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Oreo And Randy Jackson Make Daring Commercial


Tian questions Oreo's choice of American Idol's Randy Jackson as host of the company's Oreo & Milk Jingle Contest. He appears in ads and on packaging promoting the contest. Tian points out the term "oreo" is slang for "African Americans that the black community is generally offended with for betraying their roots usually for dating caucasion girls, dressing too white, talking too white, etc." as defined in the Urban Dictionary.

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by Steve Hall    Jul- 6-06    
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials

Pimp Cat Likes Fresh Box


Oh come on. Not that kind of box you dirty scumbag. Put those disgusting thoughts aways and listen up. Cat litter maker Fresh Step wants us to know their new carbon cat litter completely eliminates odors. Of course that causes problems for several felines in a video featured on this site hosted by Milos the Fresh Cat, a pimp-like dude who has a few tips cats on the prowl.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 6-06    
Topic: Good, Online

eefoof Monetizes, Bouncing Breasts Sell Candy


- A site with a strange name, eefoof, has launched and it's like YouTube except it's set up from the start with a revenue model to make money for both the site and the content uploader.

- If candy and top heavy Japanese girls bouncing their breasts in a bikini while shouting something that sounds a lot like "jerk off" is your thing, then this spot is for you.

- Here's some stunning news that actually needed a survey to convey it: According to Quepasa Market Intelligence, Hispanics prefer to read labels in Spanish. Who knew? (no link)

- These are really stupid in that good sort of way. They promote Kellog's Crunchy Nut, were created by JWT London and directed by The Perlorian Brothers.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 6-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Everyone At Mullen Likes to Eat In


Along with Google, UPS, Sprint-Nextel, Yum Brands and Heast, Mullen was named as having one of the top cafeterias by U.S. News & World Report. Having eaten at the Mullen cafeteria a couple time, I can tell the publicity is well deserved. The food there is great and nothing like you'd expect to see in or near, for that matter, any agency. Since the agency is located in a giant mansion on an estate in the woods north of Boston, going out for lunch is a bit of a trip so having a great place to eat in the agency is a necessity. The cafeteria, run Culinary Institute of America grad Liz Walkowicz, serves 420 employees with a staff of nine. Hmm. Maybe they'll invite us up there to sample the cuisine again. After all, it's been a while since I knocked on their door looking for a job.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 6-06    
Topic: Agencies

Strange Opel Click-to-Call Campaign Generates 300,000 Calls


While this click to call promotion for the Opel Astra Twin Top is Dutch, we're told it's good and when we visited it seemed to be so if in a very weird way. Somehow the car is being promoted by having people blown into the sky by a jet airplane and then landing on a billboard. Oh, and there's this weird scientist dude who mumbles into a phone and holds up a sign. Yes, it all has to to with the Estara-powered click to call feature but we'll leave it to our Dutch speaking friend over at Adland to explain further. At least we think she speaks dutch or whatever language this is in because, clearly, we are just a clueless, lazy American who can't get off his ass to learn a second langauge.

Anyway, if you want to check out the campaign, go here, enter your first name, last name and your telephone number. The campaign has generated 300,000 calls from 15 countries so we suppose "successful" would be a good label to give this campaign.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 6-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Strange, Viral

MansionPoker Campaign Brings Back Game's Elegance


Most ad campaigns for poker sites are cheesy and focus on the winning rather than the elegance of the game. MansionPoker.net came to LA-based 72andSunny to change all that. The agency created a six spot television campaign illuminating the game's strategy and James Bond-ish sophistication which feature narration from actor Dougray Scott and appearances by MansionPoker's pro player Erica Schoenberg. The campaign is tagged "Welcome to the Game" and highlights the wit and competitive nature of the game. Two spots, War and Shambles broke July 2 and four more will follow over the next few months. Recently, poker seems to have gone from Dom Perignon (not Cristal you hipsters) to Budweiser. This campaign aims to change that.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 6-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television

White PSP Ad Stirs Racial Debate


Apparently, there are many people who feel the new Sony campaign promoting its new white PSP is racist because it features a white woman in a position of power over a black woman. Bells and whistles are going off over at Joystiq but there's also another image that's part of the campaign that shows the black woman getting her vengeance over the white woman. Can we all just relax? Sony and TBWA, of course, intended the ad to be controversial otherwise it'd sit there like all the other boring ads wasting our time every day. Racist or not, it's got us talking and that's half the battle any campaign faces.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 5-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Opinion, Trends and Culture

'Sex Sells' Blog Features Condom Ad Which Unsells Sex Without Condom


From AdArena, a blog with the tagline "sex sells" comes a couple of ads for Legends condoms which does pretty good job unselling sex. That is, sex without a condom. Using the fear of children many people have before actually realizing children can actually be a good thing, Legends has captured a few kids behind its condom material horror movie poster style.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 5-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Magazine

The Holy And The Hot Keep Israel Away From World Cup


For years, Keta Keta has been creating great virals for various causes such as two videos promoting peace in the Middle East, one for an anti-spam company and one promoting Israel as a Holy Land of a different sort. Now, due to the success of Keta Keta's Holyland video which achieved 15 million views in the first three months, the Israeli Ministry of Tourism has hired Keta Keta to create an "official" web video to promote Israeli tourism.

Riffing off the first video which twisted biblical connotations on their head, this first official video dabbles with football themes, the power of physical beauty and illustrates why the country didn't make it to this year's World Cup.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 5-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Viral

Solo Mobile Enables Mindless Blather


Sort of like the T-Mobile speed talking cheerleader, these two spots for Canada's Solo Mobile promoting its walkie talkie feature just reinforce the idiocy and pointlessness of the need to be connected at all times. OK, so they're kinda funny but that doesn't make up for the rampant display of mindless blather the cell phone has perpetuated. Oops. Credit where credit is due. Vancouver-based Rethink created the spot which was directed by Reginald Pike's Brian Lee Hughes.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 5-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

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