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Designers Go Hollywood For Spokesmodels

Entertainment Weekly reports Hollywood A-listers are back with designers for more spokesmodel duties. Following J. Lo's stint with Louis Vuitton, Hilary Swank will strap herself into Calvin Klein Sensual Support undergarments in a new campaign set to launch this Fall. Bodacious Scarlett Johansson will be seen in both a Calvin Klein fragrance campaign as well as a Loius Vuitton campaign. Also hanging with Vuitton will be "Troy" star Diane Kruger, Christina Ricci and Chloe Sevigny. Some will enjoy this trend of seeing their stars 24/7. Others will call it overload.

by Steve Hall    May-15-04    

The So-Called Naked Christina Aguilera Commercial

First it was thought Christina Aguilera was getting naked for a Virgin Mobile commercial apparently because she didn't want the film crew to see her naked. Then, it was determined she was not naked during the shoot but faking an orgasm Meg Ryan-style. Now that the commercial is completed, it's neither. She's not naked. She's not having an orgasm. But she is riding up and down on an office chair and those that can see her through a window think she's getting it on. Just another proof point most rumors are just that - rumors.

Now that we're done with the rumors, DMC is seeding this commercial virally in a pre-launch to an upcoming television airing of the commercial. The commercial, which ends in a media circus, promotes Virgin Mobile's "standard on-net 3p text tariff," whatever that is.

by Steve Hall    May-14-04    

'America Needs Dirt' And Cal Ripken Want You to Go Outside

In an offbeat campaign, a cause called America Needs Dirt compels us to get off our asses and get outside. Claiming Americans spend over 90 percent of their time indoors, six hours shopping and only 40 minutes per week playing with our kids. That's sad. So baseball legend Cal Ripken Jr. has teamed with America Needs Dirt to tell us to turn the TV off, turn the computer off, and get outside and roll around in the dirt. Spoof or not, it's a noble cause.

Of course to promote their cause they want you to sit down at your computer and pass a link on to your friends.

by Steve Hall    May-14-04    

Booth Babes Recruited For AD:Tech

With just week and a half to go until the San Francisco AD:Tech Conference, exhibitors are scrambling for hot women to stand in front of their booths to draw in conference attendees. While this tactic does drive traffic to a booth, every guy at the show will crowd these booths not because of what the exhibitor has to sell but to wag their tongues while viewing the massive display of cleavage. Here's one of several ads on Craig's list soliciting hotties:

"We are looking for two attractive, intelligent women to help with a marketing and promotional campaign for a revolutionary software company at a local show. Here is what we are looking for:

* Women who are extroverted (outgoing and tactful)
* Can talk to someone (and look interested while doing so) for a few minutes and convey a few simple business ideas about the company
* Be able to hand out an overview document on the company
* Be able to collect the persons business card

Time: 2 days @ $ / hour (rate depends on skills, but should be about $20)

Dates: 5/24/2004 - 5/25/2004

Location: San Francisco

Please send an email to XXX@yahoo.com with a bit about your background or a resume and a picture."

Mind you, I'm not against this tactic. In fact, I look forward to the cleavage-fest.

by Steve Hall    May-14-04    

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Skippy's 'Rasta-Phants' Groove For New Snack Bar

Jammin' to some serious reggae, a bunch of rasta-phants rap reggae to sell the new Skippy Snack Bar. Created by Skippy Peanut Butter�?s agency McCann Erickson New York and animated by Rhythm & Hues in Los Angeles, the campaign introduces the new faces and voices of Skippy in the form of a rasta band, appropriately named the "Nutshells." Comprised of five, hip elephants, including lead singer J'Phant, the cool DJ Dante and Kim, Z and Lala as back-up singers, these 'phants explain the goodness of the new bar.

One scene in this first ad is a bit weird though and makes you think of a scene in the old 80's flick "Caddyshack" when everyone freaks out because a candy bar falls into the pool and everyone thinks it's something much grosser than candy.

by Steve Hall    May-13-04    

Greenpeace Spoofs 'Day After Tomorrow'

The very green Greenpeace has its own version of Roland Emmerich's "The Day After Tomorrow." Using real images of earthly devastation rather than Hollywood manufactured ones, the organizations asks us to treat the movies scenario as very real.

by Steve Hall    May-13-04    

Beer and Breasts Featured in Breastfeeding Campaign

England's South Sefton Primary Care Trust, a health insurance company of sorts, is running a new ad campaign promoting the benefits of breast milk for babies. The campaign, "Pure Goodness on Draught," mirrors the "Guinness is Good For You" campaign. With the tagline, "The finest jugs of milk, only for kids," the campaign hopes to promote the healthy aspects of breastfeeding. While modeling a breastfeeding campaign after a beer campaign might be a questionable tactic, it's not so questionable when it's realized the campaign is targeted to me. Beer and breasts are certainly on the top on any man's list of interests.

Research has shown that apparently men have a great deal of input into whether or not their baby is breastfed. Either that or men just want any possible excuse to talk about breasts.

by Steve Hall    May-13-04    

UPN Undecided on 'Amish in the City'

While we'd love to watch five 18 year old Amish kids get shoved out of their cloistered Amish lifestyle and into the bright lights of the big city, UPN and others are not so sure we will get the chance. Many groups are calling the reality series, "Amish in the City," which will pair five Amish kids as they go through their "rumspringa" rite of passage with five "real world" kids, insensitive to the groups religious beliefs.

While we relish the chance to see the pairing of five trash mouthed real world kids with five kids with morals, we're going to have to wait until UPN announces their Fall 2004 programming line-up at their upfront presentation on May 20.

by Steve Hall    May-13-04    

New York Times to Launch Sunday Magazine Companion

The new York Times has announced a new Sunday magazine called T: The New York Times Style Magazine. It will publish eight times a year and replace the current Part 2 section of the original Magazine. Editorial will cover women's fashion, men's fashion, design, and lifestyle and entertaining trends.

by Steve Hall    May-13-04    

Google to Offer Banner Ads

In a shift from its text ad-focused approach to online advertising, Google will now offer its AdSense advertisers the ability to place banner ads as well as text ads on its contextual ad network. Four sizes will be offered that mirror sizes already in use for text-based ads making it very easy for publishers to incorporate the new ads into their site layout. Publishers can choose whether or not they want banners ads to appear in rotation with text ads.

by Steve Hall    May-13-04    

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