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Buzz-O-Phone Podcasts Brand Bitchfest, Buzz Marketers to Game System


Steve Rubel points to a brand's worst nightmare, Buzz-O-Phone, a service that collects opinions "about a product, service, brand or company? You know, something you either really, really love or really, really hate?" Basically, it's a centalized bitching center that converts the bitching into a podcast for the world to subscribe to making it even more difficult for brands to anachronistically attempt to control their message.

The service was created by Matt Galloway as a means to explore word of mouth. While some brands may initially suffer from pinheads who have nothing better to do in life than complain, it won't be long before brands in the know begin to game the system seeding it with oh-so-glowing commentary on their brand ot product.

by Steve Hall    Feb-20-06    
Topic: Online, Podcast, RSS, Trends and Culture, Word of Mouth

Magazine Ad Illustrates Wonderbra's Cleavage-Enhancing Qualities


Adverbox highlights a pretty inventive magazine ad for Wonderbra that interactively illustrates ehat a good bra can do for a woman's cleavage. See all the images here.

by Steve Hall    Feb-20-06    
Topic: Good, Magazine

Magazine Distributed Via Water Bottles


Boing Boing points to a story about a college student whose idea of placing a magazine in a removable label of bottles has gone into production. The student, Joanna Wojtalik came up with the idea to bypass traditional distribution channels and formed ModernMedia Concepts to bring her idea to life. The company's first magazine, iLove will be female focused and affixed to bottles of water sold in convenience stores, grocery stores and gas stationsaus throughout Australia.

by Steve Hall    Feb-20-06    
Topic: Magazine, Point of Purchase, Publishing

Mr Happy Crack Cracks Crack Joke


Flickr user Monkey River Town spotted this billboard on Highway 35 in White Bear lake, Minnesota. Crack masters The Crack Team, headed by Mr. Happy Crack claim "A dry crack is a happy crack." That's actually not true in every instance. See the full image here.

by Steve Hall    Feb-20-06    
Topic: Good, Outdoor

Park Pisser Pleads For Privy's


Proving there's a cause group for every single topic in the world, The Privy Group, with help from Saatchi & Saatchi has created an outdoor campaign which consists of a life-sized cut out of a guy taking a piss in various parks throughout New York City. Advergirl has the story.

by Steve Hall    Feb-20-06    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Outdoor

The King Puts On A Show, Offers His Meat


Advertising For Peanuts points us to yet another creepy Burger King commercial in which the King convinces is to sample his meat in a not so G rated manner. Crispin, if they are behind this as this is a UK spot, has truly taken the Burger King brand to new heights though we wonder if these height aren't moving them into the Hooters category of restaurant chain.

by Steve Hall    Feb-20-06    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Strange

Miller Hunts Down Those Who Use 'Fake' Email Addresses


Boing Boing points to an act of lunacy on the part of Miller Brewing which hunted down a person who used a throwaway email address to enter a contest the brewer was hosting so she could avoid future marketing messages from Miller. Apparently, Miller didn't like being tricked, found the user presumably through some sort of IP tracking and sent her this email which read, in part, "We have performed an electronic change of address to update our records so that we can continue to send you special offers, promotions and announcements via email." We'd like to speak with the person at Miller who actually wrote and/or approved this to se just what it's like to be so disrespectful to one's customer.

UPDATE: Ad-Verse takes a detailed look at this, offers more details on how Miller supposedly does this, why they do it and why he calls this crap sociopathic marketing.

by Steve Hall    Feb-20-06    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Online

Guatemala Is A Country, Not A Throw Away Brand Name


Just because the United States of America has a few perception problems in other parts of the world, doesn't mean the country should go and change it's name to something that exudes a friendlier perception. Just because everyone refers to Australia and "down under" doesn't mean the country should adopt that name. Just because Iraq caught some crap from the rest of the world, the country isn't running out to change it's name so we all think differently about it.

A county's name is steeped in history and isn't something to be toyed with like a brand name but that's what Al Ries would have us believe. Because Guatemala seems to be suffering some perception problems among the rest of the world's populace who don't realize it's the center of Mayan culture as opposed to Belize, El Salvador and Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula who've co-opted the culture, Ries, aside from disliking the country's new slogan, "Soul of the Earth," thinks the country should change its name to Guatamaya. Yea, you heard that right, Guatemaya. That's like calling Australia Kangaroo. Or Brazil Bootyville.

more »

by Steve Hall    Feb-20-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Opinion, Worst

Babies Come From Ladies According to 'Snuff Box' Promo


Rapping about babies and quirky coffee moments are the subject matter in two hilarious promotional commercials (1, 2) for BBC Three's new comedy sketch series Snuff Box. The series is written and performed by Matt Berry and Rick Fulcher. Since we don't live in England, we have no idea who these guys are but if their show is as funny as their promos, we're sure it'll get a few viewers.

by Steve Hall    Feb-20-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Online, Promotions, Television

Cold Weather, Frozen Door Lock, Pissed Off Owner, Funny Commercial


To introduce its New Megane and the vehicle's hands free key system, Renault has launched a commercial created by Publicis Net Paris that illustrates just how pissed off one can get when it's so cold the key won't fit into the door lock. This commercial makes getting your tongue frozen to a light pole child's play. The commercial is in French but it works in any language. To view the spot, go the the New Megane website, click the first link under "Entrer," wait an insufferably long time for the Flash site to load then click the image on the left hand side. Or, just use this direct link we just happily received.

by Steve Hall    Feb-20-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

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