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Scott Shoots for Funny - and Succeeds, but Not In the Way They Hope


A PR guy asked us to say something about Scott's Clog Clinic/Halftime Flush campaign but we had some trouble taking the e-mail seriously. And upon visiting the site we were disappointed to find it wasn't as funny as the e-mail. So we're going to not talk about it at all and post our favourite parts of the e-mail instead. Enjoy.

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by Angela Natividad    Nov- 7-06    
Topic: Bad, Online

Horrified Telemarketer Gets Stuck on the Line with Psychotic Cop Charade


This demonstrates that it is both possible and gratifying to make your telemarketers feel violated.

Scamp tipped us off. He thinks the clip is about the importance of having a strong tone of voice. If by strong tone of voice he means being able to slide into an invasive Deliverance-style redneck state then we agree. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov- 7-06    
Topic: Good, Radio

Volkswagen Consoles Fathers with the Touran


Brentter points us to an ad for Volkswagen's Touran. A theme park-style ride simulates the journey from bachelorhood to fatherhood with sinister wax or clay dolls. The trip ends in a pretty place with birds chirping and a Touran which is supposed to make you feel better about the whole transition. We're not sure that's how it works, in part because the Touran doesn't exactly look like a blast, but it's a likeable ad nonetheless.

The spot was directed by H5 of RSA/Little Minx for Agence V. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov- 7-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Television

Siemens Says 'Play Dirty for Washing Machine'


Siemens jumps on the advergame bandwagon with Stain Art. The object is to stain a shirt with a sadistic palette that includes babies, chocolate, grass and eggs. Soil is especially fun. The best shirt gets put in an ad and the winner receives a Stain Removal washing machine.

Interesting idea. What would be even better is if your shirt got replicated with all those disgusting ingredients and the guy from Cheer appeared at your front door to wash it in a Stain Remover washing machine, which he then gave to you along with a magically clean shirt. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov- 7-06    
Topic: Good, Online

Datran's Dancing Bar Babes Highlight ad:tech Party Tour


Stepping in where Bluelithium left off and getting our vote as the the company providing the coolest party entertainment, Datran Media hosted a party Monday night at ad ad:tech in News York at 110 University Place. Upon entry, the four corners of a two sided bar were graced with four women dressed in Datran-colored frilly outfits which revealed far more than they covered. In the back area of the club, a woman dressed in a flesh colored body suit was suspended from the ceiling, writhing in a sheet-like sling which did an effective job showing off the contours of her body. Apparently, it was interesting to the audience as every eye in the place was aimed upward. Beyond the gyrating human-style entertainment, the Datran party also offered numerous pool tables and even a bowling alley.

In terms of ambiance, another metric by which we measured the amusement factor of this year's ad:tech parties, both the Industry Brains and Crobar parties where at the top of the list though for very different reasons. Vertical industry keyword targeting company Industry Brains held their party at Divine Bar, a very red, elegant-ish establishment where decent wine and delicious snacks where served. The ambiance was relaxing and just what was needed after a long day at the conference. Good wine. Comfy couches. Good party. And an awards show as well.

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by Steve Hall    Nov- 7-06    
Topic: Industry Events

Booth Babes Yield to Booth Dudes


It seems the booth babe trend has passed and in its place, a new trend has appeared: The Booth Dude. A visit to the CPA Empire booth will offer you the anti-booth babe, a fine collection of the male specimen clad head-to-toe in white tuxedos. Definitely an eye catcher and, dare we say, as eye catching as booth babe cleavage. Yes, a new trend is upon us at ad:tech. Relish it until its days are played out and it turns in to a Chippendales nightmare.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 6-06    
Topic: Industry Events, Trends and Culture

Sex-Crazed Commercialism Doesn't Hold a Candle to Mother Nature's Perversions


We want to say no, it's not weird to see genitals in nature, but photographing them and putting them all together does vibe slightly weird. And calling the whole thing Nature is Sexy? It completely warps the meaning of "tree-hugger."

We're a little worried somebody at the office is going to come up behind us and catch us looking at ...

... at what? Fruit? A gaping hole in the ground? What? - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov- 6-06    
Topic: Online, Racy, Strange

BusinessWeek Puts Big Brains on Print


Because it's low-key, informative and witty, and because each piece of creative merits a long look, we've watched the ongoing BusinessWeek ad campaign with interest for some time.

This is one ad we really liked, in part because the purple shapes on the brain look vaguely like happy people with their hands in the air. Side effects of reality TV? Probably. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov- 6-06    
Topic: Good, Magazine, Outdoor

Bob Garfield Disses Defeatist Saturn Aura Ad


It's pretty funny. A tame excerpt:

"Look! A crash-test bulkhead! Look! A rugged fashion model squinting with driving intensity! Look! The California sunrise glinting into the lens! No surprise, of course, that a General Motors product introduction would embrace every single cliche of the auto-ad genre. This, in addition to losing money and shutting down factories, is what GM does."


Saturn's Aura ad indeed reeks of something we've seen 10,000 times before, and the slogan feels like they've thrown up their hands and died: "Saturn. Like always. Like never before." Feels a lot like the work a high schooler would put together if asked, not to create a car ad, but to simulate an aggregate of car ads seen over a lifetime.

Sucks for you, Saturn. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov- 6-06    
Topic: Campaigns

Booth Babes Yield to Booth Beauties


In a twist on the tired (did we actually say that?) booth babe approach to attracting attention, affiliate ad network hydramedia left the short skirts, tight tank tops and butterfly costumes at home and, instead, went for a more elegantly polished look. While we can't say we never want to see "typical" booth babes again, we think the hydramedia ladies hit on something interesting here.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 6-06    

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