Agency Holiday Card Meets Second Life


Pop quiz. What do you get when you combine an advertising agency Christmas card with the Second Life fad? An agency Christmas card video set in Second Life, of course. Leo Burnett Detroit, one of the early agency entries into the virtual world has forgone the typical, boring, so yesterday, "real world" holiday card and, instead, given us an avatar-filled, winter-themed, Second Life hip hop jam. Hmm. Different. Nicely produced (by Millions of Us). Though it doesn't look like the Second Life we know. No lag. No half-built sims. No clunky interface. Just a lot of happy, dancing agency avatars. What's not to like?

by Steve Hall    Dec-19-06    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Online, Video

Hoover Vacuums Up 'Unsightly' Hip Hop


Our friend Bucky Turco, wrigin over at Complex, points us to a recent Hoover radio commercial in which promises to rid the world of dirty, unannoying hop? Yes, the vacuum manufacturer thinks, as James Bond did of the Beatles in one of his early flicks, the world should clean itself up and it's promising to do it's part. Check the spot out here (ignore the video ad and just click "download")

by Steve Hall    Dec-18-06    
Topic: Commercials, Radio, Strange

Forget Girls, Penguins Go Wild For DVD Promotion


What do Bob Saget, Penguins and Girls Gone Wild have in common? A viral-intended promotion for the DVD release of his movie The Farce of the Penguins of course. Narrated by mother f'ing, Snakes on a Plane dude Samuel L. Jackson, no less. It's dumb. It's stupid. It's funny. It was created by Special Ops Media.

by Steve Hall    Dec-18-06    
Topic: Promotions, Strange, Video

Lingerie Model Gets Digitally Humped


We just have to wonder what sort of guy could be so hard up for sex, he'd have to resort to manipulation by billboard to achieve pleasurable release. Oh wait. He's part of the ad and we're talking about digital manipulation here. Funny. Ha ha. Oh wait. Digital manipulation? That's still funny.

by Steve Hall    Dec-18-06    
Topic: Good, Outdoor, Racy, Strange

Mutilated Barbies for the Girl Who Has Everything


This doll with missing limbs literally blows Trailer Trash Barbie out of the running. BBDO is behind this attempt to get Singaporean consumers to pay more attention to the plight of Cambodia, which happens to be deluged with landmines.

"It's often joked that shopping is both the national sport and the national pastime [of Singapore]," ECD Farrokh Madon explains to AdCritic. "Parents looking for dolls for their baby girls were greeted with a chilling reminder of what life is like for Cambodian children."

The campaign includes a direct mail component in which company execs with children receive the doll (and others like it) at the office "since parents are the most vulnerable when it comes to kids," adds Madon. This is so they'll talk to other office folk about the grotesque gift.

The back of the box "tells the sad tale of a Cambodian Princess who loses a leg on the day of the Cambodian New Year," ultimately directing shoppers to Surprising Cambodia.

We can't help but wonder how Cambodian kids would feel receiving one of these for the holidays, and learning this is how they're being hawked in nearby countries. That would definitely give me hope for the future. Wouldn't it do the same for you?

by Angela Natividad    Dec-18-06    
Topic: Bad, Packaging, Social

Chunky Pam Lays Heavy Ass Down on Rap


Here's another example of what MySpace has done to - er, for - society. Chunky Pam leaks her holiday wares and reps for a chunkier, more grimacy kind of female.

Please believe we grimaced back. And all this pink does a chafe-job on our eyes. But the song is amusing and with crunk and hyphy on the scene, rap just begs for parody.

UPDATE> Here's the video.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-18-06    
Topic: Online

Poor Honda Asimo Can't Catch A Break


Honda just can't seem to get past that woeful day when it Asimo robot fell down the stairs during one of it's debuts. Not to be deterred by that mishap, Honda, with help from Wieden + Kennedy, released this past weekend a new Asimo commercial with not one, but several stairs which the robot succesfully ascended. Of course, in true fashion., the commercial has already been spoofed with an intercut footage of that early woeful day.

by Steve Hall    Dec-18-06    
Topic: Commercials, Spoofs

Iron Creative Snowman is Douchey, Gets Chicks


Remember the creative department douchebag? This is him, cooler.

Iron Creative throws together the ultimate douchey holiday card personality, a sequel to last year's snowman story. Yeah, it's another holiday card. Yeah, we're as sick of them as you are. And yeah, we're going to keep throwing them up here since creatives seem to love making them.

In Iron Creative's defense, it is amusing to think of a snowman as the next big VC. Or covered in the limbs of writhing hot cartoon women. He's ice cold, baby. Ice cold.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-18-06    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Online

Frangelico Gets Sticky, Sexy, Somewhat Uncomfortable


Here's one for the whole family. Frangelico shows us just how creamy it gets with an image of - is that a hazelnut? - inside a mouth dripping sticky syrup.

We tilt our heads. We stare thoughtfully. And we think, if the liqueur itself were that sticky, we'd have a helluva time trying to swallow. It recalls those "Got Milk?" ads involving the dog trying futilely to get the peanut butter out of its mouth.

Image courtesy of chanukbair.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-18-06    
Topic: Outdoor, Poster, Racy

Not All Gen Y Women's Gadgets Are Cameras, Phones And MP3 Players


As it's well known research data can be massaged to come to any desired conclusion, we were pleased to see The Silly Girl's take on a recent eMarketer study that found Gen Y women love their electronic gadgets such as cameras, phones, video games and MP players. While eMarketer chose the family-friendly interpretation of the data, The Silly Girl came to an entirely different and not unlikely true conclusion regarding the 26 percent of women who used electronic gadgetry in the "none of the above" category. Gee, we wonder what sort of electronic gadget those 26 percent of women are using? The Silly Girl has the answer.

by Steve Hall    Dec-18-06    
Topic: Research, Strange