How Poor or No Digital Marketing Can Impact Your Growth?


There's no denying that the world today is most appealed with the convenience of accessing almost anything through gadgets. There's even been a rumor that credit cards can now be put on our wrists for faster transactions by just a simple swipe in a machine!

The latter might be an exaggeration for the near future, but the truth in the world evolving to digital counterparts has already been evident. In the commerce department, relying on strategies using technological tools is vital nowadays. The question is, is there a chance of them backfiring on a business or a company?

Applying the principles of digital marketing is beneficial to any type of business. When done with proper measure, it can go a long way to skyrocket. In contrast, declining the importance of this type of marketing in this highly digital era can hurt business growth.

Netiquettes are user-centered in the first place. It is with the right hands you can use the media and the internet to your advantage. To do this, let's discuss what makes up poor digital marketing afterward, the do's to make it more effective than ever:
Poor Digital Marketing Described

No motivation for ROI

Startups usually begin with the pressure of keeping up with fierce competitors who are already "in the game". Having a low budget and lack of background is like adding gasoline to the fire especially when we want results right away. However, the rule of the thumb in any facet of life is that you cannot shortcut your way to success.

Business starters often find themselves fearful of risking the capital they currently have. This demotivates the power of return on investment. Although this is true, the other side of the coin shows how others trust too much too soon in low-budget tools but are non-quality and disposable, in a sense. Unfortunately, there are a lot of click baits and false advertisements all over the internet.

For example, in Australia, investment scams topped the list of categories by the amount lost. Australian businesses reported over $14 million in losses due to payment redirection scams last 2020. This shows that it's not only the resources that are important but more importantly on how they will be securely allocated.

What to do? Invest for the long run. To maximize digital tools in marketing, research for blogger outreach services as this helps optimize your website to search engines through competitive link building.


Don't also shy away with local influencers, sustainability, and automation. Make use of a third-party tool such as the E-signature guide to reduce time and cost for more traceable, time-stamped, and more secure signatures and seals. These things are worthy of the pennies that can guarantee a return of investment.


Ambiguous Goals and Objectives

Concerning tools and resources, businesses must always have a clear direction of their goals. Otherwise, they invite possible losses when the time comes. For example, an unrealized target market results in actually losing potential customers.

Business goals must always come from a place of innovation and it includes the foundation on how to market those goals. The last thing we want for a brand is to blend into the background with less engagement to the market.

Setting the brand elements is ought to be purposeful and be directed to the service you want to deliver. Occasionally, businesses undergo a series of goal revisions after the other over time depending on what circumstances ask for.

It can be an evaluation of profit margins, desire to keep current and prospective customers, expansion of locations, closing a deal with a bigger client or company, and many more.

Establishing your presence online is also among the top requests of startups and it begins with aligning the goals with the business.

Confined Usage of Social Media

By the tips of your fingers, social media can be a handy tool in marketing. However, it can also be a handful if overly used within a short period. We don't want you to be in line with those annoying advertisements or spam online.

As a netizen, we should know by now that there is less chance for a user to visit a website or purchase a product that he sees everywhere every time. This common propaganda technique of repetition has been cliche and we wouldn't want to cheapen your brand to the clients.

What to do? Regulate BUT moderate social media posting, instead. Your presence online is still important. Setting the schedule of your posts keeps the audiences engaged and look forward to what else is there for them, at the same time.

There were also lots of platforms to use, so don't confine your presence to a single platform. Upon exploring, you may also consider SEO ranking through these other places and start your baby steps to social media marketing.

Misleading Content or Messages

A surefire trust-breaker for customers and potential clients is misleading content. Your messages reflect the stand of your brand. This is something that should be authentic and consistent as it relates to what the audiences take your brand for.

Besides, the kind of service they experience from your business is telling. For example, your ad says that you value your client's time, but when they ask for assistance, they receive no response from your end.

What you try to market through your slogans and campaigns should coincide with the customer experience. This is the ultimate gateway to building customer trust and loyalty.

What to do? Be consistent in marketing the message that the brand stands for. Focus on the feature your brand best cater to.

Weak Support of Branding Focus

You may have had a wide range of social media platforms. But why doesn't it seem to stand out from the market? Malfunctioning sites, broken links, misused hashtags, poor engagement online, outdated ideas and visuals, and not using SEO in marketing can be some of the many culprits to blame.

These are all factors to consider in defining what matters most to customers. Taking advantage of the tools for the target audience goes hand in hand with optimization. This will help keep the business up in the competition in the market, find new leads, and influence their purchasing decisions.

Social media tools also help build visual and tangible evidence to support the brand. If not, customers might see some irrelevance of the content to the business itself.

What to do? Emphasize brand identity at all times. Customers appreciate extended service and they often associate these impactful experiences to the brand identity. Some businesses ask for feedback from the customers to better serve them in the future.

Final Words

Making the most out of your digital resources strengthens your brand effectiveness. How does poor digital marketing affect your growth? Most likely can give you more setback than a return on investment.

Continuous reflection of your goals and objectives may clarify a lot of where to put the priorities. Put customer's needs in your best interest and let them keep in touch with you through your service.

Little could you realize, their loyalty helps market your brand, too. Moreover, business growth could be on the horizon in no time.

by Steve Hall    Jan-31-22   Click to Comment   
Topic: Online   
