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Online Game Brings Back Memories of Flunking College Physics


OK, this online game is so totally for engineering geeks. But, that's the whole point because it's for GlobalSpec, a specialized search engine and information resource for engineers. We took one look at the game and didn't even try to play. We're sure it's good but we got an F in college physics so we've already had our fair share of shame.

by Steve Hall    May- 9-06    
Topic: Games, Good, Online

Atlanta Braves' Jeff Francoeur Hits Them Around the World For Delta


Delta has a new spot that features Atlanta Braves player Jeff Francoer which we like a lot. Perhaps it's because this brings back the nostalgia that once captured the game. Perhaps it's the music. Perhaps we're just feeling emotional this morning. Who know. You watch it and tell us.

by Steve Hall    May- 9-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

NYCBikes Launches Poster Campaign


Custom Brooklyn bike shop NYCBikes recently launched a poster campaign created by Woods, Witt & Sons. the campaign promotes biking as a superior means of transportation in and around the city. See all the posters here.

by Steve Hall    May- 9-06    
Topic: Outdoor, Poster

Mayor Dislikes French Connection's Fighting Females


Boston's Mayor Menino is upset over French Connection's recent Fashion v. Style ad campaign which centers on women fighting each other and says the campaign "promotes negative images of women and violence."Earlier, we took a look at a video ad that was part of the campaign here that pits two women against each other karate-style. Menino wants French Connection to pull the ads from Boston's Newbury Street and Copley Place French Connection retail stores.

by Steve Hall    May- 8-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Point of Purchase

Brooke Burke Dumps the King


Sadly, an endearing relationship has come to an end. We cheered, we cried, we vicariously lived a deep and meaningful relationship but, alas, it has all come to an end. AdFreak tells us they've received an email announcing the breakup of Brook Burke and the King. A sad day this is, indeed. Following the announcement, marketers could be heard weeping the world over.

by Steve Hall    May- 8-06    
Topic: Guerilla, Online, Strange

Oozinator Gets Cartooned, Moms Discuss Poop, Walmart Is Scary


Words and Pictures has given their cartoon treatment to the messy Hasbro Oozinator ad.

Club Mom has introduced the web's first social network for moms. Now discussion about the consistency of baby poop can be taken to a global level.

IQ Interactive and Arnold have created a virtual tour website for the recently launched Royal Caribbean ship Freed of the Seas.

Gatorade and Just Ad Orange think Americans should care more about World Cup football and this ad asks them to consider it.

The growth of Walmart is scary, Really scary.

AdFreak asks, Is there anything breasts can't sell?

AdJab analyzes a Suzuki Forenza ad and wonders what a "smoking hot" woman stripping in an elevator has to do with selling cars.

by Steve Hall    May- 8-06    
Topic: Commercials, Online, Spoofs

Ad Explains How to Enjoy Your Whack


Here's an ad that does absolutely nothing to conceal the double meaning of the product. Created by Bos in Toronto for its client Mac's Convenience/Mac's Froster, it promotes a drink called Whack. Appropriately, the email that contained this commercial was signed "Enjoy."

by Steve Hall    May- 8-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Loud Bike And Penis Size Combine to Deliver Noise Message


OK, this is sort of funny. It's certainly loud in the city and whenever you see one of those burly biker dudes, you do sort of wonder what personal deficiency they're trying to hide with their big ass bike. Well, this commercial answers that question quite clearly.

by Steve Hall    May- 8-06    
Topic: Commercials

GE Expects Commercial-Skipping DVR Users to Pause And Watch


Someone else is going to have to explain the point of this too me because after viewing the site, I just don't see the point. We should be making it easier for people to consume advertising, not more difficult. BBDO has created this thing called the One Second Theater that is embedded in the last second of it's Dancin' Elephant commercial and can be viewed by moving forward one frame at a time.

more »

by Steve Hall    May- 8-06    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Commercials

Aquafine Commercial A Waste of :59


Here's a commercial for Aquafina water that's 59 seconds too long. The joke's pretty dumb too. Yet another fancy, high-priced production to insure nice, fat agency fees. Oh wait. Silly me. That's a good thing. Of course we want big fat agency fees. Otherwise, how would we fund all the foosball tables and pool tables and "client lunches" and "business" cell phone bills and trips to Cannes? Sorry, we lost our mind for a minute there. This spot is great!

by Steve Hall    May- 8-06    
Topic: Bad, Commercials

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