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Pits Pit One Another In Pizza Making Contest


Another brilliant ad for Axe uses dueling pizza makers, horny women and Broadway-style dancing to drive home its message.

by Steve Hall    May-31-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange, Television

Baygon Bug Spray Slaps Home Its Message


In advertising, most always, a well chosen visual always beats well written copy. This is evidenced in a print campaign for Baygon bug spray in which the results of reacting to a bug bite are displayed. The campiagn was created by FCB Wlka, Delhi.

by Steve Hall    May-31-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Magazine

Hot Pregnant Women to Become Hot Diaper-Bag Toting Moms


Ad babe Advergirl, who we are beginning to like more and more, found this ad for car maker SEAT Altea in which a pregnant woman is pictured sitting on the hood of the car. Advergirl mentions this trend towards making pregnant women look hot can only lead to the next advertising oddity, making "diaper-bag-toting, exhausted, mother-of-a-two-year old hot, too." That might be interesting to see and, of course, would be the next logical step in America's progression toward politically correct nirvana.

by Steve Hall    May-31-06    
Topic: Good, Magazine, Strange, Trends and Culture

Panasonic Teams With YouTube For Video Contest


Climbing on the YouTube juggernaut, Panasonic has teamed with video service in a promotion that will offer a 50 inch plasma TV and digital camera to the person who, at the end of a four week period is deemed to have created the funniest short film or home video. Apparently, those that review the entries over the four week period are also eligible to win a digital camera. The promotion was created by Lime PR and Reindeer.

by Steve Hall    May-31-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions

Campaign Fights Prejudice in Portugal


It's unfortunate this industry has to waste its time creating campaigns for insensitive idiots but, apparently, there are enough people in Portugal who are prejudice against the country's immigrants that this commercial for Amnesty International was necessary. It was vreated by McCann Erikson Portugal.

by Steve Hall    May-31-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good

Pontiac Charity Drive Offers G6 Convertibles As Prizes


Pontiac, in partnership with failing "The Apprentice," is donating $500,000 to major charities nationwide in a campaign called Raise the Roof. Beginning May 30th at 12 PM, Pontiac will ask people to help donate a half a million dollars to their favorite charities. Pontiac, in turn, will make the donations. Those show choose to donate will have the chance to win one of two G6 hardtop convertibles. The winner gets one and the winner's favorite charity gets the other.

by Steve Hall    May-31-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions, Television

Global Security Mag Campaign Eases Fear of Nuclear War


Today, in the category of business to business advertising, we have this campaign from Chicago-based Hadrian's Wall for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Yes, we said, "Huh?" as well. The bulletin, which has been around since just after that lovely time when we figured it would be OK to bomb the crap out a county to end a world war, is affiliated with the University of Chicago and focuses on global security issues and the assessment of nuclear danger. The campaign is intended to lessen the intimidating factors of nuclear danger and broaden the publication's circulation. This, and we're serious here, is done through the concept of showing a child's night light and the security that imagery connotes. Click the image to see a bigger version of the ad.

by Steve Hall    May-31-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Magazine

Scalp-Based Play Book Diagram Promotes Shampoo


Copyranter thinks this ad for Heads and Shoulders Dandruff shampoo which uses some sort of scalp-based play book diagram with references to starting at the line of scrimmage when the goal is healthy hair is a perfect example of an ad that tires way too f'ing hard. We'd agree.

by Steve Hall    May-31-06    
Topic: Bad, Magazine

Budget Rent-A-Car Relaunches Up Your Budget Treasure Hunt


On June 5, Budget Rent-A-Car will re-launch its Up Your Budget Treasure Hunt game. Last time, physical clues were placed in 16 cities around the country with online videos hinting at their location. Upon finding the clues, winners would receive $10,000. This time, the game is "armchair" so everyone can play without leaving the comfort of their home. The contest will last for four weeks. Each day, Monday though Thursday of each of the four weeks, clues to a virtual journey will be provided. Contestants, using the clues, will guess the length of the journey weeks' journey and offer up their answer Friday. The person guessing the exact mileage or the closest to it wins $25,000. Second place gets $10,000, third gets $5,000.

The game, as it was before, is blog-based and users will be encouraged share their stories as they hunt for the contest's clues. The contest will be promoted with a nationwide, live-read radio buy and an online buy on the BlogAds blog advertising network. The campaign was concepted (oops, conceptualized) by Cendent Car Rental Group's (Budget's parent company) Becky Alseth and IMPAX Marketing's Jay Arnold and designed by Design4Results' Komra Moriko. The blog ads can be viewed here.

by Steve Hall    May-31-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Radio, Weblogs

'Entourage' Ari Gold Site Beats A Dead Chicken With A Hammer


OK. We like Deep Focus and we like HBO. We especially like HBO's Entourage so when we were sent a link to a promotional site at which you can get get an interview with Ari Gold for a position in his new agency, we had high hopes for the site. Let's put it this way. Can we, as an industry, right now, right this very second, put a lid on any project even remotely similar to Burger King's Subservient Chicken? And, for the love of GOD, can we please stop trying to latch onto something that was over the day after Crispin Poprter + Bogusky launched that site?

more »

by Steve Hall    May-30-06    
Topic: Bad, Cable, Creative Commentary, Online

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