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Woman Uses Website to Advertise For Husband

New Jersey native Blaire Allison wants to get married by the end of 2004 and she's using a website called Do You Know My Husband? and weblog to hunt for a husband. Allison, who is 27 and works in New York as an event planner and dating coach, launched her site on June 21 and has received hundreds of emails from men clamoring for her consideration as well as major press coverage from the likes of the New York Times and MSNBC.

She's looking for a man who is 25-31 who "should be honest, romantic, sensitive, creative, quirky, and of course good-looking! ** And he must be Jewish." While she claims not to be religious, she does want to keep with the her family's tradition. Allison has had over 55,000 visitors to the site since its launch, keeps a weblog detailing her dating experience with potential husbands and allows visitors to vote for their husband of choice.

by Steve Hall    Jul-14-04    

Claria and HP Launch Campaigns on Adrants

Behavioral targeting company Claria and computer equipment manufacturer HP have launched new ad campaigns here on Adrants. Claria is promoting it's database-based online marketing advertising system which reaches 43 million consumers and HP is promoting a new line of printers, called Designjet 130, specifically for art and creative directors. In the HP campaign, you can enter to win an office makeover and all kinds of tech toys. So if you are interested in more effectively reaching your target audiences online, check out what Claria has to offer here and if you want a printer that will blow the socks off you and your clients, enter to win a Designjet 130 here.

by Steve Hall    Jul-14-04    

Reebok Launches Female Focused Gen Y Site

Add this to the long line of niche specific websites Reebok's has created to communicate with it's various target audience segments. Created by Zugara and resembling a grown up Barbie site, Reebok Sweets is the first site geared specifically to the young female. With the tagline "eye candy for your feet," the site has a Fashion Show section where you can play dress up, a Collection section where you can check out the various shoe styles, a Sweets Match Up visual memory game and a Store Locator. There's also downloadable wallpaper.

Throughout the site are sound bites captured during the filming of a supporting television campaign which serve as information icons on the site. It's very cool but the background music, which is only about 10 seconds in length and plays over and over and over and over and over, could use a longer loop. And yes, I know how to turn it off so keep your comments to your self.

by Steve Hall    Jul-14-04    

Entrepreneur Positions Domain Name Sale As $40 Million Press Release

University Research Corporation President James E. Midkiff is selling openingpage.com in an elaborate money making scheme for ad agencies and clients. Purely on the perceived value of a press release headline that might read, "XYZ Corp Buys Opening Page To Internet For Cash And Stock With Potential Value Of 40 Million Dollars," Midkiff outlines how the sale of the domain in exchanged for an inflated stock price enable the buyer of the openingpage.com domain to see a return on $40 million in five to seven years. He also outlines how an ad agency could purchase this domain, resell it to a client and capitalize on an obscenely huge mark up.

Calling this purchase an asset to a company's balance sheet, Midkiff's logic assumes the value of owning this domain and promoting the purchase of the domain through PR will catapult the domain's owner into the limelight and increase its value exponentially. Of course this logic assumes that every recipient of this would be press release is an idiot and unable to see it for what it really is - another money grubbing, Florida-based, sleazy money making scheme. Or, the whole thing is a joke and I'm the idiot.

by Steve Hall    Jul-14-04    

Sachet Marketing Delivers Brands to Broad Audiences

Dubbed "Sachet Marketing" by TrendWatching, this marketing practice packages brands in small, affordable quantities making them available to a broader, lower income level consumer. Everything from cell phone minutes to small, tax deductible business loans to miniature washing machines to specially packaged laundry detergent are being marketed in bite-sized quantities which appeal to a broader audience than the same brands packaged in standard quantities.

Two new companies, Snap! International and Snap Pak have introduced small packaging for sachet marketers to sell their product in smaller quantities. As their names imply, the packaging snaps open rather than having to be ripped open as is the case with most other small product packaging. Brands can either package their own products or sign co-marketing deals to place their logo on the pachages of another company's product. It's not necessarily a new concept but with the fight to place a brand in front of a consumer's eyes, sachet marketing enables a form of mass marketing in an age of dwindling mass media channels.

by Steve Hall    Jul-14-04    

'2 Magazine' Launches For Couples

Canadian based 2 Magazine, a quarterly magazine for urban 25 to 34 year old couples, launched in March and is written for couples "entering life partnerships and forming new households." Articles include fashion, household appliances, travel, music, renovation, humor, career, house hunting, sex, cooking, cars, finance, decorating, parenting and health. It's a mouthful but living together is a big deal and 2 intends to be there to help.

by Steve Hall    Jul-14-04    

New Cell Phone Magazines Launch

Availing themselves of growing cell phone usage, three new magazines designed specifically for delivery via cell phone have just launched. Containing images and text, Whoopla! will deliver celebrity news and ROCsport.mob and RIENTO will provide sports news. Each of the cell phone mags will also allow its content to be used for personalization in the form of wallpaper, ring tones and photos. The magazines hail from the Sendandsee Group in Finland. Advertising is sure to follow.

by Steve Hall    Jul-14-04    

Viral Consultantcy ASABAILEY Launches in London

Cursor Minor

Asa Bailey, whose Viral Chart and Viral Awards celebrate the growing medium of viral marketing, has launched a viral consultancy called ASABAILEY. The independent consultancy will service clients in the advertising, media, PR, fashion and the music industry.

The consultancy is opening it's doors with 3 yet un-named clients and the independent music label Lo-recordings. Bailey says, "We are in talks with a top London PR agency to discuss viral work across their whole client base that includes one of the UK's leading highstreet fashion brands. And we are starting to work on a buzz marketing strategy for a luxury brand and a tobacco company, all through the above the line agencies. You can expect something sexy and very luxurious. And last but not least we are creating a viral music video to promote online music sales for our first music industry client www.lorecordings.com."

by Steve Hall    Jul-12-04    

Korean Boy Advertises His Urges

Apparently unable to get laid on his own, a 17 year old Korean boy has made his urges know by placing an ad on a South Korean auction site. He is offering his virginity to the highest bidder in a move that gives new meaning to the term "more bang for your buck."

by Steve Hall    Jul-12-04    

Winnebago Spokesman Freaks Out in Video

Uttering the word fuck more times that the average Sopranos episode, this spokesman, in a late 80's Winnebago promotional video, trys to hit his lines but just can't fucking get it. Over and over he fuckin' freaks out. Fuckin' funny. Fuckin' check out this fuckin' video you fuckers.

by Steve Hall    Jul-12-04    

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