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Absolut Campaign Borrowed by Bucharest Police


We're quite sure Absolut won't think this ad campaign is funny but neither will the Bucharest Traffic Police who are riffing on the long running Absolut campaign to deliver a powerful "don't drink and drive" message. Basic. Simple. Honest. We wonder what Absolut's legal department thinks. See two other versions of the ad here.

by Steve Hall    Sep-27-06    
Topic: Brands, Good, Policy

Giant Carrot Thirsty for Billboard Booty


We love this stuff. Every time we see it. Either the billboard crew handling the erection of these two billboards was overly distracted by the large breasted female walking by in that tight, short, schoolgirl miniskirt or they couldn't pass up the chance to quench their thirst for hilariously sick humor. The headline on the carrot billboard hits the home run. Click the image for fully engorged viewing pleasure.

by Steve Hall    Sep-27-06    
Topic: Outdoor, Strange

Hood Blimp Crashes, Billboards Vandelized, Bank Blings


- O&M London is using a pressure washer to write ads on dirty sidewalks and the sides of buildings so as to avoid being labeled as an eco-unfriendly graf artist.

- Hood blimp crashes.

- Is it just us or is the combination of former Kiss bassist Gene Simmons and the elizabeth Glaser Pediatrics AIDS Foundation just a tad strange?

- Catherine Zeta Jones gets the boot from T-Mobile.

- Continuing its My Circle campaign, Alltel has "announced" five of its billboards have been vandalized with the word "Don't" over the headline, "Call anyone on any network for free."

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by Steve Hall    Sep-27-06    
Topic: Guerilla, Online, Outdoor

Chick-fil-A Cows Paratroop Football Field


Those Chick-fil-A cows are at it again recently parachuting onto a football field in the middle of the game to cleverly deliver their message: Eat More Chicken. Just watch. The Richards Group created the ad.

by Steve Hall    Sep-27-06    
Topic: Commercials

Mom Loves New IKEA Stuff, Daughter Gets Shaved


No daughter really likes to listen to their mother go one an one about...well...anything. In fact most wish their Moms would never talk to them at all which is why this teen couldn't take it any longer and told her Mom to shut up about her new IKEA stuff or she'd shave off all her hair. Funny how Moms always get the last word. Toronto's Zig created.

by Steve Hall    Sep-27-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah Launch Dueling Political Ads


If Al Qaeda and Hezbollah were up against each other in an election, these two spots from "here again, gone tomorrow only to return the next day and then leave once more only to return one last time" magazine Radar, would likely be what we might expect to see.

by Steve Hall    Sep-27-06    
Topic: Commercials, Spoofs, Strange

Giant Marionette Wearing Levis Visits Iceland


In yet another "is it real or is it fake" collection of YouTube videos, a giant marionette wearing, it seems, a pair of Levis was hoisted by three helicopters over the streets of Reykjavik Iceland. The giant creature towered over buildings, peered into people's windows and wore the world's biggest pair of jeans as it "walked" down the street. Real? Fake? Who cares. It's cool.

by Steve Hall    Sep-27-06    
Topic: Strange, Video

Gap Destroys Itself In Preparation For Makeover


During this week's OMMA Conference, Crispin Porter + Bogusky showed some Gap work which aired nly in movie theaters in New York and LA. The :90 spot shows a Gap store being demolished by customers and workers as a sign of the new, aged-up Gap. While one source claims this ad was done by Laird+Partners, the fact Crispin showed it at OMMA sort of dispels the notion they sometimes "bend" the list of credits on a project.

by Steve Hall    Sep-27-06    
Topic: Best, Commercials

Agencies Run From Diversity 'Like Chickens With Asses Plucked Clean'


Dishing out some of the best diversity-related smack talk, New York City Councilman Larry Seabrook, in reaction to New York advertising agencies' failure to heed an invitation to appear at yesterday's minority-owned public hearings. said agencies "ran like chickens with their asses plucked clean." Well we all know agency folk are right up there with metrosexuals when it comes to trimming the privates, ass plucking is a new one on us. Agencies, advised by the AAAA's legal counsel, idn't show because they were told their earlier hiring arrangements with the Human Rights Council was enough to do the diversity trick. Like last minute preparations for a big presentations where "Fuck it. We don't need that. We'll just fake it during the presentation" is commonplace thought, agencies figured Advertising Week events would be a whole lot more fun than being grilled by a bunch of pissed off, pro-diversity city officials. Afterall, the Week's crucially important, all expenses paid, lavish luncheons and late night parties just can't be missed.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-27-06    
Topic: Agencies, Industry Events, Trends and Culture

eBay Tattoo Auctions Get High Fashion Treatment


We just love the wittiness of fashion designers and their ad agencies who come up with eBay tattoo auction knock-offs like this ad for Francesco Biasa who, apparently, is trying sell handbags by placing tattoos (likely fake) on the naked bodies of models. Isn't high fashion a beautiful thing?

by Steve Hall    Sep-27-06    
Topic: Magazine, Strange

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