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Goose Poops on People's Heads For PSP


Anytime a spot tosses in a joke about pooping on people's heads, it's guaranteed coverage on Adrants. In this spot, created by TBWA/Ciat/Day and directed by Hornet director Monkmus (gotta love those self-important one namers), features a goose talking to the dustball dude about the PSP's travel friendly features. Watch it here.

by Steve Hall    Sep- 5-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Magazine Uses Model's Photograph Without Permission for Promotion


George Parker tells us the story of a German magazine that fell prey to the openness of the interweb or, perhaps, was just plain stupid. The Cologne-based magazine, a yet-to-be-launched book aimed at teens, called Objektiv found an image of a model to use in a promotional piece and slapped the headline, "Deutsch Ist Geil!" or "German is Hot!" next to her. While it's very easy to troll the Internet for millions of images that suit any particular purpose, the group behind Objektiv found the image of the girl, 19 year old Czech model, Jaimy, on her site, Sweet Natural Girl, a psuedo, semi-pornish, girl next door type site. These kind of sites, whose sole revenue stream consists of drooling, horny guys who will throw money at anything just to see fleshy hotness, don't take kindly to their images being used in such a widespread manner by a for-profit entity without remuneration. Obviously, legal action has ensued. Apparently, the fact she's Czechoslovakian didn't sit well either but that's for you political types to analyze.

by Steve Hall    Sep- 5-06    
Topic: Bad, Magazine, Publishing

Cinema Ad Goes Live With Audience Participation.


This was done before prior to a theatrical presentation but now it's made its way to movie theaters. To promote its new B LIve website which, humorously, appears to be under construction, Bacardi placed a pre-movie ad in Dutch theaters showing people grooving to a DJ. Half way through the ad, the power (in the ad) goes out, the music stops and the people stop dancing. A few seconds later, a guy in the theater stands up and starts beatboxing to which the dancers in the actual commercial respond to and begin dancing again. A woman in the theater stands and begins to dance as well. While the whole thing looks very staged, if real, it does seem to eliminate the pre-movie monotony that has taken over theaters.

by Steve Hall    Sep- 5-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Versa Sings, Starbucks Pings

- NBC has launched Star Tomorrow, its first exclusively online series in which competitors will vie for singing career and people will vote online to influence the competition. Part of the program is the Versa Lounge, named after sponsoring Nissan Versa and an inside look at the program.

- After Starbucks pinged a few employees with a free iced coffee offer and urged recipients to forward the offer to a friend, the coffee giant canceled the offer because it spread too far and stores were giving away too much free coffee. Not a bad problem to have.

- Announced earlier, EA has put its technology along with Microsoft's Xbox Live service will serve changing (versus static) ads to players of the game Need for Speed Carbon.

by Steve Hall    Sep- 5-06    
Topic: Online

Because No One Else Would, Golden Palace Places in K-Fed Video


We're just guessing that Britney's K-Fed couldn't find any brands to product place in his newly released 'Lose Control' music video. That's the only explanation we can come up with for the sudden close up shot midway through the video of a dancer wearing a GoldenPalace.com t-shirt. It's perfect. Everyone's going to check this video out of morbid curiosity and there GoldenPalace will be for all to see in the middle of this...um...less that great music video. Much appreciation to Adrants reader Dario Meli for tipping us to this.

by Steve Hall    Sep- 5-06    
Topic: Celebrity, Product Placement, Video

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