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Rick Bruner Launches Business Blog Consulting Weblog

Friend and partner, Rick Bruner has recently launched Business Blog Consulting, a weblog focusing on the compilation, review and commentary about weblogs with a business focus. Bruner, an author and Internet marketing consultant, is also launching consulting services for those companies interested in exploring and deploying weblogs as a tool for their business.

Organized into 20 categories, the Business Blog Consulting weblog reviews about five business weblogs each day providing those interested in blogging for business a compelling daily read.

by Steve Hall    Apr-19-04    

Marketers Follow Kids Desire For Money

A new study, entitled TNS Online Kids Report, reveals 66 percent of kids 6-14 think its important to have boat loads of money when you are an adult. Other findings from the study include seven year old boys believing having money is important, 75 percent of kids earn their own money doing chores and kids spend most their money on games.

Marketers are chasing these monied kids by spending 508 million of their own marketing dollars to reach kids using pre-teen magazines and kids television.

by Steve Hall    Apr-19-04    

Adidas in Trouble over 'Twat' Ad

Adidas is running a print ad that has angered some because of the copy contained in the ad. The ad features an image of an athlete with runner's thoughts placed over the image. Among the thoughts are, "Tonight Matthew, I'm going to be absolutely shagged" and "I need a dump." The offending line is, "What twat invented cobbles?"

Adidas has apologized but claims the phrases elude to the mindset of runners as they prepare for and compete in the London Marathon.

Thanks to Bill at ApeChild for the tip.

by Steve Hall    Apr-19-04    

Ad Age Agency Income Report States Revenue Up 3.4 Percent

Ad Age's annual Agency Report is out and reports U.S. agency and media revenue rose to $10.66 million. Media agency revenue was up 5.4 percent and agency revenue was up 3.4 percent.

by Steve Hall    Apr-19-04    

Jaguar Apologizes For Sex-Laced Promotion

Perhaps attempting to break out of its own stuffy British brand purgatory, Jaguar launched a direct mail campaign for its XK8 that included a letter sent to 35,000 in England laced with sexual innuendo. Unfortunately, one of the letters landed in the hands of a 14 year old girl whose Dad wasn't too pleased thinking it was from a pedophile.

Complaints where passed on the Britain's Advertising Standards Authority and is now being investigated. Jaguar has already reacted to the mistake and has sent out flowers, wine and chocolates to upset customers. Tomorrow's headline will be, "Bottle of Wine Finds Way to Three Year Old's Crib."

by Steve Hall    Apr-19-04    

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