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Kinky Voyeurism Promotes Episodic Web Video Site


While it might be fun to watch and video tape your roommate's hot girlfriend strip down to her underwear, we're not sure it would be equally as enjoyable to watch and video tape your roommate strip down to his underwear and make out with his girlfriend while you watch. Oh wait. Sorry. Some people like that voyeuristic stuff. And, apparently, so does Network2, a destination for episodic web productions not destined or television but for your computer screen. A promotional video, created by Keta Keta, illustrates exactly what we're talking about.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 7-07    
Topic: Online, Racy, Video

Dell Copies Best Buy's Geek Squad With Nerd Buddy


When there's computer difficulties at home, sometimes there's simply no replacement for an actual human skilled in the ways of kicking the crap out of your computer until it works again. Big box retailer Best Buy created its Geek Squad, a cadre of computer techs that travel to people's homes in a customized VW Beetle. Others have followed suit. Now, Dell, without physical retail locations or a human geek squad to assist its customers in need of unsnarling nasty computer bugs, has launched Nerd Buddy. Well, they've actually launched DellConnect by humorously illustrating why it's really not so convenient to have a geek-like Nerd Buddy follow you around all the time to make sure your computer isn't causing you to use it as a projectile out of frustration.

Aside from the fact Best Buy's Geek Squad and other similar services are nothing like the Nerd Buddy Dell so joyously ribs, the computer maker explains its virtual tech support solution, DellConnect is better than having a human geek follow you around. It's all presented in one of those goofy, docu-style videos complete with fake scientists in white lab coats.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 7-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Video

Boards Magazine Looks to Ad Industry For People's Choice Votes


Some service journalism for you: Boards Magazine is giving the ad industry the chance to vote for its favorite up-and-coming talent with the First Boards Awards People's Choice Award. Selected from the top 10 finalists in the director's category from the First Boards Awards, this person will be honored at this year's installment of the First Boards Awards, to be held Apr. 5 at the Key Club in Los Angeles.

Vote for your favorite here.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 7-07    
Topic: Industry Events

Bank Robber Overcome by Teller's Beauty


Here's an ad that acknowledges men for what they truly are: animals on the hunt for whatever sparks their fancy. In this commercial for Belgian men's magazine P-magazine, two men break into a bank, hold everyone at gunpoint and grab the cash. One of the tellers, Belgian model Sylvie De Caluwé, is so stunningly beautiful, one of the robbers can't help but take a break from the action to try and get some action. Cleverly honest. Duval Guillaume Antwerp created the ad.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 6-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Internet Walk. What?


Remember that weird You are Music thing Nokia did, the thing with the bodysuit guy and the rapper? To push the N800 internet tablet, Sweden's FarFar brings us more weird, somewhat off-putting work with The Internet Walk, which plays on the notion of taking the internet to places it's never been.

Sounds like a good idea in theory but we don't get this at all. And now we can't get the annoyingly lyrical "Come on" out of our heads.

by Angela Natividad    Mar- 6-07    
Topic: Brands, Online, Promotions, Strange

Condoms Pwn AIDS in Sexless Competition


We're not sure what to say about these ads for MTV entitled Condom v. AIDS, where AIDS and a condom go head-to-head in competitive matches that completely take sex out of the picture. We kind of like the left-of-center feel, considering it's tough to get an AIDS message out there without sliding down familiar pathways: trendy, sexy or deeply moral approaches.

Created by Y&R New York, the campaign is for MTV's HIV awareness movement (okay, that was obvious). Let's hope it does slightly better than the lackluster (red) campaign, as Gap's spoofs grew way more popular than its statement.

It would be hard to spoof a competitive guacamole contest between a walking condom and an AIDS virus, though. What would you do in retaliation - put sex back in the picture? Please. That's just beating the dead horse deader.

by Angela Natividad    Mar- 6-07    
Topic: Good, Strange, Television

Pussycats Doll, 'Premiere' Shutters, Tab Shapes


- If for no other reason that to experience a little guilty pleasure, tune into the CW tonight at 9PM EST when the network debuts its American Idol wannbe Pussycat Dolls Present: The Search For The Next Doll.. Singing. Dancing. Girls dressed like hookers. What's not to like?

- After the April issue, Hachette Filipacchi is shutting down its movie magazine Premiere. The brand will live in online.

- The One Club will host its One Show Festival May 8-11 in New York City.

- The Art Directors Club has released its Awards Annual 85, documenting winners of the ADC's annual competition for the best in visual communications worldwide. Check it out here.

- This 70's Tab ad is so sexistly hilarious, we just have to share it with you.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 6-07    
Topic: Magazine, Television

GMC Offers Free Valet Parking to Southern Shoppers, Forgets North


With help from Dalla-based AdverTickets, GMC is offering free valet parking to shoppers in eight cities as part of a promotion for the car maker's new Acadia SUVation wagon crossover vehicle. shoppers in LA. Miami, Orlando, Phoenix, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco and Tampa will be given tickets good for free valet parking. Also part of the promotion are Boom-Ads, wraps that cover the gates drivers who choose not to valet park must pass through to get into parking structures.

We think it's all well and good to help a struggling shopper out but hello? It's winter up here in the Northern half! We could certainly use the luxury of valet parking far more than all those warm staters who should enjoy walking from their car to the mall whereas those of us up here have to endure frostbite weather and the pummeling of winter winds. Something's wrong here.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 6-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Outdoor, Point of Purchase, Specialty

Anna Wins 'Punk Marketing' Stripper Preference Poll


Yesterday, we asked you to take a look at a YouTube campaign for the marketing book Punk Marketing and tell us which of the two models, who strip while reading excerpts from the book, you though was hotter. Perhaps because Cleo did three videos to Anna's one, Cleo suffered the burden of burnout. I mean, how many time can you watch the same woman strip? Oh wait, that's a stupid question. In any event, newcomer Anna trumped Cleo with a resounding 75 percent of the vote. What was it? The blond hair? The girlie jean skirt? Do tell.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 6-07    
Topic: Research, Video, Viral

Copyranter Continues Conversation With Ketel One


Copyranter began an open dialog with Ketel One vodka in mid-2006 using the company's all-type/lots of white space print ads to do so. Copyranter's latest conversation responds to the distiller's latest headline, "Dear Ketel One Drinker, Not everyone likes Ketel One. Then again, not everyone's tried it" with "Dear Ketel One Maker, Not everyone hates your ads. Then again, not everyone's seen them." You've at least got to hand it to Ketel One for hanging on to the campaign for a while. If for nothing more than to give Copyranter more opportunities to continue the conversation.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 6-07    
Topic: Brands, Magazine, Social, Strange

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