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Fefe Dobson Gleans Success From Viral and Online Marketing

Singer-songwritwer Fefe Dobson went from obscurity to a top ten artist on MTV's TRL in less than two months with the help of some smart online and viral marketing. 360 Youth helped the singer get in front of teens and college students with in-school promotions, database marketing, catalog marketing, a contest and email marketing.

by Steve Hall    Jan-12-04    

Miller Considers Branded TV Show For Miller High Life

Miller Brewing Co., along with its agency, Wieden & Kennedy and agency's production house, Radical Media, are considering the adaption of it High Life ad campaign to use as a TV show, possibly called, "The High Life." Wieden will create and write the show and it may go into production in February.

The currently running ad campaign, which has resonated successfully with the target group, has helped stem a downward curve in sales that has gone on for 20 years. Whether this success of the campaign can be translated into a successful television show is anyone's guess but Miller and Wieden are to be lauded for their efforts in experimenting with new forms of advertising.

by Steve Hall    Jan-12-04    

'Human Billboard' Planned in Support of Martha Stewart

SaveMartha.com will be out in force to support queen Martha outside her trial on January 20. The group had planned to buy a billboard in Times Square with the headline, "If the Stock Sale Was Legit, You Must Acquit, " but the price was too steep. The group will, instead, create a "human billboard" by holding signs, wearing aprons and waving kitchen utensils.

by Steve Hall    Jan-12-04    

Big Media Still Don't Get It

Diane Mermigas in her Mermigas in Media column gives a massive run down on the Citigroup Smith Barney annual media conference and notes that many media giants still are resistant to the changing media landscape.

However, too many media companies and executives are content with simply acknowledging or dismissing the threat and challenge of video-on-demand, personal video recorders, intellectual property piracy, commercial ad skipping and anything else that smacks of a new competitive landscape that further fragments and even alienates viewers and advertisers.

by Steve Hall    Jan-12-04    

Ill Spent Money on Bad Advertising Slogans

In his Ad Age column this week, Al Ries wonders why Tyson foods spent $40 million on an ad campaign with the tagline, "It's what your family deserves." He claims it, and most other ad taglines, simply do not speak the language that people speak. It's analogous to quotes you see in articles that are clearly lifted directly from press releases. Real humans are not the source for those quotes. A public relations press release writer is responsible for stuffing those in-human pontifications in said quoted human's mouth. Most ad slogans are meaningless and connote nothing about the brand. Of course, if you spend a lot of money like Coke and Nike, you can say whatever you want because those brands just buy their way into your brand psyche.

by Steve Hall    Jan-12-04    

Brands Get Free Play in Billboard Top 20

On her Whatsnextonline blog, B.L. Ochman points to Lucian James' Agenda American Brandstand, a service that tracks the number of brand mentions in the Billboard Hot 100. Top mentioned brands in 2003 include Mercedes, Cadillac, Prada, Nike, Cristal, Hennessy, K-Mart and Timberland.

by Steve Hall    Jan-12-04    

Consumers Become Producers in the New Media World

Doc Searls writes of the scenario now being enabled by Apple which will turn consumers into producers and forever shift the method through which consumers consume and producers produce. At the recent Macworld show, Steve Jobs introduced a product called GarageBand, which is basically a production studio in a box, complete with electronic producer and sample music tracks, that,along with other applications, Doc Searls thinks will radically alter how entertainment in produced.

What Apple's doing with 'i' apps like GarageBand isn't about the computer industry; it's about the entertainment industry. That industry lately has become vigilant about threats from its customers, which it still thinks of as consumers. Instead it should be watching how Apple transforms those consumers into producers. Because the next challenge will be finding ways to turn those producers into partners. The old gig is up. They'll never be just 'consumers' again

Dan Gillmor has similar thoughts and touches on how MoveOn.org and others have capitalized on "democratized" the creation of marketing.

Sick of Britney Spears? Check out bandyou'veneverheardof.com. Hate reality TV? Go to juliemakestvshows.com. Given the right tools and the Internet as a publishing platform, scenarios such as those Searls and Gillmor allude to could certainly become reality.

by Steve Hall    Jan-11-04    

Jessica Simpson in Marketing Deal With Clean Perfume

The beautiful Jessica Simpson has signed a deal with Randi Shinder, founder of Clean perfume, to create a line of lickable fragrances called Dessert. I don't know who would actually want to lick perfume but the New York Post wonders if Dessert will come in "Buffalo wings" or "Chicken of the Sea" flavor. I hope the obvious advertising headline, "Lick me, baby," is left on the wall in the creative conference room.

by Steve Hall    Jan-11-04    

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