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Ford Signs Toby Keith (Who?)


We don't claim to be any sort of music afficianado, we think country music is silly and, well, we don't live in the country which is why Ford's choice of country singer Toby Keith to promote it F-150, F-Series Super Duty and Ford Ranger vehicles is probably a good thing for those who don't live where we do. While we have no idea who Keith is, we're sure a lot of people do and will just love his verbal twanging and run right out and buy a Ford.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 5-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity

Burger King Launches Branded Xbox Games


Collecting together its various personalities from Brooke Burke to Subservient Chicken to Whopper Jr. to the King himself, Burger King has launched three Xbox and Xbox360 games loaded with Burger King branding. One game is all about racing. Another involves sneaking up on hungry people to offer them Burger King food. The third involves a theme park bumper car ride.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 5-06    
Topic: Brands, Games, Good

Lolita Titillates For Lee Jeans, Gets Away With It


Reverse Cowgirl sends us this titillating Lolita-like poster ad campaign (second image here and a motherlode here) for Lee jeans that was under the scrutiny of Australia's Advertising Standards Board after several people complained "the clothes can hardly be seen and "
this type of ad demeans women." True that but the Board did not rule against the ad saying, "The board (notes) that the woman is over 18, is fully clothed in attire that is fashionable amongst young women for summer, and that there is no nudity." True that too. Besides, a little fantasy never hurt anyone, right? Of course, some women will look at this ad and say, "I'm not dressing like that slut" while their boyfriend or husband at the same time begs them, "please, please dress like that slut for me!"

by Steve Hall    Oct- 5-06    
Topic: Poster, Racy

Planned Nipple Slip For Breast Awareness, Quince Girls Get Catalog


- This Saturday, HighBeam Research is opening up their premium online subscription service to everyone for the entire day. Nothing like forcing the industry's research enthusiast to work on a Saturday.

- Dutch actress Halin Reijn explains her recent nipple slip at the premiere of her Paule Verhoven-directed film was a planned stunt for Pink Ribbon during the Netherlands Breast Cancer Awareness month. If only Tara Reid thought of that when she revealed her newly created jug to paparazzi a while back.

- Pace Communications, publishers of Quince Girl magazine, has launched Quinceanera Eleganta, a catalog for the U.S. quinceanera. Quinceanera is the lavish, wedding-like celebration of a Hispanic girl's 15th birthday.

- Gateway announced it will award its mdia account to Initiative who peviously handled the account up through 2003 when Carat took over.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 5-06    
Topic: Magazine, Research

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Written Well Not Agency Website Is


We all know that an agency's own website usually falls to the bottom of the list when it comes to priorities but the creators of this Indian agency's website forgot to bother with basic copywriting, proofreading, translation and, well, just about everything else when it crafted its homepage verbiage. Yes, yes, we shouldn't pick on a company for not knowing English when we Americans are the worst offenders at knowing other countries languages but a simple call to, well, anyone in any English speaking country could have helped these guys out quite a bit.

UPDATE: We've been had. Apparently, it's all just a witty promotional site for an LA-based agency called Kiwi.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 5-06    
Topic: Agencies, Bad, Online, Strange

Disney Promotes Movie Everyone's Already Seen


Not that this particular movie needs any promotion since everyone's already sen it or they're already lined up for the DVD but Disney felt it necessary to put together, Dead Man's Mail, a "create a customized pirate and make it speak whatever you tell it to" promotion just in case the two people who haven't seen Pirates of the Caribbean 2 are aware of the DVD's release.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 5-06    
Topic: Consumer Created, Online, Promotions, Viral

Stolen Chair Urges Spain's Prime Minister to Stand Up Against Poverty


In Spain, a video created by Tiempo BBDO Barcelona which shows two guys sneaking into the contry's parliament building to steal the chair of Prime Minister Zapatero has racked up over 421,000 views on YouTube and created a media frenzy with coverage in El Pais and Spitting image. Part of a United Nations campaign against poverty, the message left in place of Zapatero's chair reads "Zapatero, get on your feet on October 16 to protest against world poverty" which ties nicely to the stolen chair since, without a chair, Zapatero would have to stand the next time he went to parliament.

The video was believed to have been real by the media until the agency issued a statement to the contrary. Yes, it was staged. Part of the video was shot in parliament. The window the two climb through is not the parliament building. The shots inside parliament are the real deal but they didn't steal the actual chair, instead, using a prop. Real, unreal or otherwise, it certainly got the desired attention and media coverage for the cause.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 5-06    
Topic: Good, Video, Viral

VW, Slash Get Together, Give Away Guitars


At this rate, there will be approximately 116 Volkswagen commercials floating around by next year if Crispin keeps up its current pace. In this next outing, Volkswagen has partnered with guitar maker First Act in a promotion called V-dubs rock to give everyone who purchases a particular model with a guitar that features a seat belt as the strap and a plug that lets you tap into the vehicle's audio system. To show it all in action, former Guns N Roses guitarist Slash - now with Velvet Revolver - rocks out. Not that everyone wants a guitar but it's still a nice promotion all the same.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 4-06    
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials, Good, Promotions

Brands Get Banned From Nightclub


Trendhunter tells us Nashville nightclub, On the Rocks, has established a dress code that bars entry to those wearing clothing from brands which appears on its list of unacceptable attire. The list includes ECKO, Southpole, ENYCE, Sean John, Phat Farm, FUBU and several others which some say suggests racial profiling because of the genesis of some of those brands. Well, at least it will keep people from showing up in cheap, Berkley & Jensen discount jeans because, after all, style is way more important than race, creed, color and economic status, right?

by Steve Hall    Oct- 4-06    
Topic: Bad, Brands

Campaign Aims For One Less Pregnant Smoker


In an apparent first, we have an anti-smoking campaign that speaks to an audience that doesn't live on the left or right coast and have "whiny little brat" tattooed to their upper middle class, teenage forehead. Set in somewhere in middle America, this "don't smoke while pregnant" commercial comes from American Legacy and Ad Council and was created by Austin's GSD&M. It very simply illustrates a thought that goes through a young, pregnant mother's head and the resolves she makes to change her lifestyle for the betterment of her baby.

The campaign, which includes print, is tied to a website called Great Start where tips and help are offered for those interested in quitting.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 4-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good

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