Avril Lavigne Wears Underwear


Avril Lavigne wants us all to know she's not a pantyless Britney Spears telling Jane magazine she's "not a party person and I always wear underwear." nor that that's all cleared up, we can move on to more important things like her paparazzi spitting habit and how she hates professional autograph grabbers.

In an interview in the April issue of Jane she explains, "I don't know what the big deal was, because I've been spitting at paparazzi the past two years I've lived in L.A. Then they made it into a story; they said I said 'fuck you' to my fans, which, like, uh, I would never do. When you're outside of Hyde, or like any club, there are paparazzi guys holding glossies, they have nice little blue Sharpies, and they want you to sign them so they can sell them on eBay. They're called 'professionals,' they follow you everywhere. So I was like, 'Fuck you. Fuck you!' ... Of course it was [directed at the paparazzi]! Oh, and everyone was laughing - the photographers wanted me to spit on them. I was like, 'Ha-ha-ha-ha ha-ha-ha!' It was funny. But I think if Britney had had no underwear on that week, my spitting thing wouldn't have been talked about."

Anyway, if your want to hear her dish even more about her husband's drug use, his fidelity, her fighting with fans, her wedding, song writing and all sorts of other super important stuff, be sure to pick up the magazine at the end of the month. Or don't and spare yourself the celebu-whining.

by Steve Hall    Mar-21-07    
Topic: Magazine

Lonelygirl15 Sells Out to Hershey's Icebreakers


We knew Lonelygirl15's creators had this in the plan all along so it was without much surprise to see a blatant product placement in the middle of Bree's Lonelygirl15 video today. After she meets Jonas and Daniel at a truck stop and they drool over her tucker girl cut off jeans and tied plaid shirt, she hops in the car with the two and they take off. During a stop on the road, Bree pulls out a package of Icebreakers as the camera blatantly zooms in and the three discuss the sourness of the Icebreakers before they get on the road again. It;s not the first time brand names have been dropped in the series but this is one of the first formal deals.

Hey, nothing comes for free. There's only so many videos these guy can make before they need some cash to support the effort. The series' creators and Bree's talent rep, Creative Artists Agency worked with Hershey's agency, Tracy Locke on the deal.

by Steve Hall    Mar-21-07    
Topic: Product Placement, Video

Agency.com's Tom Ajello Has Rolled On to Fatherhood


We could get all snarky and snide and bring up that Subway video but we're not going to. We're going to wish Agency.com ECD Tom Ajello well as he leaves the agency following the mass exodus of many of the agency's executives. Tom, currently on paternity leave enjoying the birth of his first son, has decided, "It was sort of time. I feel like I've had an amazing run, building as awesome crew there and amassing what I believe is the industry's best creative department." He will leave the agency April 15 but has promised to stay on, if needed, to help transition in a new ECD.

Having a kid changes things. Hugely. We wish Tom well.

by Steve Hall    Mar-21-07    
Topic: Agencies

Julie Roehm, Sean Womak Gush Lustful Thoughts Over Email


Oh please. Do we really need to know what Julie Roehm and alleged lover Sean Womack said to each other over email? Reading other people's email is never a good thing. Especially when it has to do with interpersonal relationships. It's like watching your parents have sex. Some things should never be shared.

Having to read Roehm gush things like, "I think about us together all the time. Litle moments like watching your face when you kiss me. I loved your voice mail last night and love the idea of memory and kept thinking/wishing that it would have been you and I there last night. So there's a little head action for you," is just not necessary. And it's especially not necessary to read Womack reply, "That was some good head action for me." Ew. Please. This stuff just belongs between two lovers. Not in court documents.

by Steve Hall    Mar-20-07    
Topic: Agencies, Bad, Policy

No Speedos Allowed In Publicis New York Wednesday


Shawn Waite points us to Gawker which received an internal office memo from Publicis letting staffers know New York Magazine would be in the agency snapping shots for its upcoming "Office Life" photo essay. the memo reads, in part, "Try not to pay attention to the crew...or play to the camera...unless you are asked to. As for dress code, that's up to you ...but remember, you (and that outfit) just might make it into the pages of a future New York Magazine!" Yes. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. Continue in your hipsteresque ways but don't, under any circumstances show up wearing a Donny Deutsch Speedo. That would simply not properly reflect properly on the agency.

