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Ad Age Report: Magazine Circulation Plummets

Magazines have seen a 70 percent decline in newstand sales. Read Ad Age's Special Report: Circulation Solutions, an in-depth look at the state of magazine publishing affairs.

by Steve Hall    Mar-16-04    

MPG For Sale Yesterday But Not Today

Oh, those acquisition rumors. Don't you love them? Yesterday, the New York Times reported Havas media services agency MPG had received an offer for a 49 percent stake in the company. Well, today, it's all being denied.

"We've had no offer" for MPG, said Havas spokesman Simon Gillham, and clarifying, "absolutely none of MPG in any form, whole or tiny parts, is for sale" because "it's part of our core business."

Havas has had some financial turbulence lately reporting some losses last quarter and perhaps wants to keep rumors quite even if there's a chance they may be true. It's so easy to plant a story and then deny it and you never really now what's true until after it's all done.

by Steve Hall    Mar-16-04    

Japanese Ad Campaign Encourages Better Manners While Smoking

While Japan is far from being as uptight about smoking as those in America are, Japan Tobacco Inc. has launched an ad campaign urging consumers not to quit but to be more considerate. Instead of discussing the health issues surrounding the death sticks, the campaign carries copy such as, "The hand holding a lit cigarette is the same height as a child's face." Hmm, so it's OK to suck down that nicotine, just don't burn a kids face off while you are doing it.

by Steve Hall    Mar-16-04    

Puritanical Insanity Waning Already, CBS Won't 'Boob-Delay' Final Four

Less than two months after the breast baring even that sent the nation into a puritanically conservative spiral, CBS, the network that started it all, is getting back to reality and won't use a 10-second delay during the NCAA Final Four tournament.

The New York Times had originally quoted a source over at CBS, Martin Franks, who said the network would add a delay. He was corrected by his PR spokesman Dana McClintock who said, "A CBS executive overstated the company's position. The network will not be delaying any of the games." Get your story straight guys.

by Steve Hall    Mar-16-04    

England's Channel Four Ad Pokes Fun at America's Puritanical FCC

In this commercial for Channel 4 in England, television stars are asked what there favorite swear words are...and to say them. So in a sort of FCC FU homage, this ad has more cuss words in it than Tony Soprano gets out during an entire season of "The Sopranos."

If you want your TV uncut, Channel 4 is the place to go. If you live in America, you're out of luck.

by Steve Hall    Mar-15-04    

Comedy Central Uses Apple iPod Commercial Theme For Promo

Comedy Central is running an iPod style commercial for its upcoming Redneck Weekend. Featuring good 'ol banjo music and country boys woopin it up, the spot is complete with our favorite cultural redneck moment: the Howard Dean scream.

by Steve Hall    Mar-15-04    

Saturn Gets Pummeled, Makes Great Commercial

In this commercial for Saturn, all kinds of items are hurled at its plastic body in a rhythmic form that creates a nice little tune and demonstrates Saturn's relative indestructability. One of the more amusing spots out there. View spot here.

by Steve Hall    Mar-15-04    

Media Agency MPG Has Received Acquisition Offer

The Wall Street Journal is reporting today that Havas media agency MPG has received an offer to acquire 49 percent of the company which has been valued at $150 million. Sources and suitors are, as yet, un-named. Read the story here if you have a WSJ subscription or read it at MediaPost if you do not.

by Steve Hall    Mar-15-04    

'Martha Stewart Living' May Change Name to 'Everyday Living'

Hardly one to live an "everyday life," Martha Stewart or, rather, her company, has applied for a trademark on the name "Everyday Living" most likely to separate itself from the famous homemaker when she heads to the slammer.

by Steve Hall    Mar-15-04    

Paris and Nicole Prepare For 'Simple Life 2'

Celebutantes Nicole Ritchie and Paris Hilton are off on their 30 day ride across the country in a pink pick up and silver trailer.The premise of the series has the two crossing country from Miami Beach to Beverly Hills with stops along the way to act stupid and make fun of locals.

In the eight episode series, the two will make the trip with no money, no credit cards and no (oh my God) cell phones. They will stop in several towns along the way, stay with different families and hold various jobs. All for our voyeuristic amusement.

Following this, we might see a more mature Hilton emerge. Paris says she's tiring of the party circuit saying it's not that much fun to go out anymore and she also wants us to know she's really not the bimbo we've all portrayed her to be saying, "People who don't know me or haven't met me they'll assume she's spoiled or this or that. That's what people will think because of where I come from. Every time I meet someone or people talk to me, they're like 'You're completely the opposite of what I thought. You're so sweet.'" Well, Paris, I'm happy to meet you whenever you are.

by Steve Hall    Mar-14-04    

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