7 Emerging Advertising Strategies for 2019


Consumers never see the process, only the end results, but marketers are always busy finding marketing moves that align with current trends. As 2019 slowly rolls around, it's time to ramp up your advertising methods to meet your marketing goals.

Although 2019 is a new year, some 2018 marketing trends haven't yet lost their value and can still be applied. Marketing professionals must consistently find ways to seamlessly and effectively integrate new trends with existing trends. Since technology is constantly and rapidly growing, new consumer opinions and new laws and regulations must be considered while implementing strategies.

When considering new marketing strategies to implement in 2019, marketers pay attention to upcoming trends and government regulations. It isn't too early to figure out which marketing tactics to implement right away in the new year. We have compiled a list of the top trends to utilize in the coming year.

Video and Native Marketing

With popular platforms like YouTube, Vine, and Netflix, video advertising is more popular and growing every day. From placing product ads before, after and during your favorite videos, brands are now moving more towards native marketing.

Companies are looking to make product and brand marketing less obvious by meticulously integrating it into regular video content. The strategies of native marketing simply combine product marketing with regular video to an effect that blurs the line between the two. Companies look to collaborate with online influencers and video creators and include those videos on social as media.

Marketing Automation With AI

More companies are taking on automation to reach consumers and are achieving it with artificial intelligence (AI). AI uses automation to analyze large amounts of information and utilize the results to establish marketing strategies without additional assistance.

More marketers are using AI to implement marketing strategies in day to day processes of businesses because AIs handle this better than humans. AIs include customer profiling to track customer activities, chatbots to keep up with consumer engagement and tracking performance to establish marketing campaigns. AIs are well equipped to handle this level of high demands in 2019.

Reputable Content and Influencer Marketing Over Traditional Advertising

In recent years, we've seen the growth of utilizing reputable influencers and bloggers in marketing products and bringing awareness to brands. As more people disregard traditional ads through ad blockers, companies look to other sources of internet advertisement.

Using influencers for marketing means companies utilize someone who has already established a strong following of people who trust their recommendations. This doesn't mean traditional advertising is dead, marketers are now better capable of properly placing them in the right place to provide value. More marketing opportunities are given to influencers who are capable of using their platform of followers for high retention.

Electronic Communication Preferences

Taking the time to truly understand your customers and fully knowing their communication preferences goes a long way in business. Consumers expect companies and brands to do their due diligence in communicating with their customers and potential consumers.

As companies learn communication styles and platforms of customers, they essentially learn consumer language and learn to communicate with them more efficiently. Analysts predict that a staggering amount of searches will be conducted via voice search by the year 2020. The current generation of technology users is using more of it for even the most basic everyday needs and companies need to play to this.

Web Video Advertising

It has been proven that more people are spending more time online with platforms like YouTube and other video platforms. By 2019, the amount of time audiences spend on the internet watching videos is expected to match hours spent watching television. Because the amount of time audiences spend watching mobile video is set to increase, more companies are using this to their marketing advantage. We've already started seeing a trend of companies spending less money on traditional television advertising and more on mobile video advertising.

Live Video

Along the lines of mobile video, studies show that live video usage by those with strong followings is expected to increase. With platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram, a significant amount of users tune into live video streams daily. With this upward increase, more consumers admit to being more likely to purchase tickets to attend an event after tuning into a live stream of a similar event. Live video streams allow companies and users to gather polls, provide information and answer questions in real time. This includes presenting information for a product or brand as a form of marketing.

Social CEOs and Transparency

Gone are the day's consumers make blind purchases and know nothing about the behind the scenes show. Today and in the coming future, consumers are more like to make purchases upon feeling a connection to CEOs and executive decision makers. When consumers meet company decision makers, the company or brand tends to carry a better reputation and trust. More CEOs and executives are showing their face by utilizing overall media to be more active and engaging. This growth strategy has been proven effective.

These are some of the top advertising trends that are proven to be the most effective in 2019. It isn't too early to start as staying ahead of the game is a sure way to kick-start your marketing strategies on the right foot.

This guest article was written by Jacob McMillen, Marketing Consultant at Consulting.com

by Steve Hall    Oct- 4-18   Click to Comment   
Topic: Opinion   
