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Jessica Simpson May Become Chicken of the Sea Spokesperson

Yesterday, tuna-fish challenged Jessica Simpson was spotted touring the Chicken of the Sea plant and the company would like her to become their advertising spokesperson. Apparently, Chicken of the Sea wants to clear up any misunderstanding about what exactly Chicken of the Sea is.

"We wanted to bring her down and make sure she understood the difference, and told her the story of how the brand name originated," Chicken of the Sea senior vice president of marketing Don George said Monday. He said he would love to talk with Simpson about her becoming a company spokeswoman.

Maybe Jim Perdue should invite Jessica to appear in commercials with him so she can finally imprint the differences between chicken and tuna inside that fog filled head of hers. The breast jokes alone would be worth it.

by Steve Hall    Oct-21-03    

Quiznos Launches Another Spot From Left Field

Mmm...Tastes Good

Sandwich chain Quiznos has launched another strange commercial this time involving a man sucking the nipples of a wolf. In the spot, two guys sit on a bench eating lunch. The guy eating the Quiznos sub wonders why the non-Quiznos sub eating guy hasn't heard of the new Philly Cheesesteak asking, "What, were you raised by wolves?" Cut to visual of non-Quiznos sub guy laying next to a baby wolf and suckling mommy wolf's nipples. It sure grabs the attention but is it really a visual you want in your head when you walk into a Quiznos?

by Steve Hall    Oct-20-03    

Razor Publisher Richard Botto Says 'Metrosexuals' Just Good Old Gentlemen

Razor Magazine Publisher Richard Botto, in perhaps one of the best comments on the current "metrosexual" craze, sets the record straight and says a "metrosexual" is simply a new fangled term for what has always been known as a gentleman.

"Catchy marketing word aside, metrosexuality is just an extension of what people used to call a gentleman, says Botto in his publishers column this month." A style that appeared to have gone out of style but is making a comeback in a big, manicured way. It's about men being men, secure with themselves, flaunting their masculinity through individuality instead of simply emulating a stereotype. Call it the furthering evolution of the alpha male. Surely, women must be rejoicing. Because although you may hear about them wanting the pretty boy or the bad boy, at the end of the day when the lights are low, truth be told, they don't want a boy at all, they want a MAN."

Botto is refreshingly correct here and debunks the current Madison Avenue craze towards catering to this audience as if it where something new. That's not to say there's not a new market here. It's a welcome sign to see men become men again countering the sensitive idiot streotype they seem to have been stuck with for the past decade or so.

by Steve Hall    Oct-20-03    

Financial Times Promotes Self, Creates World's Largest Newspaper

To promote itself, the Financial Times is in the process of adorning Hong Kong's newest and tallest skyscraper, Two International Finance Center, with a 60,000 square foot wrap. The wrap will cover the north and east side of the 88-story tower and contain paid ads. Mediaedge:cia created the concept.

by Steve Hall    Oct-20-03    

Monster Truck Gets Toppled, Bankers Beg For Business

Take That Fat Wheels!

However unlikely, a new spot showing the Toyota Tacoma pick up truck stopping a monster truck dead in its tracks is very hilarious. Also this week from Ad Age's TV Spots of the Week are a spot from Delta Dental illustrating in a unique way the health insurer's specialization on dental coverage, the Cat in the Hat makes a promotional appearance in a spot for P & G, Sprint gets sloppy for their camera phones, a married couple finds reconciliation using AT&T Wireless text messaging, Smirnoff encourages us to forget the ice and to top off the glass, Staples promotes multiple check out lines to crazed shoppers and bankers drool for business on behalf of LendingTree.com.

by Steve Hall    Oct-20-03    

Guys Stuffs Hanger Down Throat For Free Mobile Airtime

Gulp. I Want My Minutes

Here's another hilarious U.K. ad for Virgin Mobile. Like the very bendable gymnastics babe that flitted about a Virgin Records store offering up a certain desirous body part hoping to lure an unsuspecting clerk into giving her free airtime for her Virgin Mobile phone, a dude now stuffs a hanger down his throat for the same.

As the spot ends, the announcer reveals a much simpler means to getting the free airtime. Thanks to Viralmeister for the link.

by Steve Hall    Oct-20-03    

'Skin' Doesn't Show Skin or Promise

No Skin. No Good

MediaLife writer A.J. Livsey doesn't like the new FOX show Skin saying, "The show wouldn't be terrible if the hype hadn't killed its chances before it began. The title does less to capture any envelope-pushing situations and more to address the shallow premise of the drama. Even if the idea is accepted initially, it's unclear how Fox can maintain the storyline beyond the first couple of episodes. Can the Romeo and Juliet conflict persevere for an entire season? How many times can the DA try to bring one company down? It�s unlikely that the story can remain engaging."

Bummer. I was looking forward to watching it. Ron Silver I can do without but Olivia Wilde is an actress I could watch for a while. Of course, I say that witout ever having seen her act. The series premiers tonight at 9PM EST so I'll know soon enough.

by Steve Hall    Oct-20-03    

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