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Glamour Stiletto Run Held This Morning


In mid-February, we reported BSUR Concepting, to promote the Dutch launch of Glamour, would host the Glamour Stiletto Run, a race during which women wearing heels will run a 75 meter sprint to win 10,000 Euros. Today, that event occurred and you can view it here. If anyone has a less epileptic video of the event, we'd love to see it.

See more images of the event here.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 9-06    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Magazine

Agency No One's Heard Of Wins Most ADDY's in Region


We're all for the little guy so we'll share with you the fact Denver agency Thomas, Taber & Drazen recently won 21, the most in its area, regional ADDY awards. Needless to say, they're excited. Needless to say, they should be worried. Cripin's crashing their party.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 9-06    

Emirates Campaign Spoofed Following Arsenal Sponsorship


While we are so not into world politics, those are will probably find humor in this ad that spoofs the United Arab Emirates tourism campaign following the North London football team Arsenal signing on the Emirates as a sponsor.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 9-06    
Topic: Sponsorship, Spoofs

Smint Helps You Speak Closer


Those folks over at Leo Burnett Lisbon do some nice work and this work for their chewing gum/breath mint client Smint is quite nice as well. Riffing on that feeling one gets when they are interested in meeting someone but just aren't all that confident their breath won't send that person running, the agency created a series of print ads that spek directly to that concern. See the whole series here.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 9-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Magazine

Years of Spoofed Billboards Published in Book Form


From time to time over the years we've featured billboard spoofs from Dribbleglass. They are always funny, always twisted. Perhaps because they've amassed such a large collection of tricked out billboards, they've just published a book called Twisted Billboards along with a set of refrigerator magnets that feature the boards. Slap a couple on your fridge and tell your friends that's what you do for a living. It'll make for a far more interesting conversation then showing them your actual work.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 9-06    
Topic: Good, Outdoor, Publishing, Spoofs

Jack Trout Lends Perspective to Word of Mouth


Writing in Forbes, the legendary Jack Trout pokes a hole in the word of mouth bubble claiming its nothing new and in early days basically accomplished the same thing by tapping "early adapters" with traditional marketing to get them to talk up a product. He riffs on both the positives and the negatives of the current flavor of word of mouth and questions the relinquishing of control marketers give up if they plan to enter the word of mouth space writing, "If I go to all this trouble developing a positioning strategy for my product, I want to see that message delivered. Buzz can get your name mentioned but you can't depend on much else." Certainly the current iteration isn't completely about giving up control as it's filled with tactics and strategies to control, guide, enable and direct the seemingly uncontrollable but, Trout does have a point.

more »

by Steve Hall    Mar- 9-06    
Topic: Consumer Created, Opinion, Viral, Word of Mouth

Email Open And Click Through Decline As List Size Grows


List size is one of the strongest predictors of email response rates, including both open and click-through responses, according to a new study by email service provider ExactTarget (yes, ExactTarget advertises on this site all you transparency freaks). There appears to be an inverse relationship between list size and email responsiveness. According to the study, open and click-through rates both decrease steadily as list size increases. Exact Target claims this is indicative that list segmentation should be considered as list size grows. You can check out the entire study here.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 8-06    
Topic: Online, Research

American Copywriter Dishes On CP+B's Boulder Office


Just listened to the latest American Copywriter podcast from Sullivan Higdon & Sink's John January and Tug McTighe during which they have some fun with Crispin Porter + Bogusky's latest bit of news. Riffing on the announcement that CP+B is opening an office in Boulder, CO, John and Tug get to the heart of the matter: Alex is sick of South Beach and wants to raise his kids in the family-friendly mountains. As always, John and Tug are hilarious. Give it a listen here.

Oh, and guys, CP+B does do a podcast. Check this out.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 8-06    
Topic: Agencies, Podcast

Agency Self Promotional Street Campaign Aims to Conquer World


Advertising For Peanuts highlights and ongoing self-promotional campaign, Bang the Streets, for Modernista, the Boston agency that just won a big chunk of Cadillac business. The campaign encourages people to place the agency's trademark red exclamation point, which the agency will send to anyone that requests it, anywhere they like, take a picture of it, send it in and Modernista will highlight it on the Bang the Streets site. Potential Photoshop trickery and defacing public property issues aside, We kinda like this campaign.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 8-06    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Guerilla, Online, Outdoor

Mount Everest Mary A Viral For Swiss Mountaineering Company


Not that this viral ever made it to us unless it's the same one that is the source of that animated image we see all over the place of a woman getting yanked by her dog's lease. A site called Mount Everest Expedition tells the story of an 85 year old woman who plans to climb Mount Everest with her dog is really a viral campaign for Swiss mountaineering company Mammut. You can check out all the goify pictures and videos here.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 8-06    
Topic: Viral

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