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Clear Channel's KIOZ Replaces Stern With Mike Esparza

Following the Clear Channel/Howard Stern debacle, Clear Channel has slowly been filling the gaps left by the banning of Howard Stern on six of its radio stations. San Diego's KIOZ is the third Clear Channel station to announce a replacement for Stern's morning slot. This time it's Mike (Mickey) Esparza whose been in the San Diego market for a while and has had his own set of problems having been fired, targeted and smoked Marijuana on air. Mickey will debut on June 1.

by Steve Hall    May-17-04    

Old Lady Runs Over Two Hotties Advertising Car Wash

Whether it was pedophilia, age or just normal hormonal reaction, a 70 year old lesbian (ok, I made the lesbian part up) obviously distracted by the soap-covered, thong-clad bodies, drove into two 14 year old girls standing in the median strip advertising a fund-raising car wash. Apparently, another car got in her way and she swerved across the median, hitting one of the two girls. Whatever the cause, car washes and bikinis wreak havoc with traffic.

Both girls were hospitalized. One has been released and the other is in stable condition.

by Steve Hall    May-17-04    

Gillette Launches M3Power Razor Ad Campaign

The Gillette Company today introduced a new advertising campaign in support of its highly anticipated M3Power shaving system for men. The campaign includes television and print executions. Both emphasize the revolutionary nature of the new product. M3Power delivers gentle micro-pulses to the shaving cartridge that stimulate hair up and away from the skin to provide a closer and more thorough shave.

To underscore the revolutionary nature of the new product, the television spot features vibrant green, pulsing visual effects that dramatize M3Power's unique micro-power technology. The ad begins with images of powerful and mysterious green energy waves, which later fuse with the new shaving system. The energy waves are metaphors for the gentle micro-pulses inherent in Gillette's new M3Power. Oh, the blather we pump out in this biz.

Created in the style of a movie trailer, the spot emphasizes the product's May 24, 2004 availability date. The television creative incorporates the powerful "The Best a Man Can Get" tag line, as well.

The print execution also illustrates how the revolutionary razor's internal motor sends micro-pulses to the new, patented PowerGlide(TM) blades, resulting in the closest shave ever.

Developed by BBDO New York, the campaign includes a :30 television commercial and a print execution. Print advertisements will appear in magazines such as ESPN Magazine, Maxim, Men's Journal and Sports Illustrated beginning with June issues, while the television ad, which debuts on May 17, will appear on network and cable programming.

In addition, two NASCAR-themed ads featuring the Gillette Young Guns also are in development.

by Steve Hall    May-17-04    

MTV Launches 'Less Embarressing' Condoms

MTV in the U.K. has plans to launch a line of condoms that will be packaged in a way that is aimed to lessen the embarrassment of the whole "Excuse me, pharmacist, I have a big hard on and I really need to cover it - do you have any advice?" syndrome.

The line will also be sold at retail locations other than pharmacies only making the whole ordeal even more embarrassing when buying them from that hot highschool girl at the grocery cash register.

MTV International President Bill Roedy shares his painful past memories, "I can remember how awkward it was when I was young to buy condoms and I am not sure we have moved so far over the last 25 years. The idea is to try to take the embarrassment out of the purchase."

I don't think packaging is going to change a thing.

by Steve Hall    May-17-04    

Database Driven Behavioral Targeting Bests Other Online Efforts

Behavioral targeting has received a big stamp of approval this week. American Airlines and their agency, TM Advertising, discovered a behaviorally targeted ad campaign on WSJ.com was seen by 115 percent more business travelers who take one trip a year compared to that same demo seeing general run of site ads. Dynamic Logic found a 26 percent lift in message association and Revenue Science found the behaviorally targeted campaign to be 25 percent less expensive.

by Steve Hall    May-17-04    

Latinas Don't Want To Be Hot

A Labatt USA billboard in Phoenix with the headline "Finally. A cold Latina" has irked some in the Hispanic community. In an attempt at working with the stereotype of the hot Latina, the board, for Labatt's Tecate beer, caused alarm from Alternative Marketing Principal Lisa Uria who said, "Oh, my God. These stereotypes are so unfortunate. I think people have to be very aware of the sensitivity of their target audience. I think this really shows a lack of it. Latinas are very proud, intelligent and beautiful. For them to make this statement is very denigrating."

The "them" Uria refers to is Labatt USA/Mexican Brand Groups whose director of marketing, Victor Melendez said, politely acknowledging no one in America has a sense of humor anymore, "We have been very surprised by the reaction to our billboard campaign. We listen to our customers very closely and would never intentionally offend anyone nor disrespect the Mexican-American community. This billboard campaign was meant to be tongue-in-cheek and humorous. Thus far the majority of responses from the Hispanic community have been favorable, finding the ad clever and funny."

Thanks to Adrants reader Charley Brough for this one

by Steve Hall    May-17-04    

Hezbollah Spot Mirrors 'Passion' Trailer

A new television commercial which began airing a few days ago in Lebanon aligns coalition soldier's abuse of Iraqi prisoners to the harsh treatment of Jesus depicted in Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ." The commercial was made by Al-Manar, a Hezbollah satellite TV station, shows a coalition soldier kicking a prisoner and bursting into the home of an Iraqi family while "no mercy" and "no compassion" appear on the screen. Additionally, the soundtrack of the film plays in the background and an image of the hooded Iraqi prisoner is shown with wires attached to his arms. Not a pretty picture but not exactly unwarranted either.

by Steve Hall    May-16-04    

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