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New York's MTA Declares One Block A Neighborhood in Campaign

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According to Animal, New York's MTA is dramatically stretching the definition of a city block in a currently running poster campaign which declares the "Diamond District" an actual neighborhood. The kicker? The diamond district consists of barely one block. We wonder just how many neighborhoods the city would consist of if this definition became widespread.

by Steve Hall    Oct-17-06    
Topic: Outdoor, Poster, Strange

Bouncing Thong-Clad Beauties Spank For Biker Insurance


There aren't many people who use the term "brand spanking new" let alone use it to announce a "brand spanking new website" let along film four thong-clad women actually spanking each other while jumping up and down on a gigantic bouncy castle. But, there are some and biker insurance company Bennetts, located in the UK, is one. If you're interested in biker insurance or, more likely, even if you're not, wallow in the silliness that these three spots deliver and remember, we work in the same industry from which these wondrous creations came. For its pure foolishness, we like it. Ariel, not so much.

by Steve Hall    Oct-17-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Racy, Strange, Video

Mental Patients and Heterosexual Cowboys Not Needed For Poker


In a series of four commercials produced by Therapy Films, PartyPoker illustrates how it can help when you have no one else to play with . From a doctor trying to play with mental patients to an accuracy-challenged magician, PartyPoker proves another human being isn't alwasy necessary to enjoy a great game of poker. Check out all four spots here.

by Steve Hall    Oct-17-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials

McDonald's Promotion Serves Up Virus-Infected MP3 Players


As part of a McDonald's Japan promotion, the burger giant, along with Coke, gave away 10,000 MP3 players to those who purchased specially marked cups of Coke. Unfortunately, the MP3 players were infested with QQPass, a piece of spyware, that, once connected to people's PCs, allowed hackers access to passwords and other personal information. McDonald's issued a public apology and a recall for the infected MP3 players. It's unclear whether the company made any restitution for any data lost by those who were infected.

by Steve Hall    Oct-16-06    
Topic: Mobile/Wireless, Promotions, Worst

Dove Illustrates Why Perception of Beauty is Distorted


When we as an industry set out to create a beautiful ad, we tend to sometimes let our creativity and this thing called Photoshop run amock. Clearly demonstrating this penchant and fixation for beautifying everything in our path is this Dove commercial - created by Ogilvy Toronto and produced by Reginald Pike - in which an average looking woman is, first, subjected to intense physical makeover and then intense digital makeover turning her into the very familiar but very unreal woman we see gracing the pages of magazines and as subject matter for our advertising.

more »

by Steve Hall    Oct-16-06    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Creative Commentary, Good, Opinion

Marketers Discover Too Late Gen Y Doesn't Look at Ads

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Uh-oh. Guess now is a bad time to figure this out, considering social networks seem like rabid acquisitions that go for a pretty penny - like, gazillions of pretty pennies at a time.

But did we actually need to tell you this? Were you really ever under the impression all those ads slathered across MySpace's site were achieving anything? There's only one way to market on MySpace: save some money, throw together a somewhat clever site, and whore yourself out to where the eyeballs really go - the Top 8. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Oct-16-06    
Topic: Online, Research, Trends and Culture

Advance Screening of New Sony Bravia Ad Midnight Tonight


While everyone is waiting until Tuesday at 8:35PM GMT (Tuesday 4:35PM EST) to see the much anticipated Sony Bravia ad which, in reality, has already been available in un-produced, amateur video form (like this one) for some time now, something tells us if you check out the Sony Bravia Advert site slightly after midnight EST tonight (Monday), you'll have a 16:35 hour head start on everyone else. See? We do deliver the goods from time to time.

UPDATE: It's up now (7:30ish PM EST) and it's good. Though some of the mid-air paint explosions look quite fake, we're not complaining.

by Steve Hall    Oct-16-06    
Topic: Commercials, Video

Napster Continues Stripper Fetish


Continuing its fixation with strippers and their apparent ability to convey Napster's marketing message, the once free-for-all now pay-for-all music service has trotted out yet another stripper to illustrate just how bad the iTunes buck-a-song premise is compared to Napster's all you can eat offering. We suppose the analogy works. After all, no one really wants to own a stripper. They just want to rent one for a little while until they're...well...finished.

by Steve Hall    Oct-16-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions, Racy, Video

Super Hero Goes Splat in UK Alcohol Education Campaign


Well now here's something to brighten up your Monday morning. Just as soon as your getting comfortable watching some strange super hero attempt to retrieve a party girl's balloons which have just flown away, the super hero turns out to be something entirely different: a stupid drunk. It 's all part of a UK-based campaign from the Home Office and Department of Health to educate people on alcohol's wondrous ability to make one both invincible and vulnerable all at the same time.

by Steve Hall    Oct-16-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Juliet Lewis Goes Nuts, Justin Timberlake Botches Danish


MTV is hyping its MTV Europe Music Awards in Copenhagen hosted by Justin Timberlake and its Backstage show hosted by Juliette Lewis and the Lick with a series of videos in which Justin botches the Danish language, Juliet smashes a computer while logging on and another in which she tells everyone to fucking log on. There's four videos in all (fourth one here) and for some strange reason, we like them.

by Steve Hall    Oct-16-06    
Topic: Cable, Commercials, Good

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