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CBS and AOL Find Another Way Around DVRs


CBS has teamed with AOL and, this Fall, will introduce a game that requires viewers to watch both programming and commercials to win a potential $2 million in gold. The game, Gold Rush, is the latest on the list of tactics to combat DVR ad skipping. Clues to the prizes will be placed within programming, in commercials and on AOL. The move follows ABC's Lost Experience, a second plot-line to the popular Lost show that reveals itself in fake ads, print and the web.

While it's nice to see the nets get creative, it's not going to be so nice seeing formerly ad-free content become filled, perhaps, with subtle and blatant advertising messages all in the name of preserving a dying model.

by Steve Hall    May-23-06    

People Are 'Getting It' In Austin


It seems the Texas heat is causing people to get it all the time in Austin. The Austin-Statesman is running a promotional campaign with the tagline "How Do You Get It?" to promote the Austin newspaper and its online properties. One women gets it from her assistant, Ricky, on her desk. One basketball player gets it in the locker room. One student gets it from her guidance counselor. Hmm. One guy gets it from his dog. Yuck. One hottie got it her first week of college. One dude got it from his best friend's Mom. Uh, no thank you. Anyway, it's one of those campaigns that does cause you to go "hmm" and pay attention for at least a few more seconds than you normally would.

by Steve Hall    May-22-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Newspaper, Online

Visa Funds, Leverages Starving Artists For Campaign

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Now that Visa is in on the whole graffiti thing, graffiti artists might as well throw aways their Krylon, call it a day and move on to some new, yet to be tinged by marketers form of expression. Visa, with help from artist Trish Grantham is taking its "Life Takes Visa" to Greenwich Village in the form of of a giant wall mural with the tagline, "Life Takes Expression." Below the mural, Visa will display other artwork in the form of sculpture, furniture, fashion and more graffiti from artists Christopher Natrop, Jeff Soto, Andy Diaz Hope, Anne Faith Nicholls, AXIS, Erik Pawassar, Parvez Taj, Ron Reihel, Christopher Cuseo, Eric Joyner, Elizabeth Paige Smith, Charlotte Ronson, Dario Antonioni and Hayley Starr.

more »

by Steve Hall    May-22-06    
Topic: Brands, Guerilla, Opinion, Outdoor, Trends and Culture

Apple New York Store Opening Crashed By Animal Magazine

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Ever the intrepid reporter, Bucky Turco weaseled his way into the exclusive Apple store opening at 58th and 5th in New York Friday night. Apparently, a snatched press pass did the trick. While inside, Turco took a bunch of pictures of the opening and of the elite crowd allowed into the store which included James Woods, Kevin Bacon, Julianne Moore and Jobs himself. If it weren't enough to worm oneself into the event, Turco, after gaining early entry, switched the homepages of as many of the computers in the store as hew could to his publication's website, Animal. Bucky knows his guerrilla marketing.

by Steve Hall    May-22-06    
Topic: Celebrity, Good, Guerilla, Point of Purchase

Additional Seven Inches A Very Big Thing


While we can't remember which advertiser recently did this - in fact it might have been from Dodge itself with a version of this very spot - Dodge is now doing the men's bathroom "that's big" thing for its new seven inch longer Durango. With the usual "handles great" and "I love the way it looks," this spot pumps the joke for all it's worth. After all, seven inches added to even the tiniest...uh...vehicle is a very big thing. Apparently, the ad's been banned from TV but you can check it out here.

by Steve Hall    May-22-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Tyson Celebrates Cannibalism On Packaging


One really has to wonder what goes through the mind of a designer sometimes as indicated by some recent Tyson packaging. Brenner Thomas points out this bit of odd packaging from the food giant for its Sunset Strips chicken strips on which an image of a chicken appears to be eating itself...well...a chicken strip, that is. One might argue it looks like a french fry but we doubt it. Apparently, cannabalism is alive and well in the chicken business.

by Steve Hall    May-22-06    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Packaging

Nikon Signs Sponsorship Deal With Flickr


In a natural move, Nikon, as part of its Stunning campaign - the one which recently featured Kate Moss - has entered into a deal with photo site Flickr whereby any picture taken with a Nikon camera and uploaded to Flicker will display a small Nikon log next to the information section on individual photo pages. Also, photos tagged "nikonstunninggallery" will be featured on Nikon's NikonStunningGallery website and a prominent link to Nikon's site is featured on Flickr's homepage. If ever there were an appropriate campain to appear on Flickr, this would be it.

by Steve Hall    May-22-06    
Topic: Brands, Good, Online, Sponsorship

Nike Steals Logo From Poor London Borough


FishNChimps has detailed the story of how Nike, apparently, stole the logo from Hackney, a poor London borough for use on its World Cup line of sportswear. Hackney, whose logo has been in place for 40 years has asked Nike to share the profits of the line with the borough to fund its schools. Hopefully, this doesn't turn out to be yet another piece of stunt marketing.

by Steve Hall    May-22-06    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Specialty

Adland Interviews Draft New Zealand CD Chris Hunter


Adland has an interesting interview with Draft New Zealand Creative Director Chris Hunter. Adland queries Hunter about the seeming proliferation of ambient advertising in the country, the Kiwi mentality, the power of the idea in relation to the media used to convey that idea and how much she loves "men with legs like muscle-trees run around in teeny shorts and slam into each other in big sweating piles." Give it a read.

by Steve Hall    May-22-06    
Topic: Agencies

IKEA Improves New York Bus Shelters


Curbed has noticed the recent bus stop installations that IKEA has placed around the New York City area making the bus a thing someone might actually want to use to get from point A to point B. Now if they could only do the same thing for cabs.

UPDATE: Deutsch, which created the campaign, informs us, "In preparation for Design Week in NYC, IKEA teamed up with Deutsch to make 'everyday fabulous' for New Yorkers. With more than 650 different experiences during this 5-day, city-wide guerilla marketing event (including padded park benches in Union Square, oven mitts in the #6 train, bus shelters designed for comfort and flair and doggie bowls for our four-legged friends) IKEA proves that good design can make every day even better."

Check out this page for some very cool images of the effort.

by Steve Hall    May-22-06    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Outdoor

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