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MoveOn: Like Iraqi Contention? You'll Love Pissed-Off Iranians


In its ongoing effort to give Americans a different kind of education, MoveOn.org is raising money to air this print ad about what the escalation really means.

We try to antagonize both political parties equally on Adrants, but we have to admit Bush's WMD claim about Iran smacks of something we've heard before.

You know what they say about gullibility: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. "Fool me six billion seven times, call me a Republican senator," Free Republic adds in our heads (out of context, but a catchy ending nonetheless.)

To be fair, Republicans, Democrats and alternative parties alike are sweating bullets about Bush's latest flight of projectile fancy.

by Angela Natividad    Feb-28-07    
Topic: Good, Newspaper, Online, Social

Mr. Advertising Says Minorities Are Ready to Go to Work in Advertising


The American Advertising Federation didn't like what Advertising Age had to say about a recent study the group conducted which found 69.3 percent of students in the organization's Most Promising Minority Students program are employed in marketing and communications. Advertising Age chose to twist that with a story headlined, "Nearly One-Third of AAF Minority Candidates Vacate Ad Industry."

In an apparent response to the Ad Age story, the AAF placed an ad in today's USA Today headed, "Mr. Advertising" with a visual of an African American packaged up like, well, a ready to go to work, fully-charged, easily upgradeable work doll. Questionable creative aside, why don't we all stop twisting facts and just have an open conversation. Gee. It just so happens Adrants is the major sponsor of an upcoming conference on the topic entitled, Advertising and Marketing Industry Diversity Job Fair and Leadership Conference.

At the event, held March 13 in San Francisco (and again in Boston May 16), industry professional, both minority and non-minority, will discuss the issue of diversity in advertising. Part of the event will also include a job fair for those interested in exploring a career in advertising. Maybe a bit less twisted rhetoric and more open dialog would be a healthy thing for all. More info here.

by Steve Hall    Feb-28-07    
Topic: Good, Industry Events, Trends and Culture

Asian Poet Shoots Daggers of Diction at Rosie O'Donnell


We all need our checks and balances. And when the ever-watchful public eye has set its sights on you, the checks can come in torrents. Such is the case with Rosie O'Donnell. For that Chinese "accent" she recently performed on "The View," Rosie's receiving a hailstorm of nasty response from the Asian community.

One that's generating some serious traffic on Youtube is the eloquent and forceful rebuke by poet Beau Sia, whose cool definition of "accent," and snarky "plus-sized lesbian" remark, rang like a slap in the face - and we're not even the targets.

We're not sure what's worse: Trumpster in a spitting rage, or the growing majority of the world's population raging poetic justice against you.

What happened to the funny and gentle Rosie, circa Harriet the Spy? Bring her back. We are scared of this manic new one.

Thanks to Bill for the tip-off.

by Angela Natividad    Feb-28-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Consumer Created, Good, Online, Video

Bread Kills As Much As Cigarettes


Hmm. Apparently, bread is as deadly as cigarettes. According to this video, bread has a nasty side and one that seems to be just as bad as smoking cigarettes. it's a follow up to a video called Lovertising versus Hatevertising, which calls for "respectful/intelligent anti-smoking advertising instead of subhuman negative/shocking advertising." damn, everyone has an opinion!

by Steve Hall    Feb-28-07    
Topic: Strange, Video

Lindsay Gets Sculpted in Celeb Surgery Ads


KickinGreatDeals.com, the culprits responsible for the interactive celeb quiz banners where you can win Paris Hilton's G-string if you guess whose lips are whose, finally give up on that tired idea in favour of a new approach.

These celebrity surgery banners take the usual headline-whores and mash them up, nip/tuck style. We did a whole lot of staring before we even got to the awkwardly-posed question below: "Whos body is this?"

We started a snarky joke about that, then stopped. Hey, adult illiteracy is no laughing matter.

by Angela Natividad    Feb-28-07    
Topic: Online, Strange

ClassMates.com Tempts Clickage with Puzzles


We had high ad hopes for Classmates.com. When they started unrolling the "She married him?!" ads we thought, how cute, they're going to play on cliches. High school is rich with them.

But an otherwise promising direction's lost its luster as Classmates.com failed to give us much more than the same pair of ads and the same cliche, both featuring the bespectacled chick we've come to consider their poster child.

Apparently this darling has stopped bringing in the dosh because Classmates.com is going interactive. Here we find their first effort. In line with the nostalgic yearbook photo theme they bring us ... an image jigsaw.

Unless you're Picasso there are only two moves worth making. If even then you're not clever enough to put the pieces together, just follow the green arrows on each square. Try not to blink; you might miss one.

by Angela Natividad    Feb-28-07    
Topic: Brands, Online

JC Penny Spawns Magazine Inside GQ in Last, Pre-Saatchi Hurrah


We seem to have a thing for those fake magazine cover ads and it looks like DDB is using the trick as its last stand for JC Penny before handing over the reigns to Saatch & Saatchi who will give us its "Every Day Matters" love. But, for now, it's still "It's All Inside."

In the March issue of GQ, the cover of another magazine, MANdatory, appears complete with manism headlines such as "There, there. How to tell her what she needs to hear" and "Emotions. Could there be more than two?" It's not terribly creative but it does stand out in a sea of messageless, Dolce & Gabanna-like ads that fill the magazine so we'll give them points for that. It did get us to stop and read it.

Alas, the retailer is due for a squishy Love Marks makeover which, hopefully, doesn't try to make the place more than what it is: a moderately priced department store that sells moderately styled items to moderate people. Everything doesn't need to be high end, ya know.

by Steve Hall    Feb-27-07    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Good, Magazine

Pizza Hut Wants New Vice President


Pizza Hut has launched a search or a new VP. OK, not really. It's just a marketing stunt to find an Honorary VP of Pizza through a YouTube video promotion in which entrants submit video please as to why they should get the gig. The winner gets $25,000 and free pizza for a year. Hardly proper compensation or a VP level position. Especially from a company that can afford to put Jessica Simpson on th Super Bowl. Anyway, the YouTube submission area is here.

There's only five submissions so far. Aside from one moderately funny joke, there's not much competition if you want to jump in.

by Steve Hall    Feb-27-07    
Topic: Promotions, Video

Lynx Gets Father in Law Freak Dance From Son's Fiance


This, from FishNChimps, is just funny. Lynx/Axe is at it's silliness again, this time covering an unsuspecting father in law to be with body spray only to result in the oddly uncontrollable attraction from his son's fiance upon re-entering the room.

by Steve Hall    Feb-27-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Supermac Gives Mac and Cheese a Gen-Y Facelift


We love it when people take an old standby and try dabbling in some trend-setting necromancy.

Macaroni and cheese, which only devolved into Easy Mac as time went on, is now Supermac for Chelsea inhabitants in the know. Alongside plain-jane mac and cheese you can get French Onion, Lobster Thermidor or Mykanos-style mac.

And of course you have the option of partaking with or without breadcrumbs and whole-wheat pasta.

What we've got here is a burgeoning industry where a killing can be made transforming old-school foods with natural oils, whole wheat and occasionally seaweed (use your best judgment). Somebody needs to get to work on Top Ramen.

by Angela Natividad    Feb-27-07    
Topic: Good, Packaging

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