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Fage Brings New Meaning to 'Pearl Diving'


We enjoy this print effort between Greek yogurt brand Fage and jewelry label Honora, in which the latter's pearls are given extra dimension by the parallel illusion of a dip into the rich Greek yogurt.

Fage may ring provincial, but its Ogilvy & Mather billing and collaborative dip-ins with brands like Honora suggest anything but.

by Angela Natividad    Jul- 9-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Magazine

It's Food, Not Fucks, that Make a Match, Says Match.com


We're having fun with this new quiz-style Match.com campaign, the first iteration of which we saw a couple of weeks ago.

In a rollover questionnaire housed by this unappetizing banner ad, we made the meat-loving choice and were redirected to a page full of meat-loving men.

We have to say their use of borderline campy imagery in these new dating ads is way more effective than the Tits + Love approach.

by Angela Natividad    Jul- 9-07    
Topic: Brands, Online

Saatchi Wins No Cookie for Creativity


After All You Need is Luvs, we can't say we're crazy about anything Saatchi at the moment.

But having seen this conspicuously similar pair of ads by MFI and IKEA, the Ad Police - an incognito force - did some following-up and found another pair of matched ads from the same two campaigns.

See IKEA's fighting couple, 2002, Crispin, Porter & Bogusky.

See MFI's fighting couple, 2007, M&C Saatchi.

Way to leave your lovemarks, guys.

by Angela Natividad    Jul- 9-07    
Topic: Agencies, Commercials, Worst

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