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Kasey Kahne Bends Over for Allstate


Until the arrival of Danica we didn't think of racing as much of a hottie sport. But these new Allstate spots with Evernham Motorsports' Kasey Kahne might just change our minds.

Set to air during the Daytona 500, the ads continue a campaign from last year and feature yummy Kasey getting repeatedly eye-raped by women from Allstate's Girls Day Out campaign. Watch him get bullhorn-frisked, and here's a spot where he tries driving away before damage is done.

In case you're wondering, the spots are for Allstate's Accident Forgiveness and Your Choice Auto Insurance packages. Unfortunately for us the Kasey package isn't one of the plans you can add to your policy, but that's okay, because he'd probably cause more accidents than prevent them.

by Angela Natividad    Feb-15-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Commercials, Good, Television

Dump Your Smary Business Partner With IHateMyPartner.com


Who knew there were companies created specifically to assist you if you find yourself in a position of irreconcilable differences with your business partner and the shotgun clause gets invoked? Well, thanks to Dentsu Canada, we know know of at least one: Argosy's Shotgun Fund. Since our friend over at Dentsu did such an eloquent job describing the work to us, we're going to let him do for you here.

Dentsu's Glen Hunt tells us, "OK. So you're a creative partner in a business, say, an Ad Agency. You've got a partner, say, a suit. He thinks it might be a good idea to churn out crap for your biggest paying client and resign all the other businesses that landed you a Clio, 2 lions and a couple of pencils last year. What to do? Invoke the Shotgun Clause in your partnership agreement, buy that smarmy prick out and send him back to his Mom and Dad where he developed small man syndrome in the first place.

more »

by Steve Hall    Feb-15-07    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Online, Video

Audi Logo Found In Chevy Ad


Adrants reader Marcos Rozen, editor of the Brazilian AutoData, sent us this scan of a Chevrolet ad that appeared on page two of the February 5 issue of Automotive News. In the upper right hand corner of the ad, interlocking metal rings are hanging from a fence. One has to wonder how an ad with imagery so similar to a competitor's logo can make it through the lengthy approval process without being caught. We're thinking someone caught some serious shit for this and furious calls were made to Automotive News asking the magazine to yank the ad. At least we hope so. It'd be sad to think any brand would allow this to happen.

by Steve Hall    Feb-15-07    
Topic: Brands, Magazine, Strange, Worst

The Cookie Monster Was Here. Seriously. We Promise.


Hmm. We wonder how effective an ad campaign is if you have to read the agencies description of it on their website to figure out what that little blue ball of fur is they placed in a campaign for a cookie seller. JWT in Kuwait (yes, we cover advertising news from all over the world) created a print campaign for their client Choowy Goowy, a cookie retailer that delivers cookies in jars to homes and offices.

We suppose we can't complain too much. If they used the actual Cookie Monster, they'd have to get into all that nasty licensing and royalty fee crap. Still, a ball of blue fur as a stand in for the Cookie Monster? A stretch to say the least. Oh wait, it's just a piece of his fur that fell off while he was chowing down the cookies. OK. Now we get it. Silly us. And ho long did we ave to stare at the ads to get that? Hopefully, our explanation will spare all of you the embarrassment of idiocy we just went through.

by Steve Hall    Feb-15-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Magazine

Microsoft Taps Jefferson Airplane for Intergalactic Rock Festival


Back in our heady days of diapers, drool and a band known as Jefferson Airplane, Windows Vista was but an inactive brain cell in a small boy named Bill Gates. Today, Windows Vista is all the rage and Jefferson Airplane is now known (has been for a long time) as Jefferson Starship. We have to wonder if back in the good old days of Jefferson Airplane, anyone in the band could have conceived of being an integral component of one of the biggest marketing campaigns of all time. With all those drugs, we highly doubt it but today, what's not to like about a classic (the time, not the style) rock band headlining a concert tour to promote software. A lot but that's beside the point.

The agency with our favorite name, Wexley School for Girls, developed a free lunch concert series featuring Jefferson Airplane, a cosmonaut street team, wild postings, a teaser video and a website filled with galactic goodies all to promote Windows Vista and its partnership with T-Mobile. It's kind of fun. Check it out.

by Steve Hall    Feb-15-07    
Topic: Brands, Events, Good, Online, Poster, Video

Christina Ricci, Samuel L. Jackson Get New Heads, Movie Promoted


Christina Ricci is hot. Christina Ricci is short denim cut offs is really hot. Christina Ricci in short denim cut offs, a tiny belly shirt and cowgirl boots is flaming hot. Christina Ricci in short denim cut offs, tiny belly shirt, cowgirl boots and chained like some kind of sex-slave by Samuel L. Jackson...now that's more than a guy can take! Can't you see, we're trying to get some work done around here? How can we with all this distraction?

Anyway, she's in a movie, coming out next month, called Black Snake Moan with Samuel L. Jackson. As part of the movie's promotion, there's a send-to-a-friend feature that lets you place your head on either Ricci's or Jackson' head for some silliness. We don't know why anyone would want to put their head over Christina's (although she does have an odd one), but, hey, this is online marketing and we do it because we can.

by Steve Hall    Feb-14-07    
Topic: Online, Promotions

iPod Becomes Bikini in SI Swimsuit Fest


You can't buy publicity like the kind that comes with an appearance in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue or on the publication's Swimsuit 2007 site. We never thought of the iPod and a piece of clothing but we rather like how model Marisa Miller wears it in this photo. Can you imagine a Zune here instead of an iPod? We thought not.

by Steve Hall    Feb-14-07    
Topic: Good, Magazine

Fair Weathered 72andSunny Creates Cloudy Weather For Cherry Coke


In a new commercial for the newly designed Cherry Coke, Los Angeles-based 72andSunny invents a new kind of downpour that isn't cats or dogs or frogs or anything else we've seen fall from the sky but cherries. Lots and lots of cherries. OK, most of them are digital cherries but still. We think it's kind of humorous an agency called 72andSunny made a commercial that's all about cloudy skies and rain

by Steve Hall    Feb-14-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good

Online Magazine Introduces New AdFrame Ad Unit


Whether this goes anywhere or not is anyone's guess but no one thought the online ad banner would become what it is today either. A new online magazine, Dormant Forces, has launched and will be supported by what it calls an AdFrame designed to elicit "curiosity clicks." The Adframe consists of small, subtle squares with nothing but the advertisers name or tagline. Clicking the square takes the visitor to the advertiser's site. The publisher plans to do a similar thing in the printed version of the magazine. Anyone care to predict the future of this venture?

by Steve Hall    Feb-14-07    
Topic: Online, Publishing, Tools

Truth Spreads Love with Laryngect-o-Gram


We're never quite sure whether we like Truth's tongue-in-cheek, sometimes confrontational way of driving its anti-smoking points home, but they generally get our attention. Knowing nobody can fully reject a singing cowboy, and nobody can ever turn away from an exhibitionist with a hole in his neck, Truth brings us the laryngect-o-gram.

Show somebody you love them by sending one over. Friends will be amused. Lovers will be stunned. Family members will give you that sick look and shake their heads. It's a total win-win.

by Angela Natividad    Feb-14-07    
Topic: Online, Strange

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