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Axe Helps Men Avoid Questionable Hook-Ups


With its usual wit, Axe has come out with yet another quirky promotion, this time, for its Axe Snake Gel, an exfoliating shower gel. A site called The Order of the Serpentine was developed to provide support for guys who have suffered from the "questionable hook-up." For any guy that's rolled over in the morning and wished he'd never hopped into bed in the first place, this site functions as a support group of sorts with an in-depth look at the history of questionable hook-ups and a look at the genesis of The Order of the Serpentine. As always, it's good stuff.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 4-06    
Topic: Good, Online

Modernista Brings National Cadillac Business to Boston


Once upon a time, there was a little town called Boston that wasn't so little when it came to advertising. Then the agency M & A spree began and, combined with the mass exodus of national brands, agency after agency skipped town or shuttered their doors forever. For years, the town has lived in the shadow of New York but that may be about to change.

Today, Cadillac awarded close to half its national and regional creative business to Modernista, a very cool agency in Boston that, aside from work they've done for Hummer, many may never have heard of before. This, of course, is no watershed moment nor will there be a flood of national brands flooding Boston's Boylston Street (a misnomer. really since most agencies have found homes elsewhere in the city) but to see Modernista kick some Leo Burnett butt surely pleases the underdog agencies around the country.

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by Steve Hall    Mar- 3-06    
Topic: Agencies, Brands

Agency Exec Does Voiceover Work For Client's Competitor


A tipster tells us Bill Westbrook, who just rejoined Fallon as Vice Chairman does the voiceover work for Wachovia's TV ads. A side job like that is all well and good except, perhaps, when a client at the agency Westbrook just joined is a competitor of Wachovia. Yes, Fallon handles Citibank. As thew tipsters says, it "should make for an interesting first meeting with Citibank."

by Steve Hall    Mar- 3-06    
Topic: Agencies, Strange

Ford Pays $14 Million For Bond Film Appearance


Countering all that is sacred about the James Bond franchise, the producers of the film have decided to throw any semblance of respect for the brand to the wind and accept $14 million from Ford to allow the automaker to place its Mondeo in the the upcoming James Bond film, Casino Royale, starring Daniel Craig. While Ford certainly makes a decent car or two, the Ford brand and all it stands for is so counter to what the James Bond brand has imbued into culture over the past 40 years that we simply have to believe the producers behind this movie have thrown up their arms and said, "Fuck it. No one's gonna go see this movie anyway so we might as well get some cash now."

by Steve Hall    Mar- 3-06    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Celebrity, Sponsorship

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Wake Up And Smell Your Marketing


Everyone who works in marketing and any business touching it must read this article. On CBSNews.com, Dick Meyer wrote an editorial hammering home points we've touched on here before such as the portrayal of men as idiots in advertising, the hyper-political correctness foisted upon the industry and society at large and the acceptance, what scholar Charles Murray relates to "ecumenical niceness," of kids dressing and behaving like thugs fueled by marketers and the entertainment industry elevating "thug culture" to culture at large. If that's a lot to digest, just read the article and think long and hard about what cultural imagery you mirror in your marketing. Don't cop out using the tired, "Oh we're just identifying with culture," and turn a blind eye to what you are perpetuating.

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by Steve Hall    Mar- 3-06    
Topic: Opinion, Trends and Culture

Tutorial Explains How to Create A Viral Campaign


Street art site Wooster Collective is running a weird How To series, a part of which is called Lepos' How To Plan A Viral Marketing Campaign. The section contains a truer than fiction, step by step guide on how to create a viral campaign from using borrowed ideas, other's artwork, cheap labor and street youth. The tutorial then points to the "real" Where's Lepos viral site. Funny stuff.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 3-06    
Topic: Spoofs, Strange, Viral

A Fly, A Frog, A Tongue Mysteriously Sell Golf GT


You know, it wasn't until I wrote, "the power of a bug's wings" to describe this new VW Golf GT commercial that I realized what the hell the concept was behind this spot. I haven't heard a VW referred to as a bug for so long, the spot just didn't make sense. Punch buggy, yea. But not bug. Of course, I could be interpreting this completely wrong and the concept's really about the relationship between a tsetse fly and the new Golf's TSI, whatever that is. Give it a watch and tell us what went on in that creative conference room when this thing was dreamed up.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 3-06    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

Marketers Could Learn From Microsoft iPod Re-Brand Spoof


OK, we're a few days late in sharing this but a spoof video showing how Microsoft would brand the iPod is hilarious, true and indicative of the horrific packaging and marketing most brands puke out of their verbal diarrhea spewing mouths. Give it a watch then show it to everyone in your company and watch them squirm as they embarrassingly acknowledge, "Uh, yea, we did that once too."

by Steve Hall    Mar- 3-06    
Topic: Brands, Opinion, Spoofs

MSNBC to Cancel Live Daytime Programming


AOL gossip site TMZ has learned...yes, they have LEARNED a crucial bit of seemingly earth shattering news: MSNBC will cancel all live, daytime programming and replace it with tapes shows. TMX reports, "High-level sources connected with the cable network also tell TMZ that MSNBC President Rick Kaplan will be booted from the network when his contract is up - within a year." With ratings in the dumper, the writing may be on the wall. Nighttime programming will remain unaffected.

UPDATE: MSNBC is now denying this story saying through a spokesperson, "This is ridiculous and is wrong on every level. MSNBC, which under Rick Kaplan has seen a real uptick in ratings of late, and is by definition a news channel, is not going to abandon live news."

by Steve Hall    Mar- 2-06    
Topic: Cable

Girl In Bed Wants Your Business


If you were a guy walking down the street and saw a girl/woman in vertical bed with the a headline over her that read, "Shop at Erawan Bangkok and spend two nights with...," what would you do? What would you think? Would you walk over and ask if you could crawl into the bed for a nooner or would you ask if her boyfriend had just kicked her out? Would you ask her if there was some new public sleeping trend you were missing out on? Girl in Bed Would you wonder why she had that headline over her head and was passing out fliers? Would you ask her how long the crazy ad agency that came up with this asked her to stand there as man-bait? Or, while we seem to doubt it, would you just walk buy and ignore it like you do with all other advertising?

by Steve Hall    Mar- 2-06    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Human, Outdoor, Strange

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