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Sony Pushes Peace in a World of Bullhorns


We can't always choose our in-flight seatmates and in a crowded airport it's only wishful thinking to imagine we can control our surroundings. Sony reminds us of this ongoing state of quiet angst with the new print series for their cheaper-than-Bose, noise-mumming headphones. Here's a male variant.

We think the campaign is fair considering they only recently decided to wake their marketing department up from a long slumber. They were on shaky footing for awhile as demonstrated here and here. We're sure we'll see more interesting work from Sony as time marches on. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov-27-06    
Topic: Inflight, Poster

Chipotle Changes the Way We Look at Aluminum-Swathed Burritos


Here's a Chipotle ad that made us feel a little weird about taking that next mouthful of beef. Did that come out wrong? There's just something about its metallic appearance that makes it look... oh, never mind.

Sometimes a burrito is just a burrito. We do like how they added "big burritos" at bottom. It really pushes the innuendo over the edge. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov-27-06    
Topic: Good, Poster, Racy

Bay Area Rapid Transit Says Thank You, Big-Brother Style


Northern California's BART system is running an ongoing "thank you" campaign, variations of which are plastered all over their 20-or-so stations. The ones we've seen include "Thank you, romance novel reading riders" and "Thank you, first time riders," among others including this one.

Having taken BART since our guileless preschool days, we think the campaign is rather sweet if not a little creepy. Really. We love that they know us so well but as we crochet or clutch our trashy novels we can't help but jerk our eyes around to see who's watching. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov-27-06    
Topic: Poster

Firm Says Even Accountants Can Be Passionate, Sexy


Here's an interesting ad seen at the airport over the weekend. Chicago-based Grant Thornton wants to make it crystal clear that their accountants have the spice of life those other accountants so often lack.

A rose between the teeth is a clever way to make the point but the real question lies in whether they can also tango while calculating our tax return. Then we'll really be swept off our feet. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov-27-06    
Topic: Poster

Viral Video Meets DRTV in Brilliantly Goofy Site Promotion


If you ever find yourself watching some obscure local TV station late at night in your hotel room while on some lame business trip in some lame city with your lame co-workers to pitch some lame client some lame new work your agency's done for them and a commercial like this one comes on, you just might quit your job immediately and enroll at The Viral Learning Center. Yes, you too can become a viral video expert.

At the Learning Center, you'll learn important viral video tactics such as filming yourself sitting at your desk, the art of falling, hurting animals, using animals to hurt people, working with excrement and vomit and "many more." This hilarious DRTV spoof takes whacks at both the DRTV genre and viral video itself all to promote, yes, a website that's all about viral video called Ziddio. It's one of those "we pay you for your video" site. Kind of like Revver with wit. American Copywriter points.

by Steve Hall    Nov-27-06    
Topic: Best, Commercials, Online, Strange, Video

Schedules Change, Tree Wrapped, Toilets Mobbed, Moss Mad


- Cynopsis reports, "ABC has slid The Nine into hiatus status. The Wednesday night 10p time period this week will be home to a special edition of 20/20. Elsewhere, in another schedule change, NBC will replace Friday Night Lights on Tuesdays at 8p beginning December 26 with a third weekly installment of Dateline NBC. NBC has ordered up a full season of Friday Night Lights, but at this point has not announced its new time period."

- Swarovski Crystal is taking advantage of Rockefeller Center Christmas treee anticipation with a giant scaffold wrap.

- Apparently those Times Square Charmin toilets were a hit with people waiting up to 45 minutes to offer their leave behinds.

- Kate Moss may pull out of her Agent Provocateur marketing deal because she's miffed company owner Serena Rees is dating Clash bassist Paul Simonon, former husband to Moss' best friend Tricia.

by Steve Hall    Nov-27-06    
Topic: Celebrity, Good, Outdoor, Television

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