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Hear Steve Hall Babble About Advertising


While it's always painful to hear one's own voice, it might not be so painful for you to hear another person's voice. With that bit of useless and trivial wisdom, you can listen to me, Steve Hall, interviewed by Brian Massey on his HearThis Podcast for Marketers. We sat down in the press room at ad:tech San Francisco which was held at the Moscone Center April 26-28. We talked about advertising in general, social media, how I publish Adrants, the hundreds of friends I have I've never met, video, Crispin Porter + Bogusky (I know, I know. Sorry), anything but the :30, on-demand TV, the pointlessness of TV networks as middlemen and my very, very short attention span. If you care, you can listen here.

by Steve Hall    May-17-06    
Topic: Podcast

Advergirl Writes American Express Ad For Starving Creatives


Advergirl has the perfect American Express ad for advertising agency people. "To take them out to dinner and pay their bar tabs that are more than my rent, I use American Express. It's the purchasing power I need to make it to my next expense check. My life. My card. American Express. Read the whole thing here.

by Steve Hall    May-16-06    
Topic: Consumer Created

Axe Says It Can Happen Anywhere


Leave it to Axe, which, by the way recently became the number one deodorant, to leverage every possible sexual angle available in its advertising. This ad, along with its headline "It Can Happen Anywhere," clearly reminds us that, yes, it can, in fact, happen anywhere.

by Steve Hall    May-16-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Magazine, Strange

AdFreak Features Freaky McDonald's Ad


While this ad for a McDonald's store opening in India, as pointed out by AdFreak is, in fact, well, freaky, it's still far better than any other McDonald's ad we see in the States. Why does our McDonald's advertising have to be so boring?

by Steve Hall    May-16-06    
Topic: Brands, Good, Magazine

Outdoor Companies Continue to Lack Common Sense


In the ongoing saga of documenting marketers' and outdoor companies' seemingly care free attitude regarding an modicum of common sense when it comes to positioning competitive advertisers, our eye on street, Bucky Turco, sends us yet another awkwardly placed set of outdoor posters. This time, two watch companies vie for attention on the same public phone booth. While we can't imagine anyone still uses a public telephone, that certainly hasn't stopped people walking past them. Wake up and smell the competition you knuckleheads.

by Steve Hall    May-16-06    
Topic: Bad, Opinion, Outdoor

Yahoo Previews New Homepage Design


Yahoo is previewing their new homepage layout and has a video from founders David Filo and Jerry Yang explaining the change. As with all other recently launched sites, Yahoo has moved to the wider 1024 width, up from 800. It's a pain resizing the broswer window all the time so the sooner everyone (including uss) moves to 1028, the better. The new Yahoo have navigation button along the left side and Yahoo services such as Mail, Messenger, Music, Movies and Weather to the top right. It's not bad looking but one does wish for the good old days when yahoo was the search and directory giant with a no-fuss inteerface like Google currently has. Oh well, Yahoo went content and Google is sticking with search.

by Steve Hall    May-16-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Publishing

'Check Out My Breasts' Promotes Breast Cancer Awareness


This has been out for a while but we thought we'd share CheckOutMyBreasts with you. It's a site that informs women how to check their breasts for cancer and for men to....oh...sorry. There are other site's for that. It's all part of a Canadian breast cancer awareness campaign called Fashion Targets Breast Cancer to raise money for breast cancer research. The campaign raises money by selling "target" t-shirts and other branded apparel. A public service campaign promotes the whole thing. On Friday, May 26, the campiagn calls for all Canadians to wear their campaign-branded apparel in support of the cause.

UPDATE: Here's another breast cancer awareness campaign from Brazil.

by Steve Hall    May-16-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Online, Specialty

MSN, Sprite Launch Social Site 'Exposure'


Our spies tell us StrawberryFrog has created an online campaign for MSN and Sprite called Exposure. It's a site the agency created to highlight work from three different groups of kids: graf artists, a basketball team and a band. Each person is making a video (or it's being made for them) about who they are, what they do, what they stand for, how they think. The video are then edited and placed on the site. We're told new content will be added to the site over the next six weeks. It's sort of a cross between reality TV, documentary-style video and a blog of sorts. Each person has an MSN Spaces blog as well.

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by Steve Hall    May-16-06    
Topic: Consumer Created, Good, Online, Trends and Culture, Viral, Weblogs

Gawker Strip All Ads From Site Except One


Copyranter points us to Gawker today where the New York gossip site has, with the click of a button, allowed its readers to banish all ads from the site except for evian water who is sponsoring a detoxed version of the site for two weeks. Once the button is clicked, all ads disappear except for some subtle mention of evian, some soothing snow-capped graphics and a means for those who publish an RSS feed of their site to "detox" their own RSS feed. The sponsorship was done in partnership with Mediavest and Feedburner. This is what the Adrants RSS feed looks like "detoxed."

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by Steve Hall    May-16-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Opinion, Publishing, RSS, Viral

HBO's 'Entourage' to Give Away Cars in MySpace Page Promotion


This MySpace page, set to launch Wednesday, created by Deep Focus and promoting the news season of HBO's Entourage is about the most tweaked out MySpace page we've ever seen. In fact, except for the MySpace URL, you wouldn't know you were on a MySpace page. While other companies have co-opted MySpace for commercial gain, this is, by far, the most elaborate we've seen. The page is still in the test stage with many non-working links but there's a contest that calls for entrants to create a MySpace page featuring the member's own "entourage" and then publicize it through the member's network of friends. Not a bad way to get HBO's Entourage message in front of a ton of MySpace members. The motivation to create a page comes in the form of a chance to win a car four each of the four people in the member's entourage. Other prizes include trips to LA with $1,000, Xbox 360's, Samsung cell phones and Entourage DVDs.

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by Steve Hall    May-16-06    
Topic: Cable, Consumer Created, Good, Online, Promotions, Viral

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