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Wife Sale, Upskirt Shots Promote Men's Mag


There's a lot of ways to promote a magazine. Some more offbeat than others. With the tagline "Let us keep on dreaming of a better world," - which, oddly sounds like some old hippy song - and graphics that portray women as they are be seen inside the fantasy-laden minds of men, this promotion for Belgian magazine, Che, is definitely one we'll never see here in the States but, all the same, think is fun if viewed without the lenses of one's politically correct glasses. From upskirt panty shots to a monthly wife sale, this campaign doesn't get bogged down with proper behavior. See the upskirt and others here. Safe enough for work. Oh, and here's a funny one on Flickr.

by Steve Hall    Aug-28-06    
Topic: Magazine, Point of Purchase, Poster

MySpace Members Tell Marketers to Get Out


Yes, it's happening as we said it would from the start. MySpace users are complaining about the proliferation of corporate profiles created by marketers eager to tap into the 100 million people on MySpace. Of corporate profiles on MySpace, one person tells MediaPost, "Frankly, I think that's going too far." Frankly, we agree. While for a marketer, it's impossible to ignore the allure of 100 million people, the proliferation of advertising on MySpace is akin to Coke placing it's logo behind the cross in churches across the country. The two just don't go together.

by Steve Hall    Aug-28-06    
Topic: Bad, Online, Trends and Culture

Kaboom Advertising Wants to Be Your Friend


Yes, they do. They really do. They asked us. Maybe they'll ask you. Yup, Kaboom Advertising has a MySpace page and they invited us to be their friend. Cool. We're not sure how much awareness or business a MySpace page for an ad agency will generate given that the average MySpace member is, oh, 16 and nowhere in need of an ad agency but, thankfully, Kaboom's page looks nothing like a MySpace page.

by Steve Hall    Aug-28-06    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Online

'TV Guide' Begs For Readership With Popcorn Promotion


Never one to accept the fact on screen guides have crushed their print business, TV Guide is getting together with Orvill Redebacker popcorn in a TV That Pops promotion that will place dollar off coupons and a chance to win eight complimentary issues of the magazine on boxes of the popcorn. The promotion will be aided by FSIs, POS displays and online ads. There's also a "TV That Pops Sweepstakes Challenge" that will award one lucky person a trip to TV Guide's After Party in LA following the 2007 Emmy Awards.

by Steve Hall    Aug-28-06    
Topic: Magazine, Newspaper, Online, Packaging, Point of Purchase, Promotions

Book Videos Get Kids to Read


Acknowledging the lowly state of the lonely, unread book collecting dust on the shelves of Barnes and Noble and Borders as kids instead spend hours playing video games, obsessing over MySpace, chatting on AIM and blogging on Xanga, Random Hose Children's Books has teamed with The Book Standard and announced the Teen Book Video Awards. It's a contest in which college students create virally-intentioned :30 videos, similar to movie trailers, which will help Random House promote books through various web outlets and over Sprint's MSpot.

Random House has selected three books for the contest including The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray and How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff. Oddly, they're all bestsellers. One might think Random House would want to promote books that, well, haven't sold so well yet. Hey, we just write about this stuff.

by Steve Hall    Aug-28-06    
Topic: Online, Promotions, Publishing, Video

Search Consultants Unnecessary, P Diddy Pisses on YouTube


- We're in full agreement with George Parker who says agency search consultants don't add much value other than taking a cut of the client's marketing budget and treating agencies like early-round American Idol contestants.

- STACK magazine and Nike's Jordan Brand have partnered to create a custom publication for teen athletes. The magazine will focus on helping young athletes pursue a healthy athletic development.

- Shawn Waite brings us important news informing us P Diddy has pissed on YouTube. Literally. Like we needed to see that.

- Ha, ha, ha. Like we didn't all see this coming. Time has closed down its pitiful attempt at humor known as Office Pirates.

- In winning the Safeway account, DDB now has the pleasure of creating an insane amount of newspaper FSIs, POPs, shelf talkers, circulars, goofy radio ads and piles and piles of direct mail. Hey, for $200 million, it just might be worth it.

by Steve Hall    Aug-27-06    
Topic: Agencies

Bleary-Eyed Best Buy Web Developer Hits Wrong Letter On Keyboard


Web Developers for online retailers have a tough job. While working on a car dealer account and dealing with all the minutia that has to appear in each week's Sunday newspaper ad may seem grueling, that's nothing compared to the minute by minute and second by second changes that must made to a large retailer's site such as Best Buy. It seems when Michael Shostack did a search for a Sony Cybershot 7.2, the returned results were hardly what was expected. Yes, the "i" is right next to the "o" on the keyboard which explains this error but, all the same, it's still funny to see certain words on major retailer's site. It brings new meaning to the phrase "shot to shit." See the screenshot and a video of the action here since you know this little typo will quickly be corrected.

by Steve Hall    Aug-27-06    
Topic: Online, Strange

Boobs On Bikes Promotional Parade Stirs Controversy in Auckland


Adrants reader Amy is surprised we didn't cover the news regarding last week's apparently controversial Boobs on Bikes Parade which promoted the weekend's Erotica expo in Auckland, New Zealand. Avid Adrants readers know we never stoop to the depths of racy fair such is this simply to garner increased readership but when a reader wonders why we haven't covered the news, a little bell goes off in our head helping us to realize we really do need to serve our reader's need.

That said, we are duty bound to comply so we'll inform you 20 porn stars rode topless down Queens Street on motorbikes to the glee and shock on onlookers which ranged from pre-pubescent small boys to the elderly on the verge of a coronary. Calling the event "morally repugnant," Auckland City Councilors tried to get the event canceled but could not succeed. Event organizer Steve Crow, taking the don't like don't look stance, said, "If it was a religious parade I'm not religious and I would choose to stay out of Queen Street for the day. They've got the choice." Crow also said the City Councilors' efforts are pointless adding, "The only way they could legally stop it would be to change the constitution of New Zealand and remove women's rights to bare their breasts in public." Hmm. Do we have that right here in the States?

by Steve Hall    Aug-27-06    
Topic: Events

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