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Land Rover Hits the Desert For LR3


Young & Rubicam Brands along with directors The Croneweths have created three spots for Land Rover LR3. In one of the spots, Spinning Accolades, the vehicle is shown driving across the El Dorado Dry Lake Bed near Las Vegas traversing its way around large blocks of type praising the vehicle. It just may get the message across more clearly than the usual sleep-inducing baritone announcer.

by Steve Hall    Jul-24-06    
Topic: Commercials

ad:tech Gets New Chair (Person, Not Office Furniture)


As ad:tech kicks off its Chicago conference, changes afoot in the organization's corner office. Susan Bratton, who has been the Programming Chair for many years is shifting her responsibilities and will become Chair Emeritus. Drew Ianni will take the Programming Chair position and be responsible for continuing the expansion of ad:tech.

In a press release, Ianni said, "As ad:tech continues to thrive and grow, we must maintain our reputation as a place people come to learn. The content and programming have to remain on point and of the highest quality. Time is increasingly scarce and valuable, so we must make it worthwhile for industry influencers and leaders to take the time off and attend. ad:tech has achieved its role as the gravitational center of this industry by doing just that, and I intend to keep us here."

more »

by Steve Hall    Jul-24-06    
Topic: Industry Events

ad:tech Chicago Kicks Off With Exhibitor Party


Here I am again in Chicago, a town I've traveled to may times before in my Starcom/Leo Burnett Technology Group days, for the 2006 ad:tech trade show. As usual, the show kicked off with a party for the exhibitors held outside the Sheraton Hotel right next to the river. Of all the U.S.-based ad:tech shows, the Sheraton Chicago is the most beautiful. Next year, that will change but will likely remain just as nice a venue when the show moves to Chicago's Navy Pier next to Lake Michigan which, by the way, I'm looking at right now as I write this. About 3,200 people are expected to attend the show this year. Check out more Exhibitor Party and set up pictures here.

by Steve Hall    Jul-23-06    
Topic: Industry Events

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