, Guerilla, Promotions

Toshiba Embraces 'Redefined' Entertainment Experience. Kind Of.


Hoping to make an impression on a market where content consumption meets user manipulation, Toshiba launched the world's first TimeSculpture ad.

Totally fun to watch after the beat-drop. Ends with "When what we watch constantly redefines itself, shouldn't how we watch it do the same?" Provocative.

Users are sent to toshiba.com/upscaling, where I thought I could play around with the TimeSculpture concept, but instead I kept getting herded elsewhere on the site and merched on a TV. Buzzkill. Neat virtual nav, though.

See making-of. Song featured in ad -- for people that are big on that -- is Air War by Crystal Castles.

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by Angela Natividad    Nov-13-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Television

Shocker! First Female Polygamist Revealed!


So Australia promotes itself with "Where the bloody hell are you?" and mini cinematic masterpieces by Baz Luhrmann. How do the "cool capitals" of Europe do it? With CoolCapitals.com, of course. The site highlights Amsterdamn, Antwerp, Valencia, Vienna and Zurich. Sounds boring, right?

Not really. The site is...um...cool. Nice navigation. Informative videos. Pretty pictures. And lots of deals. All good but what makes this offering from the Netherlands Board of Tourism & Conventions really cool is the promotional video that gets one to the site.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-13-08    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Good, Online, Video

It's the World's Cuddliest Healthcare Site!


To encourage Greenville, South Carolina-based users to explore the Bon Secours St. Francis Health System, Brains on Fire and Grow Interactive created Happy in Greenville, a deliciously simple information site.

"City secrets" enables users to click on an animated rendition of the city and read more about its sights -- farmer's market, Greenville Zoo, things like that. Hold your mouse down on the hot-air balloon to watch it shoot up and up.

To get down to business, read about St. Francis or find a doctor. Wherever your mouse may meander, the animation and overall experience are diligent and immersive, never too wordy -- like flipping through a really useful Richard Scarry book.

Good choice of background music, too: adds to the feel-good effect but you totally forget it's there.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-13-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Online

Get It? It's a Play on that 'Full Coverage' Thing.


In what I guess can be called a witty effort to explain the Collins reinsurance ad at left, a rep at Yamamoto Moss Mackenzie wrote us an email that began, "If you were going to do an ad for reinsurance brokerage, of course you'd think facial tattoos."

We were all, "Wait ... what?!"

Then we read the first line in the ad copy: "Everyone feels covered when we place reinsurance." And it was like, "Ohhhh."

Tagline follows: "Collins: predictability for a random world."

by Angela Natividad    Nov-13-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Magazine, Poster

Dying of Boredom? Become a Bookie


November in Canada sucks. There's neither sun nor snow, no Thanksgiving, no Obamamania to call their own.

So what's the best way to stick it to a month that's gunning for your unhappiness? The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, where you can watch, like, horses and ... stuff.

zig, the Toronto-based agency entrusted with "[making] an agricultural and equestrian show sexy to city slickers," came up with the ultimate anti-November manifesto, which, after all the doom and gloom, positions the Royal Fair as the ultimate pastime in a month when no fun can be found. Anywhere.

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by Angela Natividad    Nov-13-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Events, Promotions, Television

HoneyShed Was Fun. Puma's $100 Million Is, Like, Way Better


Droga5? Puma? Wait, what? This is confusing. Isn't Droga5 supposed to be the agency that creates whacko stuff like HoneyShed? They wouldn't dream of taking on a real client now would they? It seems so. Droga5 has come to the realization that agencies need to make money to stay afloat so why not accept $100 million from Puma?

OK, so fine. Droga5 already has "real" clients like MTV and Method. But puma will make those accounts look like a local car dealer account.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-12-08    
Topic: Agencies, Brands

Uptown Minneapolis Doesn't Want Agency to Move In


Ah hahahaha. Funny. Not really but there's not much else you can do to hype something as boring as an agency moving from one location to another. Minneapolis brand agency, mono, recently moved and created a video to illustrate how "outraged" the community is about the agency coming to town and doing terrible things like using kids in ads and brainwashing people into buying things they neither need nor want.

Say moNo!!

by Steve Hall    Nov-12-08    
Topic: Agencies

Honeyshed: The Tech Diva's QVC.


"You can wear this to a club, you can wear this while you get jiggy ... you can wear this just to have a latte!" gushes an Alexander McQueen Puma sneaker promoter on the revamped Honeyshed, which hopes to give QVC's bauble-loving enthusiasts a run for their money.

Also, product models aren't 65 pounds overweight ... and sometimes they breakdance. You know you want those Alexander McQueen velcro shoes now.

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by Angela Natividad    Nov-12-08    
Topic: Online, Promotions

42 Below Out With Grandiose Trippiness

Here's some trippy new commercials from 42 Below, the folks famous for creating really, really weird videos. These commercial go bigger and were created simply, as the ads state, "because we can."

So will these ads sell any vodka? Who cares. Seemingly, it's irrelevant. Because, they were created "becasue we can." get it? Told you they were trippy.

by Steve Hall    Nov-12-08    
Topic: Commercials, Good

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