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GE Takes Over Times Square On World Health Day


This Friday, April 7, which is World Health Day, GE is taking over Times Square and will simultaneously broadcast on seven digital billboards including The Reuters Sign at 3 Times Square, NASDAQ, ABC, NBC, MTV, Yahoo and the Toys"R"Us Times Square GeoffreyTron LED. GE plans to expand the digital billboard "take overs" to London and Paris in the future.

The Times Square promotion is part of GE's new Healthcare Re-Imagined campaign which highlights the company's role in healthcare. As part of the campaign, GE is running TV, print and online advertisements and the Picture a Healthy World web site () that invites visitors to contribute photos and stories describing what they do to stay healthy. GE will broadcast the submitted images onto the digital billboards in Times Square on April 7 as well as live photos taken in a special photo studio set up on Military Island in the middle of the Square.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 6-06    
Topic: Outdoor

Fishing Magazine Helps All Kinds Fish Better


We like the double meaning of this print campaign from FCB Sao Paulo for Pesca Magazine, the encyclopedia of fishing. The images connote, at least to us, the animals in the ads - a bear, a cat and a seal - wearing glasses to both study up on how to better catch fish and to better see the fish they want to catch. See the other two ads here and here.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 6-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Magazine

Life And Death of Magazines Discussed


There's an interesting conversation going on in the Adrants forum about the recent death of several magazines and the effect the Internet is having on the magazine industry. Some feel the physical nature of the magazine and the impracticality of the laptop making its way into the bathroom or to the beach will keep magazines alive. Others feel the connected teen has no need for paper nor the patience to way for what can be had instantaneously online. Visit the forum here.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 5-06    
Topic: Magazine, Trends and Culture

Adrants Has Everything For Ad News Junkies

If your a news junkie and/or and RSS junkie, we've got a couple things for you. You may have notice\d the word AdGasm at the top right of the site. That link leads to a page that contains advertising newsfeeds from sites like Ad Age and Flickr photo streams that focus on advertising. It's a "river of news" style page with over 50 sources that's updated every ten minutes with new items. Rest assured we'll cover all the big stories on the front page here but it you simply can't get your fill and have to read hundreds of advertsing items every day, this page is for you. You can also subscribe to the RSS feed of the page as well.

more »

by Steve Hall    Apr- 5-06    
Topic: Announcements, RSS

OMG! Check Out These Weird VH1 Videos Before They Go Offline!


So we get this email from some dude who said he received an email from a "friend" who wrote fervently, "WTF!!!!!! Have you seen this yet? Someone's lost their fucking mind! Better download them now, before they take them off the server. Um, yea right.They might as well put out a press release saying, "VH1 is promoting its daily news show Best Week Ever with a series of quirky videos to imbue the decidedly odd character of the show." Anyway, hurry up a view them now because (gasp!) they may not stay online for long!!!

UPDATE: In a very encouraging sign, VH1 has owned up and acknowledged to us they could have handled the release of these video is a less "OMG, check this out" manner. There are no hard and fast rules anymore regarding the so called "correct" way to release a promotion. Especially when there's so many bitchy bloggers like us ready jump all over people who are simply trying to figure out how to get their message out in a media landscape that is changing hourly. So go easy on them. We're all learning here. Well, not too easy otherwise there's be no point for this website:-)

by Steve Hall    Apr- 4-06    
Topic: Online, Strange, Viral

It's Not A Miller Lite Ad But It Could Be


It's not a Miller Light ad but it might be a good one if it weren't for that damn Bud Lite banner in the background. Oh, and the crappy resolution, the overtly overused sexual overtone and the boobs. Beer ads should never have boobs is them. After all, that takes the attention away from the beer, right?

by Steve Hall    Apr- 4-06    
Topic: Consumer Created

Internal Email From Lowe CEO Refutes AdWeek D+ With Babble


"What the fuck was all that about? Why do people in management talk shit all the time? You're in the communications business, stop talking like a fucking Power Point presentation." Those are the words of George Parker after he was leaked an internal Lowe NY email from agency head Mark Wnek who babbled on endlessly trying to rally his troops after AdWeek awarded the agency a D+ in its latest report card issue. Parker is right. The business-blather laden email could have been boiled down to a simple, "We suck. Or at least AdWeek says we suck. We've hired some new people to help get our shit together. We need to win more accounts. Please don't quit and go to another agency." Oops...looks like the defections have already begun.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 4-06    
Topic: Agencies, Bad

Motorola Sponsors Gorillaz Demon Days Live

We Think We Know Her

Since we're only "almost-sorta-cool," we have no idea what Gorillaz Demon Days Live is (Ed. Silly, it's a game/music/tour thingy) but we do know Motorola is sponsoring it and is offering "Motoglyphs" (wallpaper for your mobile), games, images, videos and other cool stuff for people who know what the hell this is. Oh, look at the URL...it's out friends over at NightAgency. Who knew?

by Steve Hall    Apr- 4-06    
Topic: Events, Mobile/Wireless, Online

Jack Trout Discusses Buzz Marketing With Evangelists


Errol Smith tells us, "In response to all the chatter about Jack Trout's comments on word-of-mouth marketing, Jack Trout invited a group of "buzz evangelist" to face off with him on his radio program. Steve Rubel and Rick Murray of Edelman, Emanuel Rosen of the Word of Mouth Marketing Association, Seth Godin, Joseph Jaffe and Errol Smith (me....producer of Trout Radio) sat down to deconstruct the buzz around word-of-mouth." Listen here.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 4-06    
Topic: Word of Mouth

Clow Reminisces, Bogusky Says Agencies Should Strive For Individuality


Hmm. The last two times Lee Clow and Alex Bogusky got together, the results was mindless puffery. This third video outing, an AdCritic interview video series, actually contains some meat. Of course there was a bit of puffery from Clow who talked about advertisers being cultural artists versus ad guys and how he decorated the city of LA during the 1984 Olympics for Nike but Bogusky brought it all back to Earth. Bogusky mentioned how he had initially modeled CP+B after Clow's agency attempting to mirror Clow's success but then said "it was a really bad idea." Bogusky correctly posits the future of the ad agency business shouldn't be the result of agencies banding together to create a new, similar model because that would simply put the industry back in the same bad place. The message is be different. Do your own thing. Acknowledge and learn from the successes of other but don't copy them.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 4-06    
Topic: Agencies, Good

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