by Steve Hall    Mar-20-07    
Topic: Agencies, Magazine

Bank of America Direct Mail Misleads


No, Bank of America (and all other financial institutions for that matter), my account information is not enclosed in this letter. In case you hadn't read your own mail before sending, what's contained inside this letter is not my bank statement but rather yet another offer for me to consolidate debt, spend more money on a vacation and create even more debt by writing a check against my credit card account to spend frivolously on things I don't want or need.

Perhaps direct mail guru Bob Bly can put my mind to rest. Has it become permissible for the practice to mislead, lie and misinform as standard practice? I never created email that lied and for years I've ignored this idiocy. I can't any longer. It's bad enough Bank of America requires you to have a degree in accounting to figure out how much you actually owe on your overdraft account. Now they want you to go deeper into debt with these idiotic monthly offers. Yes, of course, I ignore all of them but after 24 months of me not responding, you think they'd want to save a stamp or two. Oh wait, direct mailers don't care about the wasted 98 percent of people who ignore their offers.They only care about the two percent that respond. Silly me.

by Steve Hall    Mar-20-07    
Topic: Direct, Worst

Calling All Advertising Hotties: GoDaddy Wants Your Assets


If any of you ladies in the industry would like to leave behind demanding clients, whining account executives, pompous creative directors and groping bosses who only see you for your mini-skirted long legs and button-straining cleavage, now's your chance. GoDaddy is in search of another GoDaddy girl. If you win the contest, you can leave behind all that rampant sexism and be appreciated by Bob Parsons and the rest of the Godaddy folk for your important assets...like your mini-skirted long legs and button-straining cleavage. Sweet deal, huh?

You can prance around in tight tops while drooling film crew members spray you with water until the cold causes your breasts to offer up that quintessential reaction so many admire yet causes nothing but embarrassment for you. Sit next to Bob during interviews as he tries not to leer at you while asking you important questions about your background and decision to become a GoDaddy Girl. And, screw working on a Super Bowl commercial. Appear in one instead so 50 million American men can fantasize about you when they go to bed at night, Or to the bathroom after the commercial break. Sounds like a great career move. What are you all waiting for?

UPDATE: Actually, screw GoDaddy. Let's have an Adrants Advertising Hottie Contest. Sure it's sexist but it's also fun. Guys are welcome too. We'll think of a good prize. Put your submissions in Comments or send using the Contact link at the top of the site.

by Steve Hall    Mar-20-07    
Topic: Promotions

Metamucil Makes Out to Be the Botox of Guts


In a drastic repositioning, Metamucil takes on the slogan "Be Beautiful on the Inside" and invites women to look at the brand as an internal cosmetic - you know, like those Oil of Olay pills except these are for fiber and they make you shit like mad.

Maybe it's the font or the wry look on the girl's face. Suddenly, we do want some Metamucil. Is that wrong?

by Angela Natividad    Mar-20-07    
Topic: Strange

Polaroid Watches Bathroom Goers


Polaroid cameras in the bathroom. Nice idea in Sao Paulo. We're not thinking this will go over too well in the Sates, however.

by Steve Hall    Mar-20-07    
Topic: Outdoor, Strange

Day Rider Puts Unimpressive Spin on Knight Rider


Ugh. We're not sure what Carsguide was thinking when they agreed to launch this campaign by Cummins and Partners out of Melbourne.

Animated by Firehorse Films, the guys who did bro'Town (NZ's response to Family Guy), this film, called Day Rider, is a kitsch-ridden, awkward spoof on the '80's series Knight Rider. Naturally the car becomes the protagonist's worst enemy.

Because for some odd reason watching an '80's hoopty go bad will inspire you to possess one of your own, Carsguide ties the campaign in with an opportunity to win an '84 TransAm.

We're trying to think of more mean things to say but we're too sleepy and bored, so we'll just move on now.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-20-07    
Topic: Bad, Campaigns, Online