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Town Sprayed With Scent to Attract Women


If you don't look closely while watching this tongue in cheek news reel about a female-deprived town in Alaska that scented itself aerially to attract women, you'll miss the fact it's a viral for Axe Deodorant. The clip is peppered with witty one liners and quips delivered non-chalantly and straight-faced making for, in our opinion, an effective piece of viral marketing.

by Steve Hall    Jun-29-05    
Topic: Viral

Trump Does Housework For All


Unilever has launched a site called Introducing Domestic Donald which features a cartoon body topped with Donald Trump's head. Spouting off Trumpy one-liners, The Donald wanders about a kitchen responding to requests to do the laundry, wash the dishes, prepare dinner, wash clothes and mop the floor. The whole thing's a sweepstakes offering for a "Luxury Weekend With Donald Trump" that requires the entry of a code found on stickers affixed to promotional packs of All detergent.

This is the kind of online promotion we like. Simple. Uncomplex. Moderately amusing. And quick enough to get through without having to waste too much time. And painless enough to be done with before becoming annoyed

by Steve Hall    Jun-29-05    
Topic: Celebrity, Creative Commentary, Online

Tats Cru Creates Second Hummer Graffiti Mural

Three Days to Defacement

In early June, professional graffiti artists Tats Cru created a mural for the new Hummer H3. Not long after it's creation, it was defaced as is standard practice when corporations usurp what is believed by many to be a non-commercial art form. Today, our pavement pounding press persona, Bucky Turco, stumbled upon another Tats Cru-created Hummer H3 mural on East 18th and First Avenue in Manhattan. Acknowledging the create/destruct relationship between cool-hunting corporations and graffiti purists, Turco said, "I give it a shelf life of under 3 days before it is defaced."

It's natural for graffiti purists to wash away corporate intrusion on their turf. However, it's going to be in interesting battle as more and more companies, such as Time, purchase space for commercial graffiti artists to tag. It's on thing to deface unappealing corporate graffiti on random,. unpaid surfaces. It's another to deface paid space. View three large images of the mural here.

by Steve Hall    Jun-29-05    
Topic: Outdoor

Ad-Free Gawker And Page Six Blogs Launched

An anonymous blogger has launched two Blogspot-hosted Blogger blogs. One steals Gawker's entire editorial content word for word. The other steals the Post's Page Six content. The only thing these two blogs leave behind are the ads. In an announcement email about the Page Six Blog, the emailer claiming to be "a v" wrote, "The idea of the NY POST becoming spam peddlers has forced us to create a blog to alleviate gossip hounds of any barriers to daily trash. We don't like registration gates and here is our method of bypassing them."

more »

by Steve Hall    Jun-28-05    
Topic: Weblogs

Speedy Stock Footage Preview Tool Launched

For those of you who have to slog through clip after clip of stock footage just to find the right nugget for your creative inspiration, you'll be happy to hear Thought Equity has released Speed View, a helpful feature on their website that shows full motion previews when the mouse is rolled over a still image in their clip gallery. Roll off the image, the preview stops. Roll back, it starts again. With 12 images per page, that's a lot faster than clicking and waiting for bloated video files to download and play. Check it all out here.

by Steve Hall    Jun-28-05    
Topic: Tools

Nike Apologizes For Stealing Minor Threat Album Art


In a letter sent yesterday from Nike to Dischord Records, whose Minor Threat album art they used for a skateboarding poster, apologized for their misjudgment, writing, "Because of the album's strong imagery, and because our East Coast tour ends in Washington DC, we felt it was a perfect fit. This was a poor judgment call and should not have been executed without consulting Minor Threat and Dischord Records." The full apology letter is over at Pitchfork and on the Nike site.

by Steve Hall    Jun-28-05    

Coke 'Chilltop' Celebrates 'Hilltop' In Cheesefest

Cheesy Chilltop Chillers

We knew this was coming though is it just us or does anyone else think CP + B's re-creation of the classic Coke Hilltop commercial, Chilltop, is a pretentious ball of cheesiness? We most certainly love CP + B and, granted, they aren't the one doing the singing but this is really bad. Apparently, there was something OK about a bunch of semi-hippie types banding together to save the world in 1971 but it just doesn't ring true in today's ironically post-ironic, cynically jaded culture. Perhaps we just can't get past white guys trying to sound black. Or ads that throw in the token black. Or the token cutie who whose sole purpose it to look cute, bat her eyelashes and start another fan blog.

Oh, don't listen to us. Come to think of it, the 1971 version is slathered with Whiz loads of cheese too. That said, remakes of anything, especially those referred to as "classic," are rarely a good thing.

by Steve Hall    Jun-28-05    
Topic: Commercials

Tom Cruise Movie Promotes Scientology


While we're all for co-marketing, marketing tie-ins and other forms of mutual backscratching, an Adrants informant points out the striking similarities between Tom Cruise's War of the World movie poster and Tom Cruise's...uh...we mean L. Ron Hubbard's book about Scientology. Coincidence or subtle bully pulpitting?

by Steve Hall    Jun-28-05    
Topic: Poster

Studies Suggest DVRs Not So Bad For Advertisers


Two recent studies of DVR usage point to potential advertiser benefits. an ESPN study found 85 percent of DVR households own just one DVR and 68 percent of DVR household viewing is done in front of the DVR-enabled television. Some believe this implies group and/or family viewing. MPG CEO Charlie Rutman commented to MediaPost on the study, saying, "I've felt for some time that in some respects, the DVR might actually encourage viewing, especially family viewing. When you think about it, the DVR becomes the media center of the household, and draws everyone to it."

Another study conducted by Frank N. Magid Associates found 55 percent of DVR users stop "on occasion" during fast forward to view a commercial. This leads some to believe all is not lost for the :30. The Magid study suggest agencies adopt alternative production techniques "with less cuts and stronger visual elements. Producers need to understand how each DVR system differs, such as how the fast-forward bar intrudes on the TV screen, and the impact it has on graphic placement."

by Steve Hall    Jun-28-05    
Topic: Television

Paris Hilton Spoof Vaults Recruitment Firm to National Fame

In true buzz marketing form, recruitment firm, Accolo, which created a spoof, called "rethink Recruiting," of the famous Paris Hilton Carl's Jr. commercial has seen itself catapulted into the national limelight. The firm will be featured on a segment of Good Morning America at 7:40 AM EST. The spoof has been viewed 1.5 millions times and will also be featured on A Current Affair, Entertainment Tonight, Tarrant on TV in the UK, Fuji TV in Japan and the Today Show in Australia. In addition to television coverage, the spoof has been covered on upwards of 1,000 weblogs as well as The New York Times, The New York Post, Star Magazine and the San Francisco Chronicle among others.

by Steve Hall    Jun-27-05    
Topic: Viral

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