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DVR Fast Forwarding to Net Full Frame Billboards


With this new patented invention from Colin Davies, the marketers vs. DVR ad skippers war continues to heat up. Davies' system allows for full frame, still images to be placed on screen while a person is fast forwarding through ads. This is almost kind of funny. It's so amusing to see what each side of this battle comes up with to usurp the other side's efforts. TiVo already does something similar to this during its fast forward process. Although we don't mind watching a still ad while fast forwarding, sometimes we actually do want to see what we're fast forwarding past so we hope this system allows for some method of accomodating that.

by Steve Hall    Sep-14-06    
Topic: Policy, Television, Tools

Women Forcefully Arrested In Vogue Italia Pictorial


Ever vigil for sexual imagery in any form, Shake Well Before Use directs our attention to a promotional pictorial for Vogue Italia that hearkens overblown, 9-11ish security. The 15 photos in the slideshow depict women in various stages of, well, arrest. Of course, this is high fashion so that trumps any sort of irate reactions in terms of political correctness ot the degradation of women for commerce

by Steve Hall    Sep-13-06    
Topic: Magazine, Strange

That's Not A Dead Lady at the Bottom of the Stairs


Adrants reader Susannah sends us this link to a great stairway ad that has a very photo realistic sticker of a woman who looks like she's just fallen down the stairs. Created by Downtown Partners, the ad is for Red Cross Canada and promotes a first aid training course. Se a close up shot here.

by Steve Hall    Sep-13-06    
Topic: Good, Outdoor

Female Body Builders Wanted For BBDO Germany School


Hmm. This promotional piece for BBDO Germany's eighteen-month Junior Training Program for creatives makes the W + K School look like it's a place for, well, less aggressive types. No matter. We're sure both schools are good but we do like the very strange promotional piece for the BBDO school. Interested? Email them at recruiting@bbdo.de

by Steve Hall    Sep-13-06    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Strange

Photography Central to New Timberland Boot Campaign


Here's a new campaign from Boston-based Winsper for Timberland PRO's PowerWelt work boots which consists of magazine, outdoor and point of sale. The campaign's photography is quite striking if we do say so ourselves and was done by Jim Erickson. The campaign will break mid-September. Check out other creative here, here, here and here.

by Steve Hall    Sep-13-06    
Topic: Good, Magazine, Outdoor, Point of Purchase

Motorola Signs Three Year Deal With Danica Patrick


That Danica is getting more sponsorship action than many male race car drivers before her. Oh wait. Probably not. It's just that she's female and female race car drivers make news. Anyway, Danica Patrick, who, like all female athletes before her, did the FHM spread, signed a three year, $35 million sponsorship deal with Motorola. Her 2007 car will be black with blue accents to match Mototola's colors. Photo credit: Julio Cortez/AP.

by Steve Hall    Sep-13-06    
Topic: Sponsorship

'Big Ad' Brewer Returns With 'Flashdance'


OK, this is just stupid oddly amusing enough to be funny. It's Carlton Draught's follow up to it's famed Big Ad. This time, the ad, called Flash Beer and created by Melbourne-based George Patterson Y&R, isn't focused on spoofing British Airways but rather that famous (and much spoofed) dance scene from the movie Flashdance. Except we don't get to watch Jennifer Beal's tight body writhe across the floor. We get to watch poor Kevin Cavendish who just wants a job at Carlton Draught brewing the beer because he loves it so much. By the end, we couldn't help liking it. We think you will too. If not, we're sure you'll let us know.

by Steve Hall    Sep-13-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Online

Starbucks Brings Back Topless Mermaid Logo


To the ire of a Seattle Kent Elementary School Principal who is requiring her teachers to place protective covers over their Starbucks coffee cups, Starbacks, to mark its 35th anniversary, is bringing back its original logo - a topless mermaid with her fins spread - to Washington and Oregon. We're thinking this isn't going to go over very well.

by Steve Hall    Sep-12-06    
Topic: Brands, Strange

Anna Nicole Smith's Dead Son For Sale In IntelliTXT Ad


Someday marketers are going to wake up and realize that humans are, in fact , a much needed entity in the creation and management of online ad campaigns and that some aspects of those campaigns shouldn't be left to a bunch of servers in some sever farm in the middle of nowhere. This latest contextual corrigendum comes courtesy of IntelliTXT, that company that places annoying roll over pop ups linked to text in articles on many sites such as the Atlanta Journal Constitution. In this AJC.com article about the sudden death of Anna Nicole Smith's son, we find an ad offering 10 to 20 percent off Smiths at Target as if Anna might want to drop by Target and pick up a new son with her credit card.

more »

by Steve Hall    Sep-12-06    
Topic: Online, Strange, Worst

Agency.com Earns Redemption With WTC Memorial Work


We're not even going to mention it. What we are going to mention is recent pro-bono work Agency.com did in conjunction with TBWA\Chiat/Day for the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation which seeks $170 million in private funding. The agency created a microsite which, in homage to the many actual flags that appeared after 9-11, consists of a flag people can add their names to show support for the WTC Memorial and Memorial Museum at Ground Zero.

The flag can be forwarded to friends and will also be incorporated into dynamic online banners that people can interact with. The microsite and the banners, part of an overall TBWA\Chiat\Dat multimedia campaign, will point people to the WTC Memorial Foundation website for more information on the project. Now there's some noble work that actually deserves a fist bump. Dammit. We mentioned it. Sorry.

by Steve Hall    Sep-12-06    
Topic: Good, Online

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