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Comic Book Industry Gets Trade Association

As it says in this article, the reason you know pork is the other white meat and beef is for dinner is because of the trade organizations behind those entities and the huge budgets they spend on advertising. The usually under the radar comic book publishing industry has just announced a trade association of its own. Called the International Comic Arts Association, this group aims to give comic books a level of mass market notoriety on par with milk, pork and beef. Expect to hear a lot about comic books in the near future.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 5-04    

Boston Leverages Convention Ad Campaign to Boost City Image

The city of Boston will launch a large pre-convention ad blitz, called Celebrate Boston 2004, taking advantage of its unique position in the national spotlight. Boston is home to this Summer's Democratic national convention and permanent home of Democratic front runner John Kerry. The two biggest ad agencies are handling the work; Hill Holliday and Arnold Worldwide. Detailed campaign plans will be announced Monday but the campaign will appear both locally and nationally. For the local portion, agency services and well as media placement are being donated. Apart from media advertising, the campaign will also include many neighborhood festivals and concerts designed to distract residents from the fact that the entire city will basically be closed to them for the duration of the convention. If the Big Dig made Bostonian's commutes difficult, the Convention will render it nearly impossible. But it's all for the good of the city's national brand.

The campaign will highlight Boston's deep history including the Revolution and abolitionism as well as its position as a center of educational excellence, technological development and medical marvels. Former Boston Celtic Bill Russell will appear in ads and speak at planned campaign events. Boston Mayor Tom Menino appointed former venture capitalist Chris Gabrieli to over see the campaign's development. Boston, Hill Holliday and Arnold - this is your chance to kick ass. Don't let us down.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 4-04    

The Viral Charts Announces 2004 Viral Advertising Awards

UPDATE: While the event described below would surely have been interesting to attend, alas, it never occurred. But bigger and better this are coming on the viral front from these folks. Forgiving their "adolescent transgressions" for a moment, the future yields two new entities. The first, is the launch of a new viral marketing firm. Asa Bailey, founder of the Viral Chart has launched a viral consultancy called ASABAILEY. The independent consultancy will service clients in the advertising, media, PR, fashion and the music industry. The second, is a "grown up" relaunch of the Viral Awards. Events will be held in London and New York this fall and next spring. Additionally, the Viral Chart will also re-launch and to incorporate a tracking mechanism whereby advertisers interested in monitoring viewership of their viral campaigns can contract with the Viral Chart to track the campaign.

ORIGINAL POST: Sure to make Leo Burnett role over in his grave, viral ad agency The Viral Chart has announced its own Cannes Ad Fesitival, the 2004 Viral Advertising Awards. The event takes place June 20-26 at Cannes Beach. I've been invited to go, and I would, but unless someone pays my way, I'll be vicariously watching from the posh headquarters of Adrants.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 4-04    

Skechers Does James Bond Does Jet Li

by Steve Hall    Apr- 4-04    

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