Man Who Bought Promoted Tweet to Shame British Airways Spent $1,000


You've got to be pretty pissed off to spend $1,000 on a Promoted Tweet just because an airline lost your bags for a couple of days. But that's exactly what Husan Syed did when British Airways lost his father's bags on a recent flight.

Syed went on a Twitter rant earlier this week after the airline lost his father's bags. In addition, Syed purchased promoted tweets to the tune of $1,000.

But, late yesterday, as promised, Syed revealed his spend of $1,000 and metrics which show the spend garnered 76,800 impressions and 14,600 engagements.

One of his tweets, "I Can Haz My Baggage," garnered 45 retweets and 37 replies with an engagement rate of 18.7%

Here he reveals the performance of his top tweets;

His efforts landed him an interview on CNN. Not bad for $1,000.

by Steve Hall    Sep- 4-13   Click to Comment   
Topic: Social   
