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Agency.com Video Gets Brokeback Mountain-Style Fist Bump


It just doesn't stop. No matter what we do, the Agency.com fist bump fest just will not leave the building. Not to mention those Brokeback Mountain Parodies Here's yet another spoof of the agency's Subway Pitch Video called Douchebag Mountain that mashes up Brokeback with the boys from Agency.com. We don't know what all this will accomplish for Agency.com or what harm will befall them but we do know this whole thing is officially a viral. We also know people in this insecure industry love to one up themselves by beating the shit out of their competition whenever the opportunity presents itself.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 3-06    
Topic: Agencies, Online, Spoofs, Strange, Video, Viral

Smirnoff Gets Preppy In Long Form Video


Here's a long form music video ad of sorts for Smirnoff that, if you ever lived any part of the preppy life, you will find very funny. A crew of prepped out New England wigger rappers delivers the whole Cape Cod, Pearl necklace, south wing veranda, Top Siders, alligator pants, sweater over the shoulder, collar up thing in full Preppy Handbook style.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 3-06    
Topic: Good, Strange, Video

Ad Mashup Leaves Creative Brief, Client Behind


Advertising for Peanuts has launched Ad Mashup, a site where Art Directors can throw the creative brief and the client out the window, mashup various ads into their own personal works of art and share the results with the rest of the ad community. This is a great site to play around with while listening to your traffic manager drone on about what's due when knowing full well nothing will ever be delivered on time.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 3-06    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Good, Spoofs, Weblogs

Pets Escape, People Escape...From High Cell Phone Bills


Following the "Stupid Pet Tricks": thing, Element 79 partners has created a series of spots featuring animals escaping form their cages just as humans like to escape from high cell phone bills which is what mobile phone company Cricket promises in these ads. See three of the ads here, here and here.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 3-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials

Carmen Elektra Signs With Weight Loss Pill, Boobs Stay Big


Carmen Elektra seems to be very busy these days. Perhaps she really can't find any work and has to turn to advertisers for her paycheck. Not too long after she signed with Ritz Camera to be its spokesmodel, the actress has also signed with NV, "the world's first beauty-enhancing weight loss pill." Whatever that is. This ought to be fun to watch. Carmen takes the pill. Carmen lose weight. Carmen gets skinny. Carmen's fake boobs stay huge.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 3-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Strange

Sub-Zero Wines, Altoids Dumps Leo?, Nokia Shares, Blog Shot


- Fridge maker (and wine storage maker) Sub-Zero has launched a weblog which focuses on wine.

- A reader writes, "Just read on Candyaddict.com that Altoids is coming out with "chocolate dipped mints." Any truth to the rumor that they bagged Leo Burnett after that awful sour challenge campaign? That's the word..."

- Getty Images made licensing images easier (or so they say) with their new rights-ready licensing service.

- Nokia has a couple of new spots, created by Lowe Singapore, that do the whole individuality is cool, mind/body/spirit thing. (1, 2)

- In the "huh?" and "WTF" categories comes this weblog called Shoot My Blog which exists for no other reason that to solicit from people pipcture of the Shoot My Blog blog.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 3-06    
Topic: Agencies, Tools, Weblogs

Puma and Foot Locker Bring Back Russian American Space Race


Somehow the creators of this site for the release of the Puma Superstructure in Foot Locker has made an analogy to the 60's space race complete with angry Russions and secret files. This is a European site so maybe there's some sort of obsession with the whole Russian American cold war/space race think but for this America, today, Russia's just a gigantic country that makes a lot of vodka.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 3-06    
Topic: Online, Strange

Copied Copies of Copied Ads Copied Again


What is it with skycam filming of people running around like ants until they form images and words? We have no idea, but someone else is doing it again. After TalkTalk and Belgian newspaper Het Nieuwsblad, here's three more (1, 2, 3) for Macif.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 3-06    

Exxon's PR Agency Possibly Behind Spoof of Al Gore's Film


Like everyone else, it's Al Gore's turn to be spoofed on YouTube. While Exxon and its PR firm, Washington-based DCI Group, deny having anything to to with it, the creator of Al Gore's Penguin Army, a video that spoofs Gore's An Inconvenient Truth, 29-year-old "Toutsmith" was found by the Wall Street Journal to be using an email address that tracked back to DCI Group. He would not tell the Journal who he was or why he made the video. Oh now let's see. Al's movie slams oil companies. Exxon in an oil company. Nah. There's no connection there.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 3-06    
Topic: Good, Spoofs, Video

Grandma, Granddaughter Talk About Big Dicks


If you take the least likely people expected to utter a slew of dirty language, old ladies and young girls, and fill their mouths with a full-on stream of dick talk as if it were an everyday conversation, well, the outcome is funny. Call it the bathroom humor factor or stick it in the fart joke category but it's still funny. It never tires. Oh, and if it matters, it's all to promote the Reservoir Dogs game. There's second one with f-word-filled gun play.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 3-06    
Topic: Commercials, Games, Good, Online

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