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Wal-Mart Whacked, Dell Does SL, KFC Rebrands


- Wal-mart is getting attacked in a new campaign which decries the chain's wgae, benefit and employee practices. It's so muh fun being a big box retailer, isn't it?

- Dell has decided to blah, blah, blah Second Life in order to blah, blah, blah so that it can strengthen its blah, blah, blah and connect with its blah, blah, blah. Next.

- In the works since last Summer, the new Colonel Sanders has made his debut. This is about as boring as the whole visible from space thing incorrectly claimed to have been a first when Maxim already did it with Eva Longoria. Yawn.

- eBay has opened its online auction-based e-Media Exchange for a peek before its beat release in December. Sales reps are running in fear of losing their jobs because buyers won't just ignore them, they won't need them any more.

by Steve Hall    Nov-15-06    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Social

Xbox 360 Delivers Bowel Clenching Realism And A Box


While we're not going to make any connections between video game violence and real world violence, one does have to wonder what effects spending hours blowing up, shooting and mutilating video game opponents to a bloody pulp have on the human brain. Moral debates aside, two dudes and a Paris Hilton Mannequin mug for the camera in episodic videos that capture the life of the hardcore gamer strapped with inferior gaming equipment.

Be sure to not miss the obvious alternative pronunciation of "she makes me calm" in the second video or the obvious nod to another type of box in the series' name, "Two Men & A Box" Witty.

by Steve Hall    Nov-15-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Strange, Video

Nice'n Easy Demonstrates Hair Model Dangers


Ever wonder what happens to all those hair models who do nothing but flail their hair around in commercials to show how lush and shiny the shampoo makes the hair? Well look no further than this self-deprecating Australian commercial for nice'n easy.

by Steve Hall    Nov-15-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Justin Long Not Heaved From Apple Campaign


AdJab points to Mac Guy Justin Long's site on which the actor says he, contrary to reports, will still be doing Apple commercials, writing, "As for the Mac commercials, I don't know where that report came from that said I wasn't going to do it anymore - I'm literally setting my alarm right now to wake up for a Mac shoot tomorrow -we're doing some holiday spots now which I think will be pretty funny. They're easy to do, I love John (the pc guy) and working with him is so effortless and fun that I definitely wouldn't rule out doing some more." The whole idea he was getting heaved sounded prety stupid anyway.

by Steve Hall    Nov-14-06    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns

Ball Bouncing Babes, Field Wrestlers Promote Drink


In the so bad they might even be good category, these two spots for YooHoo-like drink Primo are non-sensically wacky, questionably entertaining and most certainly too long. We get to see wrestlers in a field softened by a rabbit and bikinied babes bouncing on big red balls in a parking garage for some good passing by. Something about Primo bringing things back into focus.

by Steve Hall    Nov-14-06    
Topic: Commercials

Friday Nights Light, BK Brazil Does CGM, Flags Re-Branded


- Cynopsis reports "NBC has given a full season order to Friday Night Lights, starring Kyle Chandler. Thus far this season the show has averaged a 2.7/7 among A18-49 and 6.7 million viewers overall."

- We can't read "Brazilian"but Burger King Brazil has launched a contest that asks people to submit their own Whopper commercials mirrored after a currently running campaign.

- Commercial Alert's Gary Ruskin eloquently responds to the recent food industry self regulation announcement saying, ""Self-regulation is just another word for letting the fox regulate the chicken coop, which of course leads to dead chickens. Self-regulation has been a key ingredient in the childhood obesity epidemic. It is the problem, not the solution. The childhood obesity epidemic will continue until Congress passes tough new laws against marketing to children. Self-regulation is no substitute."

- Advertika has an interesting Flash video that has fun with the world's flags.

by Steve Hall    Nov-14-06    
Topic: Consumer Created

Competitive Placement Combines With Contextual Oddity


Now here's some contextual advertising double stuff for you. In an article about email and telemarketing touting their superiority over snail mail, not one but two snail mail carrier ads appear on the page: USPS and UPS. Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with an ad appearing next to a story that praises the opposite of what it does but there might be some competitive issues with the ads for competing services appear next to each other. You decide.

by Steve Hall    Nov-14-06    
Topic: Online

Sirius Has Whatever You're Into


Who says hip hop lovers don't like country, love Elvis and listen to Discovery radio? Not Sirius radio in it's new campaign which offers up it's service as something for "whatever you're into." Not a bad approach. After all, we all have closeted likes and dislikes that we don't share with others and only experience in the privacy of our car while driving to work or at home when no one else is there. Not that we have any odd likings. We're just saying. The campaign was created by Vancouver's Rethink and produced by Reginald Pike.

by Steve Hall    Nov-14-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Television

Salvation Army Campaign Asks Us to Open Our Eyes


Here's a heart warming and well crafted campaign for Canada's Salvation Army that asks us to open up our eyes and notice those who are in need of our help. Called "Invisible," the campaign includes print and TV and illustrates who it's way too easy for us to let those in need slip into the background and be ignored. The campiagn was created by Toronto-based ACLC. Nice work.

by Steve Hall    Nov-14-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Magazine, Television

Girls Who Must Shop Get Help


For all you "JenX" hipsterati females out there who love to shop but just don't have the time to waste finding that perfect miniskirt or winter coat, A Girl Must Shop is now here for you. Run by Megan Garnhum, the site (in blog form) promises to serve "the interests of hip, trendy gals who can appreciate the treasures that a shopping excursion can unearth, but don't have the time to discover all the riches on their own."

While we're not quite convinced hipsters would actually set foot inside Old Navy, Megan tells us "busy hipsters can find cool, affordable stuff - from the latest little black dress at Old Navy to specialized chocolates to single-serving champagne that's $4 can. And we help them find stores they didn't even know existed."

by Steve Hall    Nov-14-06    
Topic: Good, Weblogs

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